
Danes vam bom pokazala kompletke vodnih nalepk za nohte s spletne trgovine Viva la Nails. Prejela sem enak paketek kot Anček in za preizkus sva si obe čisto slučajno izbrali isti žirafin vzorček. Da pa ne bo vse skupaj preveč dolgočasno, sem naredila še eno manikuro, tokrat z vijoličnimi rožicami na beli podlagi.
Today I will show you water decals nail wraps sets I got from web store Viva la Nails. I recieved the same package as Anček did and we accidentally chose the same giraffe pattern for our first, testing manicure. I didn't wan't this post to be too boring, so I waited a bit until I used another pattern for my manicure, this time I used purple flowers on white base.
Today I will show you water decals nail wraps sets I got from web store Viva la Nails. I recieved the same package as Anček did and we accidentally chose the same giraffe pattern for our first, testing manicure. I didn't wan't this post to be too boring, so I waited a bit until I used another pattern for my manicure, this time I used purple flowers on white base.

Na zgornji fotografiji si lahko preberete navodila za uporabo. Sama sem najprej očistila nohte in nanesla China Glaze Strong adhession base coat podlak, nato pa sem odprla paketek z izbranim vzorčkom in razrezala kartonček z vzorčki na 10 delov, tako da je bil vsak vzorček na svojem koščku. Potem sem položila izbrano nalepko v vodo, in sicer za dlje časa, kot piše v navodilih, vsaj za minuto, ker sem imela občutek, da so se nalepke potem lepše obnašale. :) Ko sem izbrano nalepko vzela iz vode, sem jo položila na noht in jo poskušala čim lepše postaviti in zgladiti. Vse se mi je zdelo enotavno, dokler tega nisem zares poskusila. Treba je biti namreč zelo hiter, da se nalepke ne posušijo, in ker sem očitno precej počasna, sem jih kar precej uničila. Še dobro, da imam tako majhne nohte in sem lahko nekaj preostalih nalepk prerezala na pol in jih uporabila na tistih nohtih, kjer so se mi prve ponesrečile. :) Po mojem mnenju pa ne bi škodila še kakšna dodatna nalepka za dekleta z večjimi nohti, ker si ne smejo privoščiti napak, ne da bi jim zmanjkalo nalepk... Ko sem bila zadovoljna s postavitvijo nalepke, sem malo počakala, da se je posušila, nato pa sem ostanek odstranila s stekleno pilico. Potem sem noht premazala z nadlakom in šele nato sem se lotila naslednje nalepke.
On the photo above you can read instructions for using them. I cleaned up my nails first and then I used one coat of China Glaze Strong adhession base coat. Then I have opened the set with chosen pattern and I have cut the cardboard on ten smaller pieces, so that each water decal was on one of them. I have put one of the decals in the water for a bit longer time as stated in instructions, so that it was more wet and was easier to use. :) Then I picked up the decal and put it on my nail and tried to put it in the perfect spot with rubbing. Everything seemed very simple to me until I first tried this. You have to be very fast and I'm obviously not, so the decals dried out and when I tried to moved them a bit, I ruined many of them. Luckily I have very small nails and I could cut the remaining decals on half and use both sides. But for the girls with bigger or longer nails it could be a problem, that there are only 10 decals in each set, so there is no room for mistakes... When I was satisfied with the position of the decal, I waited a bit for it to dry and then I filed the excess off with my glass file. Then I used a topcoat and then I moved to the next nail.
On the photo above you can read instructions for using them. I cleaned up my nails first and then I used one coat of China Glaze Strong adhession base coat. Then I have opened the set with chosen pattern and I have cut the cardboard on ten smaller pieces, so that each water decal was on one of them. I have put one of the decals in the water for a bit longer time as stated in instructions, so that it was more wet and was easier to use. :) Then I picked up the decal and put it on my nail and tried to put it in the perfect spot with rubbing. Everything seemed very simple to me until I first tried this. You have to be very fast and I'm obviously not, so the decals dried out and when I tried to moved them a bit, I ruined many of them. Luckily I have very small nails and I could cut the remaining decals on half and use both sides. But for the girls with bigger or longer nails it could be a problem, that there are only 10 decals in each set, so there is no room for mistakes... When I was satisfied with the position of the decal, I waited a bit for it to dry and then I filed the excess off with my glass file. Then I used a topcoat and then I moved to the next nail.

