Ekstremno prijazna Cathy z bloga More Nail Polish nama je omogočila, da sva v svojo zbirko dodali nekaj gramov pigmenta Spectraflair. Seveda sem takoj zavihala rokave! :)
Extremely nice Cathy from More Nail Polish blog made it happen for us - she helped us to add few grams of Spectraflair pigment to our collections. Of course I started to franken right away! :)
Zaenkrat sem ustvarila štiri zmešančke. Prvi je modre barve, ki pa je kar precej prosojen, zato sem ga slojila čez eno plast polnoprekrivnega modrega laka Jonca s foil finišem, ki žal nima niti imena niti številke.
I have created four frankens until now. First of them is blue, but it is very sheer, so I layered it over one coat of fully opaque blue foil finish Jonca nail polish, which sadly has no name or number.

Pri naslednjem zmešančku sploh nisem komplicirala. V prozoren lakec Essence Colour & Go Absolute Pure sem dodajala SF pigment, dokler nisem bila zadovoljna z mavrico. Na fotografijah so štiri plasti brez podlaka in nadlaka.
I did not complicate with my next franken at all. I was adding SF pigment into clear polish Essence Colour & Go Absolute Pure until I was satisfied with the rainbow. There are four coats on the photos without base and top coats.
I did not complicate with my next franken at all. I was adding SF pigment into clear polish Essence Colour & Go Absolute Pure until I was satisfied with the rainbow. There are four coats on the photos without base and top coats.

Seveda mi prekriven moder holografski zmešanček ni dal miru, zato sem ustvarila še tega. Na fotografijah sta dve plasti, čeprav bi bila dovolj samo ena, če bi bila bolj previdna pri nanašanju.
But I still wanted to have an opaque blue holographic nail polish, so I made that one too. There are two coats on the photos, but I could get away with just one if I was more careful with the application.
But I still wanted to have an opaque blue holographic nail polish, so I made that one too. There are two coats on the photos, but I could get away with just one if I was more careful with the application.

Trenutno zadnji izmed zmešančkov pa je nastal iz Essence Choose Me turkiznega laka z večjimi zlatimi bleščicami, ki sem mu dodala še nekaj SF pigmenta.
The last franken for now is made from Essence Choose Me torquoise nail polish with bigger golden glitter and some SF pigment as well.
The last franken for now is made from Essence Choose Me torquoise nail polish with bigger golden glitter and some SF pigment as well.

Za konec pa naj vam pokažem še kombinacijo dveh lakcev, po vrhu prekrivnega modrega frenkija sem namreč nanesla še eno plast turkiznega frenkija. Ta manikura je trenutno moja najljubša, katera pa je najbolj všeč vam?
And for the end I would like to show you my favourite manicure - over an opaque blue franken I did one coat of the torquoise one. And which one do you like the most?
And for the end I would like to show you my favourite manicure - over an opaque blue franken I did one coat of the torquoise one. And which one do you like the most?

Tale Spectraflair pigment je res super, zdaj sploh ne čakam več na nove kolekcije in upam še na kakšnega luštnega holota. Če so nas proizvajalci lakov v tej smeri zadnja leta razočarali in puščali na cedilu, si lahko same pomagamo do novih prekrasnih mavričnih lepotcev! :P ;D Ali ste tudi ve že preiskusile ta pigment? Kakšne pa so vaše izkušnje?
This Spectraflair pigment is really really great! I don't even wait for any new collection of holographic nail polishes. Those nail polish companies have let us down for so many years and now we can make our own rainbow beauties! How cool is that?? :P ;D Did you try this pigment too? Please, share your experiences with me! :)
This Spectraflair pigment is really really great! I don't even wait for any new collection of holographic nail polishes. Those nail polish companies have let us down for so many years and now we can make our own rainbow beauties! How cool is that?? :P ;D Did you try this pigment too? Please, share your experiences with me! :)
They're all amazing and I'd wear them anytime. ^_^
OdgovoriIzbrišimm i love these blue holo beauty
OdgovoriIzbrišiRose and Pretty, thank you both! =)
OdgovoriIzbrišivsi štirje so lepotci <3
OdgovoriIzbrišimodra dva pa se mi zdita skoraj enaka :)
Hvala, Anči! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiModra dva sicer izgledata podobno, prekrivnost je pa čisto drugačna. Zato mi je drugi veliko bolj všeč! ;)
oduševljena sam, svaki lak s ovim čudom izgleda fenomenalno :-D
OdgovoriIzbrišiNail crazy, hvala! Se strinjam in popolnoma priporočam tale pigmentek! :)