Na nohtih sem imela ravno vijolkota Essence - Passion for fashion in ker je bila danes tekma Maribor : Tottenham, sem se odločila da ga popestrim še z rumenim cracklom.
25. oktober 2012
30. september 2012
Few manicures I liked
Danes vam bom pokazala nekaj manikur, ki sem jih nosila nekaj časa nazaj. Rada pa bi se vam vsem tudi lepo zahvalila za vso vašo skrb in pomoč, vsak komentar na prejšnjo objavo mi je ogromno pomenil! Naj vam sporočim, da se je moj noht na moje veliko veselje odločil, da bo rastel tako, kot je treba. =)) Sedaj moram samo še malo počakati, juhu! =)) Hvala vam vsem še enkrat, res sem vesela, da se lahko vedno zanesem na vas! *hugs*
Today I'll show you some manicures that I wore some time ago. And I would really like to thank you all so much for all your concern and help, every comment on my previous post meant so so much for me! I would like to tell you that my nail decided to grow as it should and I'm very happy for that! =)) Now I just need to wait a bit, yaaay! =)) Thank you all again, I'm really glad that I can always count on you! *hugs*
Kiko - 301
Kiko - 301
Kiko - 301, Kiko - 231
Color Club - Uptown Girl, Wet'n'Wild - Hannah Pinktana
Color Club - Uptown Girl, Wet'n'Wild - Hannah Pinktana
Color Club - Uptown Girl, Wet'n'Wild - Hannah Pinktana
Essence - Season of Extreme - It's Two Bright
Essence - Season of Extreme - It's Two Bright
Essence - Season of Extreme - It's Two Bright
Isadora - Mellow Yellow
Isadora - Mellow Yellow
Isadora - Mellow Yellow, Spectraflair top coat
Vam je kateri od teh lakcev še posebej všeč? Meni so kar vsi in se ne morem odločiti, katera kombinacija mi je najljubša, zato sem objavila kar vse hkrati. ;)
Which of these polishes do you prefer? I like them all and I can't really decide which combination is my favorite, so I wanted to show all of them at once to you. ;)
Color Club,
10. september 2012
Hi lovelies!
This post will be in English only, because it'll be probably sooo long... I have a huge favour to ask you, but please, don't read this post, if you have a bad stomach!
This post will be in English only, because it'll be probably sooo long... I have a huge favour to ask you, but please, don't read this post, if you have a bad stomach!

Let me explain what happened first...
I injured my left thumb nail three weeks ago. I got a small cut at the root of the nail and it didn't hurt at all. It still doesn't, so at least that's good. Well, I did this with sharp nail clippers when I was removing my always so stubborn cuticles. I cut myself and a bit of my nail broke and fell of, but it was so tiny and I didn't even worry. Just out of a precaution I did not polish this nail until now, but there was no wound actually, because the cut was not deep enough to hurt me. There was no blood at all, so I actully don't even know if I got to the skin. The bottom layers of the nail might even be still on, I really don't know.
I wasn't paying much attention to it, I was just sad because I didn't want to polish this nail until it grows out totally. But a strange thing happened - my nail didn't grow out as it should. Don't worry, there is no infection going on and nothing hurts me, not even a little bit. But my nail started to grow UP. Yes, you read this right, it grows at a 90 Degrees angle from as it shoud grow. It separated from my nail bed completely and it grows in upper direction. I really can't describe this well, so if you wonder how this looks, you might want to check photos bellow. I said MIGHT, because it doesn't look pretty...
So I went over to my doctor today to show her what's going on. The funny thing is that she saw me almost right after my injury, because I was there because of cold almost three weeks ago. She said that there's nothing to worry about the nail and that I don't need to come back, unless it got infected. It didn't, but I still went and showed her what's going on. And today she totally shocked me!
She said that this is very abnormal and that my nail would never grow back as it should. So that means that my nail will split up into two pieces after it "grows out" with 3 mm of space in between. She said that nothing could be done, but we can try one more thing. OK, if you have weak stomach like me, please just stop reading right now.
