17. februar 2010

China Glaze - Stroll

Pravkar ugotavljam, da sva z Anček pokazali že kar nekaj najinih China Glaze lakcev. Ampak kljub temu si ne morem pomagati, tu je še en lepotec, ki sliši na ime Stroll.
Gre za temno rdeč jelly odtenek, ki vsebuje čudovite drobne krpice zlate barve. Ljubezen na prvi pogled! :)
Obe fotografiji sta posneti na sončku, na nohtih imam 3 plasti laka.
Lep pozdrav do prihodnjič!

I just figured out that we have shown you a lot of our China Glaze nail polishes already. But I just can't help myself, here is another beauty, called Stroll.
This is dark red jelly nail polish with wonderful gold flakies. Love at first sight! :)
Both photos were taken in the sun, there are 3 coats of polish on my nails.
Thanks for looking and take care!

10 komentarjev:

  1. This is simple, yet it's really pretty! It kind of reminds me of a darker... jellier version of Ruby pumps! xo

  2. Lepotec je tale. Mislim, da še moj nedotaknjen čaka name...

  3. Thank you, girls! *hugs*

    Caitlin, I was thinking the same! :) But in reality they're not that close. They're very different, but both gorgeous! ;)

  4. Tale je tudi čudovit! :) Mislim da ga morem imet (kot da že nimam dovolj rdečkotov :D)

  5. Zelo lep rdečko! Teba bi celo tudi jaz imela. LOL

  6. Very pretty. After you all raved about it on ARS, I just had to have it. :)
