Zgodilo se je veliko, zaupati pa vam moram dve glavni stvari, ki sta moj teden popolnoma obrnili na glavo in nazaj! :)
Včeraj sem imela namreč zadnji izpit na faksu (študiram matematiko) in sem ga opravila! Tako zelo zelo zelo sem vesela, saj sem se ta štiri leta res veliko učila in se je splačalo! =D Sedaj me čaka samo še zaključni, diplomski izpit in zagovor diplomskega dela, ampak najprej si nameravam pošteno odpočiti. ;)
A lot happened to me lately, but I would really like to share two huge things that turned my week on the head and back again! :)
Yesterday I had my last exam at college (I study maths) and I passed it! I'm sooo sooo sooo happy because I studied so hard for four years and it's worth it! =D Now there is only my final degree exam and the presentation of my diploma, but I will rest a bit before I do that. ;)
Naslednja stvar pa je ravno tako nora - zmagala sem super giveaway!! :D
Karin z bloga Polish Pig je super! Nagrada vsebuje 6 Isadora Graffiti lakcev, ona pa mi je poslala še veliko ostalih luštnih stvari! =) Najbolj smešno pri vsem tem pa je, da me zdaj ni doma in me ne bo nazaj še cel teden, ravno danes pa so prispeli te čudoviti lakci. Vseeno sem čisto navdušena, zato sem prosila atija, če mi jih lahko fotografira. :) Sedaj lahko tudi jaz samo občudujem te čudovite fotografije... Kaj pravite, ali se ni ati super izkazal? =D Ati, HVALA! =)
Zdaj pa... Itak, komaj čakam, da pridem domov. :D
And the next thing is so crazy too - I won a great giveaway!! :D
Karin from Polish Pig blog is so nice! The prize I won were 6 Isadora Graffiti nail polishes, but she sent me a lot of other goodies too! Thank you very much, sweetie! *huuugs* The funny thing is that I am not at home and I will be away for a whole week and the polishes arrived today. But I was still very excited and I asked my dad if he can make some photos of those beauties and I just have to share them with you! He did an amazing job, didn't he? =D
Karin, I want to thank you again for making my last days of studying much more bearable! And now I just can't wait to come homeeeee! :D