8. november 2010

Another Franky

Tale zmešanček je star že več kot leto, vendar mi ni bil nikoli tako všeč da bi ga pokazala na blogu. Sedaj ga je nekaj časa imela celo Kvačka, vendar tudi nje ni prepričal zato je pristal nazaj pri meni.
Odločila sem se da mu dam še eno priložnost in seveda me je čisto prevzel. Barva se glede na svetlobo spreminja od vijolične na močnem sončku pa do rjave v senčki, v resnici pa je ravno nekje vmes.

I made this franken over a year ago but I did not really like it, so I decided to give it to my holo addict friend Kvacka but it was nothing special to her either so she returned it to me this week. Today I decided to give it another try and I was surprised by how much I like this polish. The color of it, is somewhere between purple and brown and it looks completely different in the sun than in the shade. It actually changes from holo purple to shimmery almost glittery brown.

12 komentarjev:

  1. this is pretty, I like it for fall
    what colors did you mix in it?

  2. thanx shortwidenails :)
    it is mostly ChG - Don't be a Square mixed with various blue and red jelly polishes. It was too long ago for me to remember exactly *blush*

  3. NOTHING SPECIAL?! I cant believe the 2 of you thought this was nothing special! I LOVE it! I want!

  4. It is just BEAUTIFUL. I can't believe you actually gave it away. Totally love love love the color :)

  5. When I see it on your nails I'm glad I returned this franky to you, because I like it on your nails waaay better than on mine. :)

  6. Meni je franken prekrasan,baš krasna boja:-)
