Imam kar precej fotografij manikur, ki jih še nisem uspela objaviti. Mogoče bodo komu prišle prav, zato jih bom objavila v nekaj sklopih. Če vas kakšen izmed lakec posebej zanima, me povprašajte in vam bom v komentarjih rade volje odgovorila. :)
I have tons of photographs of manicures that I haven't published yet and I wore them in the past. I hope someone might find them useful and that's why I will publish them in few parts. If you need more information about particular polish, please ask and I will gladly answer on all your questions in the comments. :)

Joy - 389

Catrice - From Dusk to Dawn

Catrice - Let's Mauve On!

Catrice - London's Weather Forecast

Catrice - London's Weather Forecast, China Glaze Wireless Holographic Top Coat

Barry M - Pure Turquoise, Franky - Frozen

Franky - Birthday Absinthe

Franky - Birthday Absinthe

Franky - Rainy Afternoon

Franky - Rainy Afternoon, China Glaze - TTYL

Essence - Metal Battle

Essence - Metal Battle, China Glaze - Awaken, Glitzy - Aqua Sparkle

Essence - Metal Battle, China Glaze - Awaken, Glitzy - Aqua Sparkle

Miss Sporty - 150

Bourjois - 9

Bourjois - 9

Sinful Colors - See You Soon

Sinful Colors - See You Soon

Sinful Colors - See You Soon

H&M - Grey

H&M - Grey

H&M - Light Purple

SNC - Glitzer Dunkelrot

SNC - Glitzer Dunkelrot

SNC - Glitzer Dunkelrot

Deborah - 100% mat 02