Ker zadne čase nosim enake barve na nohtkih po več dni, imam za vas spet eno primerjavo, tokrat tri rdeče odtenke. Takšnih lakov ne nosim zelo pogosto, zato se mi zdijo dovolj podobni, da če imate enega, drugih dveh ne potrebujete.
Today I will show you comparison pictures of three very similar shimmery red polishes. I am not really a big fan of this kind of colors, so I find them similar enough to own only one.
Lakci na vseh slikicah, od leve proti desni: /
Left to right on all photos:
Amour - Yonkers Maroon
Essie - After Sex
Sinful Colors - Fire Red
Edina razlika med temi tremi lakci se mi zdi to, da je Amour malo hladnejši, Sinful pa malo toplejši odtenek od Essie-ja, ki je ravno med njima.
The only difference that I noticed is that Amour is a little colder and Sinful warmer than Essie that fits right in the middle.
31. marec 2010
30. marec 2010
Alessandro 285
Tale majhni krasotec me je prijetno presenetil, ko sem ga zagledala v trgovini. Alessandro lakci se mi zdijo kar precej dragi glede na količino, zato kupim samo tiste, ki me resnično navdušijo na prvi pogled.
Tale je rdeč jelly lakec z rdečim in črnim glitrom, v njem pa lahko najdemo tudi kakšen večji zlat šestkotnik. Prekrasna kombinacija!
Na fotografijah sta 2 plasti, posneti sta z bliskavico.
Kakšen pa se zdi vam? Je tudi vas tako navdušil in je ta lakec že v vaši zbirki?
This little beauty has surprised me in the local store. Alessandro nail polishes seem quite expensive to me considering the amount, so I buy only those, that really impress me on the first sight.Tale je rdeč jelly lakec z rdečim in črnim glitrom, v njem pa lahko najdemo tudi kakšen večji zlat šestkotnik. Prekrasna kombinacija!
Na fotografijah sta 2 plasti, posneti sta z bliskavico.
Kakšen pa se zdi vam? Je tudi vas tako navdušil in je ta lakec že v vaši zbirki?
This is red jelly nail polish with red and black glitter and even has some bigger golden hexagon shaped glitter in it! Just gorgeous!
There are 2 coats on the photos, they are taken with flash.
And what do you think about it? Do you like it and already have it in your collection?
Creme blue comparison
Lakci po vrsti od leve proti desni na vseh slikicah:
Left to right on all photos:
Color Club - Chelsea Girl
L.A. Girl Flare - Twinkling
OPI - Suzi Says Feng Shui
Meni so vsi trije lakci čudoviti, nanaša pa se najlepše OPI, saj je na sliki samo ena plast.Color Club je potreboval dve plasti, L.A. Girl pa celo tri. Vsi so poslikani brez nadlaka.
I love all three polishes, but OPI has the best consistency ad there is only one layer of polish on photos. Color Club needed two layers and L.A. Girl three coats for opacity seen on the photo. All pictures are taken without top coat.
Left to right on all photos:
Color Club - Chelsea Girl
L.A. Girl Flare - Twinkling
OPI - Suzi Says Feng Shui
Meni so vsi trije lakci čudoviti, nanaša pa se najlepše OPI, saj je na sliki samo ena plast.Color Club je potreboval dve plasti, L.A. Girl pa celo tri. Vsi so poslikani brez nadlaka.
I love all three polishes, but OPI has the best consistency ad there is only one layer of polish on photos. Color Club needed two layers and L.A. Girl three coats for opacity seen on the photo. All pictures are taken without top coat.
29. marec 2010
Nfu-Oh - 62
Spet imam za vas fotografije ultra sijočega mavričnega lakca, tokrat gre za bež odtenek št. 62.
Imam vseh 6, tako da se kar pripravite na še več podobnih pisanih fotk. ;)
Tale lakec je v primerjavi z ostalimi holo Nfu-Oh lakci malenkost manj holografski, ampak to je opazno le, ko so postavljeni drug zraven drugega. Na nohtih pa še vedno izredno lepo žari.