Well, the only possible solution might be that a surgeon pulls my entire nail off. Yes, entire nail. And yes, pulls off!!! =(( =(( =((
And even that is not 100 % sure. The worst thing there is is that I know how much this hurts. I had and accident almost 5 years ago and I pulled the entire nail on my right index finger off. It was done in an instant and I was in shock after I found out what happened to me. But this thing started to hurt, and how much! My finger was in pain for more than two months, but I was lucky and my nail grew back totally the same it was before. My passion for nail polish grew up after that because I was so lucky I had all 10 nails agan. But the pain... I don't wish this for anyone, that's for sure. It makes me sick of thinking about it and I can't even imagine that I might go through all that again. I just can't. I CAN'T.
And what I worry now is that my nail will be split for the rest of my life. It's not just aesthetical problem. You all know how much I love nail polishes and how much I would hate to see my nail like that. But the much bigger problem is that I'd had 3 mm of bare skin in between my nail and that's not good at all. The nail is there for a reason and not just that I can paint it in pretty colors. I might have huge problems in the future if I hit something with my hand. And given how clumsy I am that would happen often...
I know what I did was wrong and that I should never clip my cuticles. But what's done is done and I would like to ask for your help, my dear friends. Did you have similar experience yourself or someone you know? Well, I kinda hope not. But I still hope that at least one of you would know what to do to avoid the pulling... =((
Please please please help me with your advices!
I even asked my doctor if I can press the nail down (and I can because it is flexible enough) and then put some gel over it. I thought that it might force the growing nail to start to grow normal from then on and that the nail would attach to the nail bed after. She said that I can try that, because nothing is infected yet. And if it gets infected after this try, she said that they can pull everything off all together. Ugh, it makes me sick to even think that! =((
So please please please help me if you have any idea... I really don't know what else to do... =((
And here are the photos now, if you came all the way to here, you are probably wondering how the **** does this nail look like?
Here it is just one day after I cut myself, the cut was so tiny and "nothing to worry about":

And here it is how it looks now. The new nail grows up, that's just it. And now the sides of the nail started to lift up as well. And it still doesn't hurt, not even a little bit... Irony, perhaps?

Thank you for your every comment, I'd appreciate it even if you don't know what to do as well...
I injured my left thumb nail three weeks ago. I got a small cut at the root of the nail and it didn't hurt at all. It still doesn't, so at least that's good. Well, I did this with sharp nail clippers when I was removing my always so stubborn cuticles. I cut myself and a bit of my nail broke and fell of, but it was so tiny and I didn't even worry. Just out of a precaution I did not polish this nail until now, but there was no wound actually, because the cut was not deep enough to hurt me. There was no blood at all, so I actully don't even know if I got to the skin. The bottom layers of the nail might even be still on, I really don't know.
I wasn't paying much attention to it, I was just sad because I didn't want to polish this nail until it grows out totally. But a strange thing happened - my nail didn't grow out as it should. Don't worry, there is no infection going on and nothing hurts me, not even a little bit. But my nail started to grow UP. Yes, you read this right, it grows at a 90 Degrees angle from as it shoud grow. It separated from my nail bed completely and it grows in upper direction. I really can't describe this well, so if you wonder how this looks, you might want to check photos bellow. I said MIGHT, because it doesn't look pretty...
So I went over to my doctor today to show her what's going on. The funny thing is that she saw me almost right after my injury, because I was there because of cold almost three weeks ago. She said that there's nothing to worry about the nail and that I don't need to come back, unless it got infected. It didn't, but I still went and showed her what's going on. And today she totally shocked me!
She said that this is very abnormal and that my nail would never grow back as it should. So that means that my nail will split up into two pieces after it "grows out" with 3 mm of space in between. She said that nothing could be done, but we can try one more thing. OK, if you have weak stomach like me, please just stop reading right now.
Well, the only possible solution might be that a surgeon pulls my entire nail off. Yes, entire nail. And yes, pulls off!!! =(( =(( =((
And even that is not 100 % sure. The worst thing there is is that I know how much this hurts. I had and accident almost 5 years ago and I pulled the entire nail on my right index finger off. It was done in an instant and I was in shock after I found out what happened to me. But this thing started to hurt, and how much! My finger was in pain for more than two months, but I was lucky and my nail grew back totally the same it was before. My passion for nail polish grew up after that because I was so lucky I had all 10 nails agan. But the pain... I don't wish this for anyone, that's for sure. It makes me sick of thinking about it and I can't even imagine that I might go through all that again. I just can't. I CAN'T.
