14. februar 2010

Valentine's day

Za Valentinovo sem se odločila da si naredim malo bolj srčkasto manikuro, ker pa nisem imela konad platk pri sebi, sem malo improvizirala in sama narisala tri srčke. Nastala manikura mi je bolj všeč kot sem pričakovala.
Uporabila sem lake: China Glaze - Millennium, preko pa še Essence - Rock'n'Roll za podlago, srčki pa so narisani z Essence - Glam Girl.
Prva slika je končna manikura, druga pa vmesna faza, ki mi je bila tudi že zelo všeč.
Kakšna se pa vam zdi moja Valentinova manikura?

I decided to make a Valentine's day manicure, but because I didn't have my konad plates with me I just draw the hearts myself. It actually turned out better than I have expected.
Nail polishes that I've used: China Glaze - Millennium topped with Essence - Rock'n'Roll for the base, the hearts are made with Essence - Glam Girl.
Final manicure is on the first picture, and I took the second one between drawing, because I already liked how it looked.
What do you think about this manicure?

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