Pri teh lakcih je nanos kar precej težaven, vendar pa ga močno olajša Nfu-Oh Aqua Base, podlak, ustvarjen posebej za bazo pod temi holografskimi lepotci. Če se jezite zaradi nanosa, vam jo zelo priporočam.
Na fotografijah so 3 sloji, posnete so z bliskavico.
Lep pozdrav!
I have an ultra shiny rainbow polish for you again, this time this is biege colour No. 62.
I own all 6 of them, so prepare yourself for more colouful photos! ;)
This one compared to other holo Nfu-Oh nail polishes is a little bit less holographic, but this is visible only when I put one next to each other. On the nails the rainbow is still very noticeable and glowing.
This polishes are kind of hard to apply, but the application gets much more easy, if you are using Nfu-Oh Aqua Base as a base coat underneath them. If you get mad because of the horrible application, I strongly recommend it.
There are 3 coats, photos are taken with flash.
Thanks for looking and take care!
Imam vseh 6, tako da se kar pripravite na še več podobnih pisanih fotk. ;)
Tale lakec je v primerjavi z ostalimi holo Nfu-Oh lakci malenkost manj holografski, ampak to je opazno le, ko so postavljeni drug zraven drugega. Na nohtih pa še vedno izredno lepo žari.
Pri teh lakcih je nanos kar precej težaven, vendar pa ga močno olajša Nfu-Oh Aqua Base, podlak, ustvarjen posebej za bazo pod temi holografskimi lepotci. Če se jezite zaradi nanosa, vam jo zelo priporočam.
Na fotografijah so 3 sloji, posnete so z bliskavico.
Lep pozdrav!
I have an ultra shiny rainbow polish for you again, this time this is biege colour No. 62.
I own all 6 of them, so prepare yourself for more colouful photos! ;)
This one compared to other holo Nfu-Oh nail polishes is a little bit less holographic, but this is visible only when I put one next to each other. On the nails the rainbow is still very noticeable and glowing.
This polishes are kind of hard to apply, but the application gets much more easy, if you are using Nfu-Oh Aqua Base as a base coat underneath them. If you get mad because of the horrible application, I strongly recommend it.
There are 3 coats, photos are taken with flash.
Thanks for looking and take care!
L.A. Girl FLARE - Twinkling
za vas imam spet enega modrega lepotca, ki jih v moji zbirki res ne primanjkuje. L.A. Girl FLARE - Twinkling je čudovit živo moder lakec, ki žal potrebuje tri plasti za popolno prekrivnost. Na slikici pa je nanešen še nadlak, saj se lakec posuši v satinast, skoraj mat finiš.
I'll show you another pretty blue polish today. L.A. Girl FLARE - Twinkling is a gorgeous bright blue color that needs three coats for perfect opacity. The photos are also with top coat because this polish dries to a satin almost matte finish.
I'll show you another pretty blue polish today. L.A. Girl FLARE - Twinkling is a gorgeous bright blue color that needs three coats for perfect opacity. The photos are also with top coat because this polish dries to a satin almost matte finish.
28. marec 2010
OPI DS - Extravagance
Ta lakec že vse zelo dobro poznate, sedaj pa mi ga je Anček prijazno posodila in končno je prišel na moje nohtke! :) Njene fotografije in prispevek si lahko pogledate tukaj.
Gre za krasen temno roza do vijoličen odtenek, ki ima zelo malo holo šimra, kar pa me začuda ne moti. Izgleda mi, kot da laku doda še dodatno globino in je zaradi njega še nekaj bolj posebnega.
Na fotografijah, ki sta posneti na sončku, sta 2 plasti.
Lakec me je resnično očaral in morala si bom omisliti svojega. :)
Lep pozdrav do prihodnjič!
