Ta lakec naj bi bil zelo podoben slavnemu Chanel Peridot-u, ampak sama ju ne morem primerjati, ker Peridot-a žal nimam. Zanimivo primerjavo sem našla tukaj: KLIK.
This nail polish should be very similar to famous Chanel Peridot, but I can't compare them, because I do unfortunately not own Peridot. But I found very interesting comparison here: CLICK.
This nail polish should be very similar to famous Chanel Peridot, but I can't compare them, because I do unfortunately not own Peridot. But I found very interesting comparison here: CLICK.
Jessica Iridescent Eye lakec me je navdušil zaradi dobre prekrivnosti (uporabila sem samo dva sloja), hkrati pa s tem, kako različno izgleda na sončku, v senci ali pa pod umetno osvetlitvijo. Včasih je bolj zlat, včasih bolj zelen, sicer pa se barve prelivajo tam nekje od bakrene preko zlate in svetlo zelene do turkizne. Čeprav je v steklenički viden tudi temno moder odtenek, ga na nohtih nisem zasledila.
Jessica Iridescent Eye got me excited because of two main things - it is very opaque (it needs only two coats) and because it looks very differently under sun light, in shadow or under artificial light. Sometimes it looks more gold and sometimes more green, but the colors shift from copper, gold and green to turquoise. In the bottle I can see dark blue color too, but on the nails it is not visible.
Jessica Iridescent Eye got me excited because of two main things - it is very opaque (it needs only two coats) and because it looks very differently under sun light, in shadow or under artificial light. Sometimes it looks more gold and sometimes more green, but the colors shift from copper, gold and green to turquoise. In the bottle I can see dark blue color too, but on the nails it is not visible.
Umetna osvetlitev: / Artificial light:
Senca: / Shadow:
Sonce: / Sun:
Upam, da bo Chanel sprožil pravo "duochrome" manijo in da ga bodo posnemali tudi ostali proizvajalci lakov za nohte. :) In ne samo pri ustvarjanju novih in novih kopij Peridot-a, ampak tudi pri drugačnih odtenkih. Če se nam obeta leto takšnih lakov in še prekrivnih po vrhu, nimam nič proti, juhu! =)
I hope that Chanel is going to start a "duochrome" mania and that other nail polish companies would start to create more and more similar polishes. And not just "dupes" of Peridot, but other shades as well. If this would be a year of duochromes that are very opaque at the same time - I really wouldn't mind that! =)