Tu lahko primerjate, kako majhne nohte imam v primerjavi z velikostjo nalepk, spodaj pa je še fotografija s Konad ploščico, da si boste lažje predstavljale njihovo dejansko velikost.
Here you can see how small my nails are compared to the size of the decal. Those are huge! :) Underneath is a photo with a Konad plate on it too, so you can compare the actual sizes of the water decals.



Tako, dovolj je bilo žirafe, od zdaj naprej pa samo še rožice. :) To manikuro imam od včeraj in zaenkrat se zelo dobro drži. Prvo manikuro sem nosila 3 dni, kar je zame kar precej, sedaj pa upam, da bodo tudi rožice zdržale vsaj toliko.
Ok, enough with the giraffe, onto the flowers now. :) I'm wearing this manicure from yesterday and it still looks flawless. I wore my first manicure for whole 3 days, which is a lot for me, so I hope the flowers will stick at least this long.
Ok, enough with the giraffe, onto the flowers now. :) I'm wearing this manicure from yesterday and it still looks flawless. I wore my first manicure for whole 3 days, which is a lot for me, so I hope the flowers will stick at least this long.



Te vodne nalepke so mi zelo več kljub temu, da sem imela na začetku kar nekaj težav z njimi. Vzorčki so čudoviti in preveč komplicirani, da bi jih lahko ustvarila sama, zato je to zame čudovita rešitev. Za prvo manikuro sem porabila kar dve uri, potem pa sem se navadila in sem drugo manikuro končala prej kot v eni uri in brez nadaljnih napak. :)
So nalepke všeč tudi vam? Še enkrat naj omenim, da jih lahko kupite TUKAJ. Zdaj pa mi prosim še zaupajte, kateri vzorčki so vam najbolj všeč. Meni so zelo luštne te vijolične rožice, komaj pa čakam, da preizkusim še rdeče vrtnice, metuljčke na roza podlagi in rožice na zeleni podlagi... :)
I really like those water decals despite the first troubles I had. Patterns are great and too complicated for me to create on my own and this is a great nail art solution. For the first manicure I used two hours, but I got used to it and the second one was done in less than an hour with no mistakes. :)
Do you like them too? If you do, you can buy them HERE. And please, tell me, which is your favourite pattern. I love these purple flowers and I can't wait to try red roses, butterflies and green green based flowers too... :)
So nalepke všeč tudi vam? Še enkrat naj omenim, da jih lahko kupite TUKAJ. Zdaj pa mi prosim še zaupajte, kateri vzorčki so vam najbolj všeč. Meni so zelo luštne te vijolične rožice, komaj pa čakam, da preizkusim še rdeče vrtnice, metuljčke na roza podlagi in rožice na zeleni podlagi... :)
I really like those water decals despite the first troubles I had. Patterns are great and too complicated for me to create on my own and this is a great nail art solution. For the first manicure I used two hours, but I got used to it and the second one was done in less than an hour with no mistakes. :)
Do you like them too? If you do, you can buy them HERE. And please, tell me, which is your favourite pattern. I love these purple flowers and I can't wait to try red roses, butterflies and green green based flowers too... :)
baš su mi slatke ove ružice, iako ni žirafa nije za bacit :-D
OdgovoriIzbrišiJoj, kako luštno tole izgleda!
OdgovoriIzbrišizanimive rožice, sem že malo pozabila na te nalepke, bom tudi jaz mogoče sprobala še kak vzorček ta vikend :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, punce! =))
OdgovoriIzbrišinail crazy, žirafin vzorček je bil zame zelo dober, ker je konsistenten in se napake niso videle. :) Rožice pa so bolj delikatne, če bi se zmotila in uporabila drugo polovičko nalepke, bi se videlo, ker je zgornja čisto drugačna od spodnje...
Biba, to pa res, zdaj pa sem dobila še dodaten zagon, ker res ni tako težko, kot je kazalo najprej. ;)
Anči, itak, se že veselim novih fotk! :P
uaau, ful mi je ušeč!! :D morm še jst sprobat ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful Nails, čim prej! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper blog imaš in novo spremljevalko. ;)
this is sooo pretty!! i love those water decals! :) by the way im your new follower i love and i love your blog! :) you can visit mine too http://neelai14.blogspot.com/
Thank you, ♥neelai♥! =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt looks incredible nice:) great: You have great ideas on blog:)
Thank you too, evie! =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHi, I'm giving away two nail polish Butter London:
If you're interested pass by ;-)
i have tried one kind of nail wraps recently, it is very good,easily apply and look fantastic. it is the right products for holiday! It save your time to make it!