Ta lakec že vse zelo dobro poznate, sedaj pa mi ga je Anček prijazno posodila in končno je prišel na moje nohtke! :) Njene fotografije in prispevek si lahko pogledate tukaj.
Gre za krasen temno roza do vijoličen odtenek, ki ima zelo malo holo šimra, kar pa me začuda ne moti. Izgleda mi, kot da laku doda še dodatno globino in je zaradi njega še nekaj bolj posebnega.
Na fotografijah, ki sta posneti na sončku, sta 2 plasti.
Lakec me je resnično očaral in morala si bom omisliti svojega. :)
Lep pozdrav do prihodnjič!
You all know this polish very well. Anček has kindly lent me this beauty and finally I wore it on my nails. :) Here you can see her blogging about this polish.
This is gorgeous dark pink and purple mixture with just a little bit of holographic shimmer. It surprisingly doesn't bother me, it seems to me, that it adds the depth to the polish and makes it something special.
There are 2 coats on the photos, they are taken in the sun.
This polish has really impressed me, so I have to get my own! :)
Thanks for looking and take care!
You all know this polish very well. Anček has kindly lent me this beauty and finally I wore it on my nails. :) Here you can see her blogging about this polish.
This is gorgeous dark pink and purple mixture with just a little bit of holographic shimmer. It surprisingly doesn't bother me, it seems to me, that it adds the depth to the polish and makes it something special.
There are 2 coats on the photos, they are taken in the sun.
This polish has really impressed me, so I have to get my own! :)
Thanks for looking and take care!
Night Sky - Franky
Kvacka vam je že nekaj časa nazaj tukaj predstavila svojega zmešančka Night Sky, ki mi je bil tako všeč, da sem ga morala tudi sama sprobati.
Lakec je v živo še lepši kot na slikicah, saj se pisane bleščice svetijo izpod osnovne modre barve in resnično izgleda čudovito.
Kvacka has shown you her wonderful franky Night Sky here a while ago. And I liked it so much, that I had to try it on myself.
It actually looks better in real life than on photos, the holo glitter is wonderfully shining through the blue base color in the sun.
Lakec je v živo še lepši kot na slikicah, saj se pisane bleščice svetijo izpod osnovne modre barve in resnično izgleda čudovito.
Kvacka has shown you her wonderful franky Night Sky here a while ago. And I liked it so much, that I had to try it on myself.
It actually looks better in real life than on photos, the holo glitter is wonderfully shining through the blue base color in the sun.
27. marec 2010
China Glaze - Stroll
China Glaze - Stroll je še zadnji lak, iz serije starejših slik, ki jih imam za vas. V temno rdeči jelly osnovi laka se skrivajo manjše zlate bleščice, ki izgledajo kot delčki stekla. Lakec je res nekaj posebnega, vendar mislim da ne bo spet kmalu pristal na mojih nohtih, saj ga je bilo zelo težko lepo nanesti.
China Glaze - Stroll is the last one of the older pictures that I have prepared for you. It has gold glass flecked glitter in jelly dark red base and it really looks amazing. It was really hard to apply nicely so I don't think I'll be using it again soon.
China Glaze - Stroll is the last one of the older pictures that I have prepared for you. It has gold glass flecked glitter in jelly dark red base and it really looks amazing. It was really hard to apply nicely so I don't think I'll be using it again soon.
26. marec 2010
Dark blue comparison
Na začetku tega tedna mi je prijazna blogerka Biba poslala lak Avon - Twilight Blue, da ga primerjam z mojim OPI - Yoga-ta Get This Blue, sama pa sem dodala še lakec China Glaze - Up All Night.
A very kind blogger Biba send me Avon - Twilight Blue nail polish earlier this week. She wanted me to compare it to my OPI - Yoga-ta Get This Blue, and I also added China Glaze - Up All Night to this comparison.
Z leve proti desni: / Left to right:
Avon - Twilight Blue
China Glaze - Up All Night
Opi - Yoga-ta Get This Blue
Meni so vsi trije lakci čudoviti in če vam je všeč temno modra brava, dovolj različni da potrebujete vse tri.