And what I worry now is that my nail will be split for the rest of my life. It's not just aesthetical problem. You all know how much I love nail polishes and how much I would hate to see my nail like that. But the much bigger problem is that I'd had 3 mm of bare skin in between my nail and that's not good at all. The nail is there for a reason and not just that I can paint it in pretty colors. I might have huge problems in the future if I hit something with my hand. And given how clumsy I am that would happen often...
I know what I did was wrong and that I should never clip my cuticles. But what's done is done and I would like to ask for your help, my dear friends. Did you have similar experience yourself or someone you know? Well, I kinda hope not. But I still hope that at least one of you would know what to do to avoid the pulling... =((
Please please please help me with your advices!
I even asked my doctor if I can press the nail down (and I can because it is flexible enough) and then put some gel over it. I thought that it might force the growing nail to start to grow normal from then on and that the nail would attach to the nail bed after. She said that I can try that, because nothing is infected yet. And if it gets infected after this try, she said that they can pull everything off all together. Ugh, it makes me sick to even think that! =((
So please please please help me if you have any idea... I really don't know what else to do... =((
And here are the photos now, if you came all the way to here, you are probably wondering how the **** does this nail look like?
Here it is just one day after I cut myself, the cut was so tiny and "nothing to worry about":
And here it is how it looks now. The new nail grows up, that's just it. And now the sides of the nail started to lift up as well. And it still doesn't hurt, not even a little bit... Irony, perhaps?
Thank you for your every comment, I'd appreciate it even if you don't know what to do as well...
25. avgust 2012
Essence Crackle franky
Ker mi bel Essence crackle lak ni bil preko skoraj ničesar preveč všeč, sem se odločila da ustvarim sivega =) Belemu sem dodala malo črnega, na naslednjih slikah pa lahko vidite rezultat preko različnih lakov.
I tried Essence white crackle over few color but was never satisfied with the result, so I decided to add some black crackle polish to it, and make a grey one. On these pictures you can see the result over five different base colors.
over light blue franky
over Essence - Kings of Mints
over Essence - Wear Your Little Tutu
over Catrice - Sold Out Forever
over Essence - My Yellow Fellow
Meni je končni rezultat dosti bolj všeč od začetnega Edigs belega crackle laka in kar pogosto posežem po njem.
I really like the end result of this frankening more than the completely white crackle polish and now I use the gray one quite often.
24. avgust 2012
Essence - Crack me! pearly pink over Depend #247
Depend #247
Essence - Crack me! pearly pink over Depend #247
Essence - Crack me! pearly pink over Depend #247 with top coat
Essence - Crack me! pearly pink je bleščičast lakec čudovite fuksijasto rozaste barve, vendar pa mislim da bi lahko lepše razpokal, prav tako pa bi jaz lahko izbrala primernejšo barvo za podlago =)
I really like the glittery fuchsia pink color of Essence - Crack me! pearly pink nail polish, but I don't like the way it cracks and also I think I need to find a better base color for underneath :D
8. avgust 2012
Spectraflair franken
Essence - Best friends with spectraflair
lakec Essence - Best friends mi sploh ni bil všeč, zato sem se ga odločila malo polepšati s spectraflair holografskim prahom. Končni rezultat me sploh ne spominja več na začetni lak ampak je prečudovite srebrno perlaste barve s holo šimrom.
I really did not like Essence - Best friends nail polish on me, so I decided to add some spectraflair. I like the end result and I think it looks nothing like the polish that I started with. It is a beautiful silvery pearl color with holographic shimmer.
19. julij 2012
Moschino Casino Royal Ring
Pred kratkim sem bila izžrebana v nagradni igri Bambi Eyes z bloga Milano Mode. Za darilo sem po pošti prejela prstan Moschino Casino Royal!!! =))
Recently I won a giveaway from lovely Bambi Eyes from Milano Mode blog. I recieved my gift in the mail and it was a Moschino Casino Royal ring!!! =))
Recently I won a giveaway from lovely Bambi Eyes from Milano Mode blog. I recieved my gift in the mail and it was a Moschino Casino Royal ring!!! =))
Prstan sestoji iz štirih delov in vsak del posebej je bil zelo dobro zapakiran.
