Raggio di Luna me je spet presenetila! =) Tokrat je bil paketek presenečenja, ki mi ga je poslala, veliko veliko večji! Raggio, zlata si, HVALA!!! =))
Raggio di Luna surprised me again! =) This time she sent me a lot bigger surprise package! Raggio, you're the sweetest, thank you again! =))
V tem postu ne bom veliko napisala, bo pa zato ogromno fotografij. Uživajte! =)
I will not write much more, but you will see some serious photo overload! Enjoy! =)
Raggio di Luna surprised me again! =) This time she sent me a lot bigger surprise package! Raggio, you're the sweetest, thank you again! =))
V tem postu ne bom veliko napisala, bo pa zato ogromno fotografij. Uživajte! =)
I will not write much more, but you will see some serious photo overload! Enjoy! =)
Potem sem šla pripravljati solato za kosilo in šok - duochrome je pri odtenku Sun Flare pod vodo še bolj čudovit. In naj vas solata ne moti, je bila pač zraven. =))
I went to prepare some salad for lunch and there was the shock - Sun Flare duochrome effect is gorgeous under some water! And don't get distracted by the salad, it was just there. =))
I went to prepare some salad for lunch and there was the shock - Sun Flare duochrome effect is gorgeous under some water! And don't get distracted by the salad, it was just there. =))
Za konec sem Sun Flare premazala še z eno plastjo mojega Spectraflair zmešančka, ki ga uporabljam kot holo nadlak.
At the end I covered Sun Flare with one coat of my Spectraflair franken which I use as a holo top coat.
At the end I covered Sun Flare with one coat of my Spectraflair franken which I use as a holo top coat.
Zaenkrat sem uspela preizkusiti samo te lakce, ostali pa še čakajo na vrsto. Kateri od njih vam je najbolj všeč in katerega od preostalih bi si želele videti čimprej?
Until now I only tried these polishes. Which of them do you like the most? And the rest are still waiting to be worn, which one would you like to see first?
Until now I only tried these polishes. Which of them do you like the most? And the rest are still waiting to be worn, which one would you like to see first?