Prav tako je pri vseh treh z previdnim nanosom dovolj že ena plast, na slikicah pa sta vseeno dve.
I really like all three colors and they are different enough that if you like dark blue polishes you need all of them.
All three also have great application and one layer is enough if you are very careful, anyway I put on two layers of all of them for this comparison.
A very kind blogger Biba send me Avon - Twilight Blue nail polish earlier this week. She wanted me to compare it to my OPI - Yoga-ta Get This Blue, and I also added China Glaze - Up All Night to this comparison.
Z leve proti desni: / Left to right:
Avon - Twilight Blue
China Glaze - Up All Night
Opi - Yoga-ta Get This Blue
Meni so vsi trije lakci čudoviti in če vam je všeč temno modra brava, dovolj različni da potrebujete vse tri.
Prav tako je pri vseh treh z previdnim nanosom dovolj že ena plast, na slikicah pa sta vseeno dve.
I really like all three colors and they are different enough that if you like dark blue polishes you need all of them.
All three also have great application and one layer is enough if you are very careful, anyway I put on two layers of all of them for this comparison.
25. marec 2010
Claire's - Dream Catcher
Claire's - Dream Catcher je prečudovit svetlo zelen odtenek, ki na mojih nohtih kraljuje že cele tri dni, kar je zame res zelo dolgo, saj se lakcev ponavadi naveličam po največ enem dnevu. Sam nanos ni bil najboljši, saj je lakec zelo prosojen in sem poterebovala kar štiri plasti, da sem dosegla rezultat, ki je viden na slikah.
Claire's - Dream Catcher is a wonderful light green shade that I like so much, that I am wearing it for three days already, and that is really a long time for me. Usually I get tired of color on my nails in one day. The application was not that good though, it took four coats to achieve the result shown on the photos.
Claire's - Dream Catcher is a wonderful light green shade that I like so much, that I am wearing it for three days already, and that is really a long time for me. Usually I get tired of color on my nails in one day. The application was not that good though, it took four coats to achieve the result shown on the photos.
24. marec 2010
OPI - Dating a Royal
OPI - Dating a Royal je čudovit, resnično kraljevo moder lakec. Z nakupom sem odlašala kar nekaj časa, saj je povsod pisalo, da ima jelly finish, vendar je po mojem menju popolnoma krem, kar mi je dosti bolj všeč. Na sliki sta dve plasti, ki zadostujeta za popolno prekrivnost, nanos pa je popolnoma enostaven.
OPI - Dating a Royal is a beautiful, trully royal blue shade. I thought it has more of a jelly finish, so I did not buy it immediately, but I do mot regret finally buying it because I consider it to have more of a creme finish. There are two coats of polish on the photos, and thet is completely enough fot perfect coverage.
OPI - Dating a Royal is a beautiful, trully royal blue shade. I thought it has more of a jelly finish, so I did not buy it immediately, but I do mot regret finally buying it because I consider it to have more of a creme finish. There are two coats of polish on the photos, and thet is completely enough fot perfect coverage.
23. marec 2010
Color Club - With Abandon
Tegale lakca mi ni ravno najbolje uspelo poslikati, ampak vseeno vam ga bom pokazala, drage bralke.
Gre za čudovitega rjavkota z rjavim, zlatim in celo temno vijoličnim šimrom! Morda je osnovna barva celo črna, v vsakem primeru je zelo zelo temna. Lakec mi je zelo všeč, vendar se nisem mogla upreti še nekaj rožicam s China Glaze 2030 lakcem iz Khrome kolekcije.
Kako se vam zdi?
I couldn't capture this beauty in whole of it's glory, but I tried and here are the photos for you, dear readers!
This is gorgeous brown nail polish with brown, golden and even dark purple shimmer! The base colour may be black or very very dark brown. I really like this one, but I couldn't resist and stamp some flowers on it. They are made with China Glaze 2030 from Khrome collection.
