Tu je nekaj swatchev mojih najljubših šimrastih rdečih odtenkov, ki so čudoviti in hkrati primerni za božične manikure. Njihova skupna lastnost je tudi ta, da so zelo prekrivni in bi pri večini skoraj zadostoval že en sam sloj, vendar vedno nanesem vsaj dva.
Here are some swatches of my favorite shimmery red nail polishes which are gorgeous and very suitable for Christmas manicures. The next thing they all have in common is that they are very opaque, so I could almost get away with one coat of each. Still I always use at least two.
Here are some swatches of my favorite shimmery red nail polishes which are gorgeous and very suitable for Christmas manicures. The next thing they all have in common is that they are very opaque, so I could almost get away with one coat of each. Still I always use at least two.
Zgoraj in spodaj: Essence Once Upon a Time, dva sloja.
Up and down: Essence Once Upon a Time, two coats.

Zgoraj in spodaj: Feicai - 39, dva sloja.
Up and down: Feicai - 39, two coats.

Zgoraj in spodaj: Kleancolor - Metallic Red, dva sloja.
Up and down: Kleancolor - Metallic Red, two coats.
Spodaj: Essence - Hypnotic Poison, dva sloja.
Down: Essence - Hypnotic Poison, two coats.

Zgoraj in spodaj: Nicole by OPI - OMB!, dva sloja.
Up and down: Nicole by OPI - OMB!, two coats.

Zgoraj in spodaj: Carrefour - 072, dva sloja.
Moj najljubši, dobila sem ga namreč za darilo iz Pariza.
Up and down: Carrefour - 072, two coats.
This one is my favorite one, I got it as a present from Paris.

Nisem se še čisto odločila, katerega izmed njih bi nosila za božič. Imate kakšen predlog? :)
I haven't decided which one to wear for Christmas yet. Which one do you suggest? :)
I haven't decided which one to wear for Christmas yet. Which one do you suggest? :)