Spet imam za vas fotografije ultra sijočega mavričnega lakca, tokrat gre za bež odtenek št. 62.
Imam vseh 6, tako da se kar pripravite na še več podobnih pisanih fotk. ;)
Tale lakec je v primerjavi z ostalimi holo Nfu-Oh lakci malenkost manj holografski, ampak to je opazno le, ko so postavljeni drug zraven drugega. Na nohtih pa še vedno izredno lepo žari.
Pri teh lakcih je nanos kar precej težaven, vendar pa ga močno olajša Nfu-Oh Aqua Base, podlak, ustvarjen posebej za bazo pod temi holografskimi lepotci. Če se jezite zaradi nanosa, vam jo zelo priporočam.
Na fotografijah so 3 sloji, posnete so z bliskavico.
Lep pozdrav!
I have an ultra shiny rainbow polish for you again, this time this is biege colour No. 62.
I own all 6 of them, so prepare yourself for more colouful photos! ;)
This one compared to other holo Nfu-Oh nail polishes is a little bit less holographic, but this is visible only when I put one next to each other. On the nails the rainbow is still very noticeable and glowing.
This polishes are kind of hard to apply, but the application gets much more easy, if you are using Nfu-Oh Aqua Base as a base coat underneath them. If you get mad because of the horrible application, I strongly recommend it.
There are 3 coats, photos are taken with flash.
Thanks for looking and take care!