Danes me je poštar zelo razveselil! Prinesel mi je prekrasen majhen paketek z rožicami iz Amerike. :) Paketek je darilo prijazne blogerke jbrobeck (polish insomniac), ker sem pravilno odgovorila na vprašanje, ki ga je zastavila na svojem blogu.
The mailman made me very happy today! He brought me a beautiful little flowery package from America. :) This is a gift from a very lovely blogger jbrobeck (polish insomniac), because I correctly answered the question she asked on her blog.
The mailman made me very happy today! He brought me a beautiful little flowery package from America. :) This is a gift from a very lovely blogger jbrobeck (polish insomniac), because I correctly answered the question she asked on her blog.

Nagrada je Finger Paints lakec, odtenek Blissfully Blue, ki je prvi lakec te znamke v moji zbirki in mi je izredno všeč! V paketku pa me čakalo še presenečenje, in sicer China Glaze Matte Magic nadlak! =))
The prize is my first Finger Paints nail polish in colour Blissfully Blue which I love! And there was a surprise in the package too: China Glaze Matte Magic top coat! =)) Jessika, you're so sweet and I would really like to THANK YOU very, very much! You made my day!
The prize is my first Finger Paints nail polish in colour Blissfully Blue which I love! And there was a surprise in the package too: China Glaze Matte Magic top coat! =)) Jessika, you're so sweet and I would really like to THANK YOU very, very much! You made my day!