Z Anno, ki piše blog Pretty Digits, sva do zdaj naredili že dve menjavi in poslala mi je nekaj čudovitih lakcev! V prvem paketku so me čakali naslednji lepotci:
With Anna from Pretty Digits we made two swaps until now and I recieved some amazing polishes! In the first package there were those beauties:
Zatem pa sem od nje prejela še drugi paketek, poln bleščičastih lakcev!!! =) Škoda, da takšnih kompletkov ne prodajajo tudi pri nas, kaj pravite? ;)
After this I recieved another package from her and it was full of glittery nail polishes!!! =) This set is great and I wish they were selling them here where I live as well. ;)
After this I recieved another package from her and it was full of glittery nail polishes!!! =) This set is great and I wish they were selling them here where I live as well. ;)
Color Club - "Glitter Vixen" set
Do zdaj mi je uspelo nositi le enega izmed teh lakcev, in sicer modrega, za katerega sumim, da gre za odtenek Beyond The Mistletoe. Tale kompletek je namreč zanimiv zato, ker pravzaprav sploh ne gre za pravo Glitter Vixen omejeno izdajo, ampak so v njem na videz naključni lakci brez nalepk z imeni. Meni pa so še bolj všeč, ker vsebujejo tudi holooo bleščice! =)) Bleščičast lakec sem nanesla preko odtenka S-he 471, najprej en sloj, potem pa sem dodala še dva, torej skupno tri.
I only managed to wear one of these polishes by now and I chose the blue one. I think this shade could be Beyond The Mistletoe colour, but I'm not sure. This set is very interesting to me because of the fact that it doesn't really include polishes from Glitter Vixen limited edition, but seemingly random polishes without their true names. But I like those even more, because they have holooo glitter! =)) First I put on S-he 471 nail polish as a base and then I put one coat of this blue glitter over it. After I took first photos I decided to put on two more coats, so there are three coats of blue glitter polish at the end.
I only managed to wear one of these polishes by now and I chose the blue one. I think this shade could be Beyond The Mistletoe colour, but I'm not sure. This set is very interesting to me because of the fact that it doesn't really include polishes from Glitter Vixen limited edition, but seemingly random polishes without their true names. But I like those even more, because they have holooo glitter! =)) First I put on S-he 471 nail polish as a base and then I put one coat of this blue glitter over it. After I took first photos I decided to put on two more coats, so there are three coats of blue glitter polish at the end.
Upam, da so vam moji swatchi všeč. Kateri lakec je vaš najljubši? Ste morda pri nas vseeno kje opazile takšne Color Club kompletke?
I hope you like my swatches. Which nail polish is your favorite? And Anna, I would like to thank you so much for making me happy with so many new polishes. I love them sooo much, THANK YOU!!! *hugs*
I hope you like my swatches. Which nail polish is your favorite? And Anna, I would like to thank you so much for making me happy with so many new polishes. I love them sooo much, THANK YOU!!! *hugs*
What a lot of gorgeous colors - lucky you :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you, Marias! =) I agree, colors are amazing! <3
IzbrišiIt's always fantastic to receive nail mail. No wonder you were happy, they're all pretty. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYeah, nail mails are the best! =) Thank you! =)
IzbrišiBeautiful polishes, the last glitter is amazing and I've wanted Fantasy Fire for ages :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you! The funny thing is that two weeks later than I recieved my first package with 2 Fantasy Fires, they started to sell it here where I live too. =) So if you are interested I can get it for you. =)
IzbrišiOd ovih sto si ovde prikazala, meni se dopada Models Own Purple Blue, a jedva cekam da vidim sve lakove Color Clube na tvojim noktima, sigurno ce svi biti zanimljivi!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe strinjam, Purple Blue je čudovit lakec, ampak ko sem ga nosila, se mi je na nohtu kasneje pojavilo veliko mehurčkov, nekaj jih je celo vidnih na prvi sliki... Zato ni moj najljubši in mu bom mogla dati še eno priložnost. ;)
IzbrišiColor Club lakcev pa razen modrega še nisem nosila, ampak jih nameravam relativno kmalu in jih seveda tudi objaviti. ;)
So many beauties here! ^_^
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you, zebra-nails! They are so pretty, YEES! =))
Izbrišiwow, e za ovo se isplatilo čekati poštara ;-D
OdgovoriIzbrišikrasno bi bilo da se i kod nas mogu naći ovako kompletne kolekcije kao color club, jedva čekam swatcheve ostatka :-D
Točno tako, res je škoda, ker se tudi pri nas ne da dobiti takšnih Color Club kompletkov! Ampak sem bila pa toliko bolj vesela poštarja, hihi! ;) Swatchev pa ponavadi ne delam, ker nimam časa, ampak lake dejansko nosim in jih takrat tudi slikam. Zato bo verjetno malo dlje trajalo, ampak slike bom pa sigurno objavila. ;) Hvala!
IzbrišiWow, what a great nail mail! I especially love the Models Own polishes. So gorgeous! I wish they are sold here in the US. :-)
OdgovoriIzbriši~ Yun
Thank you, Yun! But I didn't know they don't sell Models Own in the US, I thought they do! It's unfortunate because they are pretty and I'm sure that biznis would be great...
IzbrišiGreat !!
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