Za vas imam danes malo več fotografij, drage bralke. Najprej bi vam rada pokazala enega od zmešančkov, ki mi ga je podarila Anček skupaj še s šestimi drugimi zmešančki. Glavna sestavina vseh je holografski S-he 427, ostale sestavine pa so skrivnost tudi zame. :) Da jih bom lažje ločila med sabo, sem jih razvrstila od najsvetlejšega proti najtemnejšemu in jih oštevilčila. Spodnji je zmešanček št. 3.
Today I've got more photos for you, dear readers. Anček once gave me seven frankens and their main ingredient was holographic nail polish S-he 427. Others ingredients are secret for me too. :) I gave them numbers from one to seven. First I would like to show you one of them, franken number 3.
Zmešanček št. 3. /
Franken No. 3.Potem sem ga na levi roki premazala s China Glaze Wireless top coat (ki vsebuje zelo droben holografski šimer), na desni pa s China Glaze Fairy Dust (ki vsebuje holografske bleščice). Wireless ni pretirano opazen, saj je zmešanček holografski že sam po sebi, zato pa se bleščice s Fairy Dust-a še dodatno svetijo z nohta.
Then I topped it with China Glaze Wireless top coat (with very small holographic shimmer) on the left hand and with China Glaze Fairy Dust (with holographic glitter) on the right hand. Wireless is not very noticeable, because franken is already holographic by itself, but glitter from Fairy Dust gets really shiny and it is very noticable on nails.
Zmešanček in China Glaze Wireless top coat. /
Franken and China Glaze Wireless top coat.
Zmešanček in China Glaze Fairy Dust. /
Franken and China Glaze Fairy Dust.
Zamegljena slika prejšnje manikure. /
Blurred photo of previous manicure.Meni sta bili sicer všeč obe manikuri, vendar se mi je zdelo, da mogoče delam krivico Wireless-u. Zato sem ju primerjala še preko črnega krem laka (NYX Black). Na kazalcu in prstancu je Fairy Dust, na sredincu in mezicu pa Wireless. Kateri vam je bolj všeč?
I liked both manicures, but it seemed to me, that we can't see Wireless properly on top of another holographic polish. So I made another comparison over black creme (NYX Black). On my index and ring finger there is Fairy Dust and on my middle finger and pinkie there is Wireless. Which one do you prefer?