Danes imam za vas fotografije dveh Depend lakcev. Prvi od njiju je nežno lila barve s srebrnim šimrom, drugi pa je svetlo moder crackle lakec, ki ravno tako vsebuje srebrn šimer. Na žalost lakca nimata prijetnih imen, ampak samo številke: 222 in 5067. Po vrhu je hec tudi v tem, da so številke izredno slabo vidne, zato je možno, da sem katero od njiju prepisala narobe. Če katera to opazi, naj me prosim opozori in bom popravila. :)
Today I would like to show you photos of two Depend nail polishes. First one is delicate lilac colour with silver shimmer and second one is light blue crackle polish, which also contains silver shimmer. Unfortunately they do not have such pretty names, but only numbers: 222 and 5067. And to make it even more sad is the fact that numbers are almost invisible, so I might have read them wrong. If anyone notices I made a mistake, please tell me and I will correct it. :)
Today I would like to show you photos of two Depend nail polishes. First one is delicate lilac colour with silver shimmer and second one is light blue crackle polish, which also contains silver shimmer. Unfortunately they do not have such pretty names, but only numbers: 222 and 5067. And to make it even more sad is the fact that numbers are almost invisible, so I might have read them wrong. If anyone notices I made a mistake, please tell me and I will correct it. :)

Preden pa sem manikuro odstranila, sem se odločila še za kratek test, ki sem ga poimenovala kar "Double crack". ;) Po vrhu sem namreč slojila še eno plast Essence Crack Me! Black laka in efekt mi je bil zelo všeč. Kako pa se zdi vam?
Before I removed this manicure I decided to do a little test and I called it "Double crack". ;) Over the nails I painted one coat of Essence Crack Me! Black crackle nail polish and I really loved the effect. Do you find this combination as mission acomplished? :)
Before I removed this manicure I decided to do a little test and I called it "Double crack". ;) Over the nails I painted one coat of Essence Crack Me! Black crackle nail polish and I really loved the effect. Do you find this combination as mission acomplished? :)