Vsakega od treh lakcev, ki sem jih uporabila za spodnjo manikuro, sem dobila za darilo od druge osebe. Za to manikuro pa so kar padli skupaj, rezultat pa mi je zelo všeč.
I got each of the three polishes I used for the manicure below as a gift from another person. They just fell together for this manicure and I like the result a lot.
I got each of the three polishes I used for the manicure below as a gift from another person. They just fell together for this manicure and I like the result a lot.
Essence - Midnight Rocker, Pupa - 802, Barry M - Lavender
Essence - Midnight Rocker, Pupa - 802, Barry M - Lavender
Tako pa so izgledali moji nohti po nanosu prvega in drugega laka, najprej sem nanesla dva sloja temno modrega krem lakca Essence Midnight Rocker, sledil je en sloj Pupe 802 s srebrnimi bleščicami, zaključila pa sem z enim slojem Barry M Lavender z večjimi kvadratnimi bleščicami v svetlo vijolični barvi.
And this is how my nails looked like after I painted them with first and second nail polish. I did two coats od dark blue creme Essence Midnight Rocker nail polish. Then I added one coat of silver glitter Pupa 802 and I finished with one coat of Barry M Lavender nail polish, which has big square lavender glitter.
And this is how my nails looked like after I painted them with first and second nail polish. I did two coats od dark blue creme Essence Midnight Rocker nail polish. Then I added one coat of silver glitter Pupa 802 and I finished with one coat of Barry M Lavender nail polish, which has big square lavender glitter.
Essence - Midnight Rocker
Essence - Midnight Rocker
Essence - Midnight Rocker, Pupa - 802
Essence - Midnight Rocker, Pupa - 802
Zadnje čase z največjim veseljem uporabljam ravno lake, ki sem jih dobila za darilo. Vesela sem že, če uspešno združim dva izmed njih, sedaj pa se lahko zahvalim kar trem puncam! :) Aly, Tanja in Romana, hvala vam! =))
Lately I really enjoy using nail polishes I got as presents. And I'm happy if I can combine two of them successfuly and now I can thank three girls for this manicure! :) Aly, Tanja and Romana, thank you all! =))
Lately I really enjoy using nail polishes I got as presents. And I'm happy if I can combine two of them successfuly and now I can thank three girls for this manicure! :) Aly, Tanja and Romana, thank you all! =))
Znaci ovo mozes da nazoves "medjunarodni manikir"! :-) Znaci, ja sam u sendvicu, stisnuli su me i ispod i iznad, ali nije mi zao, rezultat je super! :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHihi, se strinjam, tole bo SLO-ITA mednarodna manikura! =))
IzbrišiAmpak vsi trije lakci so nujno potrebni, tudi meni se zdi, da je skupaj rezultat še najlepši! =) Hvala ti!*
OdgovoriIzbrišip.s. I'm having a giveaway if you'd like to check it out!
devorelebeaumonstre.com xx
Thank you!
IzbrišiThe lavender looks especially nice, it has such a lovely shade :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes, I like it on top of the other two polishes too! Thank you! =)
IzbrišiPupa looks like a great polish that every girl needs in her collection :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiYeees, I agree! This is my first silver glitter and I really needed it! And it's amazing, so dense, on the photos there is only one coat, so I can't recommend it enough! =) Thank you!
Izbrišitroslojna kombinacija je genijalna, trebalo bi to staviti u jednu bočicu ;-D
OdgovoriIzbrišipozdravljam međunarodne manikure lol
To bi bilo lepo ali mnogo jednostavno, za ovo se treba potruditi! :-) Ili mozda moze Mateja da napravi neku mesavinu pa da nam je posalje :-)
IzbrišiHihihi, nail crazy, se strinjam!!! =))
IzbrišiRaggio, že dolgo nazaj sem nekaj poskušala ravno s temno modrim lakom in bleščicami, ampak nisem imela sreče. Tako da bo treba še poskušati. ;)
They looks super nice together! ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you, I agree! =)
IzbrišiThe three polishes combine really well together! Looks great! :D
OdgovoriIzbriši~ Yun
Thank you, Yun! =)