The ring consists of four parts and each part was very well packed.
Seveda sem prstan takoj tudi preskusila! :) Na nohtih sem imela nalakiran Depend Holographic lakec v odtenku Sand Grey.
Of course, I immediately tried the ring on! :) On my nails there was Depend Holographic nail polish in the shade Sand Grey.
Of course, I immediately tried the ring on! :) On my nails there was Depend Holographic nail polish in the shade Sand Grey.
Potem sem se odločila, da tale prstan potrebuje tudi primerno manikuro, zato sem na nohte nanesla dva sloja Essence Fame Fatal lakca ter ga poštempljala s črnim Color Club Where's the Soiree lakcem. Uporabila sem Konad šablono m48. Kako vam je všeč končen rezultat? =)
Then I decided that this ring also requires a manicure that would suit it better, so I applied two coats of Essence Fame Fatal nail polish. Then I stamped it with black Color Club nail polish Where's the Soiree, using Konad plate m48. How do you like the final result? =)
Dear Bambi Eyes, thank you for sending me this ring, I love it so much! *hugs* I hope you like it on me too. ;)
17. julij 2012
Pupa Holographic Nail Polishes 034 and 032
Pred kratkim sem nosila čudovit moder Pupa holo lakec. Gre za odtenek z imenom 034 Denim Blue. Na fotografijah sta dva sloja laka.
Recently I wore a beautiful blue holo nail polish from Pupa. It is a shade called 034 Denim Blue. On the photos there are two coats of polish.
Recently I wore a beautiful blue holo nail polish from Pupa. It is a shade called 034 Denim Blue. On the photos there are two coats of polish.
Lakec je na mojih nohtih zdržal kar precej dolgo, skoraj tri dni, potem pa se je začel krušiti. Ker pa ga še vedno nisem želela odstraniti, sem na konice z gobico dodala še Pupa lakec 032 Emerald Green. Tako sem dobila lepo prelivanje barv, manikuro pa sem lahko nosila še nekaj dni.
Nail polish lasted quite long on my nails, almost three days, but then it started to chip. I still didn't want to remove it, so I added another Pupa color in my tips, it was 032 Emerald Green. So I got a nice gradient effect and I could wear this manicure for a few more days.
Nail polish lasted quite long on my nails, almost three days, but then it started to chip. I still didn't want to remove it, so I added another Pupa color in my tips, it was 032 Emerald Green. So I got a nice gradient effect and I could wear this manicure for a few more days.
Kako vam je všeč končen rezultat? Ali tudi ve na takšen ali kakšen podoben način poskušate obdržati manikuro, ki vam je všeč, na nohtih čim več časa?
How do you like the final result? Do you use this way too or maybe any other way to keep the manicure you like very much on your nails as long as possible?
How do you like the final result? Do you use this way too or maybe any other way to keep the manicure you like very much on your nails as long as possible?
11. junij 2012
Recent manicures
Ker že zelo dolgo nisem ničesar objavila, sem se odločila, da vam danes pokažem, kaj je zadnje čase krasilo moje nohte.
I have not published any of my recent manicures in a while now. And I have decided to show you some of the ones that I liked the most today.
Joy #326
Essence - Marble Mania - Silver Twister & Opi Blue Shatter
Essence - Creamylicious - Iced Chai Latte & Easy Paris 116
Essence - Urban Messages - Wall of Fame
Essence - Urban Messages - Wall of Fame & Catrice Don't Feed The Birds
Essence - Urban Messages - Wall of Fame & Catrice - Don't Feed The Birds & China Glaze - Yellow Polka Dot Bikini
Franky (Essence - Circus Confetti & Essence - Cute as Hell - Naughty but Nice)
Sponge manicure (Essence - Blossoms etc... My Yellow Fellow & I Like)
previous with Laushine Black crackle
Depend 247 & Opi - Simmer & Shimmer
Meni je bila od vseh manikur najljubša sponge manikura z Blossoms lakcema, katera je pa vam najlepša?
My favourite manicure is the sponged one. Which one do you like the most?
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