8. januar 2012

Jessica - Iridescent Eye

Ta lakec naj bi bil zelo podoben slavnemu Chanel Peridot-u, ampak sama ju ne morem primerjati, ker Peridot-a žal nimam. Zanimivo primerjavo sem našla tukaj: KLIK.

This nail polish should be very similar to famous Chanel Peridot, but I can't compare them, because I do unfortunately not own Peridot. But I found very interesting comparison here: CLICK.

Jessica Iridescent Eye lakec me je navdušil zaradi dobre prekrivnosti (uporabila sem samo dva sloja), hkrati pa s tem, kako različno izgleda na sončku, v senci ali pa pod umetno osvetlitvijo. Včasih je bolj zlat, včasih bolj zelen, sicer pa se barve prelivajo tam nekje od bakrene preko zlate in svetlo zelene do turkizne. Čeprav je v steklenički viden tudi temno moder odtenek, ga na nohtih nisem zasledila.

Jessica Iridescent Eye got me excited because of two main things - it is very opaque (it needs only two coats) and because it looks very differently under sun light, in shadow or under artificial light. Sometimes it looks more gold and sometimes more green, but the colors shift from copper, gold and green to turquoise. In the bottle I can see dark blue color too, but on the nails it is not visible.

Umetna osvetlitev: / Artificial light:

Senca: / Shadow:

Sonce: / Sun:

Upam, da bo Chanel sprožil pravo "duochrome" manijo in da ga bodo posnemali tudi ostali proizvajalci lakov za nohte. :) In ne samo pri ustvarjanju novih in novih kopij Peridot-a, ampak tudi pri drugačnih odtenkih. Če se nam obeta leto takšnih lakov in še prekrivnih po vrhu, nimam nič proti, juhu! =)

I hope that Chanel is going to start a "duochrome" mania and that other nail polish companies would start to create more and more similar polishes. And not just "dupes" of Peridot, but other shades as well. If this would be a year of duochromes that are very opaque at the same time - I really wouldn't mind that! =)

7. januar 2012

Kiko 255 and 278

Včeraj sem vas vprašala, kateri lakec iz paketka presenečnja bi rade videle najprej. Vse ste si želele videti vsaj enega izmed vijolkotov, zato vam bom danes pokazala kar oba! :)

Yesterday I asked you which nail polish from the surprise package you would like to see first. All of you wanted to see at least one of the two purples, so that's why I'm showing you both! :)

Prvi izmed njiju bo št. 255, na Kiko spletni strani pa sem našla še njegovo ime - Violet Microglitter, ki kar dobro opiše ta lakec. V vijolični bazi se namreč skrivajo zelo drobne holografske bleščice. Na moje veliko presenečenje je ta lakec zelo prekriven, zadoščala sta samo dva sloja. Pri podobnih bleščičastih lakcih tega namreč nisem vajena in zato je to zame še dodaten plus! Sicer je bil lakec precej gost, vendar sem ga vseeno lahko lepo nanesla. Ko se je posušil, tekstura ni bila čisto gladka, vendar jo je zgladil en sloj nadlaka.

First one is Nr. 255 and on the Kiko website I found that this shade is also called Violet Microglitter. The name describes the polish well, it's violet with tiny holographic glitter particles. To my surprise it's very opaque, it only needed two coats. I'm not used to that with similar glittery polishes and that's a big plus for me! It was a bit on the thick side, but still managable. When it dried the texture was a bit bumpy, but one coat of top coat smoothed it out.

Sledi pa še drugi vijolko, gre za odtenek št. 278 z imenom Violet Orchid Microglitter. Ta lakec je svetlejši od prejšnjega, vsebuje pa večji šimer nepravilnih oblik. V živo je malenkost bolj rdeč in vsebuje malo manj modre, kot izgleda na fotografijah, ampak moj fotoaparat te barve očitno ne pozna. ;) Za popolno prekrivnost so potrebni trije sloji, posuši pa se z lepim sijajem.

Next is the second purple nail polish, this is color Nr. 278 a.k.a. Violet Orchid Microglitter. It is much lighter than previous one and it contains larger glass flecked shimmer. In reality it is a little bit more red and less blue as it seems on the photos, but my camera obviously doesn't recognize that color. ;) It needs three coats for full opacity and dries with very glossy finish.

Na naslednji fotografiji sem poskušala ujeti njegov rahel duochrome finiš, vendar mi to ni najbolje uspelo... V steklenički je malenkost bolj viden kot na nohtih.

On the next photo I tried to capture it's slightly duochtome finish, but I wasn't very successful at that... In the bottle duochrome is more noticeable than on the nails.

Kateri od teh dveh lepotcev vas je bolj prepričal? Jaz se med njima nisem mogla odločiti že med sestavljanjem seznama želja, sedaj pa se mi zdi odločitev še celo težja. Oba sta namreč čudovita! =)

Which one of this two beauties do you prefer? I couldn't decide between them even when I was puting them on my wishlist, but now I feel it's even harder to decide, because they are both gorgeous! =)

Surprise package

Ta teden sem iz Italije prejela čudovito presenečenje - paketek, poln Kiko lakcev, za piko na i pa je bil zraven še Golden Rose nadlak s holografskimi paličicami!

This week I recieved a wonderfil surprise from Italy - it was a package full of Kiko nail polishes and there was also Golden Rose holographic bar glitter!

Že nekaj časa sem si zaradi fotografij na ostalih blogih želela Kiko lakca 255 in 278, ki sem ju imela tudi na seznamu želja, Raggio di Luna pa je to opazila in mi željo tudi izpolnila, zraven pa v paketek dodala še tri druge lepotce! Raggio, HVALA!! =)) Na zgornji fotografiji si od leve proti desni sledijo: Kiko 232, Kiko 278, Golden Rose 70, Kiko 255 in Kiko 304. Ko bi le bila njihova imena malo bolj izvirna...

Because of some beautiful photos I saw on other blogs I really wanted to get Kiko 255 and 278 nail polishes and they were on my wishlist. Raggio di Luna noticed that and she fulfilled my wish and she also added three other gorgeous polishes! Raggio, THANK YOU!! =)) On the upper photo from left to right there are: Kiko 232, Kiko 278, Golden Rose 70, Kiko 255 and Kiko 304. I only wish they all had more original names...

Komaj čakam, da jih preizkusim! Vendar je odločitev, kateri lakec bi nosila najprej, kar precej težka. Zato mi prosim pomagajte in mi povejte, katerega od njih bi rad videle najprej. ;)

I can't wait to try all of them! But the decision, which one to put my nails first, is really hard, so please help me and tell me, which nail polish would you like to see first. ;)