What do you think?
Gre za čudovitega rjavkota z rjavim, zlatim in celo temno vijoličnim šimrom! Morda je osnovna barva celo črna, v vsakem primeru je zelo zelo temna. Lakec mi je zelo všeč, vendar se nisem mogla upreti še nekaj rožicam s China Glaze 2030 lakcem iz Khrome kolekcije.
Kako se vam zdi?
I couldn't capture this beauty in whole of it's glory, but I tried and here are the photos for you, dear readers!
This is gorgeous brown nail polish with brown, golden and even dark purple shimmer! The base colour may be black or very very dark brown. I really like this one, but I couldn't resist and stamp some flowers on it. They are made with China Glaze 2030 from Khrome collection.
What do you think?
China Glaze - Watermelon Rind
Ker danes nisem imela priložnosti poslikati svoje manikure, vam bom pokazala lakec, ki sem ga imela na sebi kakšen mesec nazaj, vendar ga še nisem predstavila. Ta lak je China Glaze - Watermelon Rind, ki je modro zelen odtenek s posebnim šimrom z izgledom majhnih steklenih delčkov. Edina stvar, ki me pri tem laku moti, je to da so na sliki 3 plast, pa vendar se na sončki še vedno vidi linija nohta, saj še ni popolnoma prekriven.
Today I did not have the opportunity to take pa photo of my maniceure, so I decided to show you an older photo of China Glaze - Watermelon Rind. This is a blue green shade with glass flecked shimmer that makes it look really unique. The only thing I don't like about it, is that in three coats, that are on the photos, you can still see the visible nail line.
Tukaj so bili moji nohti dosti daljši, kot so sedaj, zato me zanima kakšni so vam bolj všeč. Hvala za vse komentarje.
My nails were way longer when I took this photo, so I want to know how, do you like them more. Thanx for reading and commenting.
Today I did not have the opportunity to take pa photo of my maniceure, so I decided to show you an older photo of China Glaze - Watermelon Rind. This is a blue green shade with glass flecked shimmer that makes it look really unique. The only thing I don't like about it, is that in three coats, that are on the photos, you can still see the visible nail line.
Tukaj so bili moji nohti dosti daljši, kot so sedaj, zato me zanima kakšni so vam bolj všeč. Hvala za vse komentarje.
My nails were way longer when I took this photo, so I want to know how, do you like them more. Thanx for reading and commenting.
22. marec 2010
Nfu-Oh - 61
Opozorilo! Današnji fotki lahko povzročita krajšo zaslepitev, na koncu pa lahko privedeta celo do hude zasvojenosti! Pozor, gre za enega izmed holografskih Nfu-Oh lakcev! :)
Ta odtenek je sicer srebrn, ampak ga je pod noro mavrico kar malo težko opaziti. Mene te laki navdušijo vsakokrat znova. A je sploh še potrebno kaj dopisati? :)
Attention, these two photos can cause temporarily blindness and at the end they can cause serious addiction! Beware - this is one of the Nfu-Oh's holos! :)
This is silver shade, but it is almost unnoticeable underneath that crazy rainbow. I get excited every time I'm wearing one of them. Do I even need to write something else? :)
Ta odtenek je sicer srebrn, ampak ga je pod noro mavrico kar malo težko opaziti. Mene te laki navdušijo vsakokrat znova. A je sploh še potrebno kaj dopisati? :)
Attention, these two photos can cause temporarily blindness and at the end they can cause serious addiction! Beware - this is one of the Nfu-Oh's holos! :)
This is silver shade, but it is almost unnoticeable underneath that crazy rainbow. I get excited every time I'm wearing one of them. Do I even need to write something else? :)
OPI - Suzi Says Feng Shui
OPI - Suzi Says Feng Shui je čudovit moder lakec iz kolekcije Hong Kong, ki se je zelo hitro zavihtel na spisek mojih najljubših lakov. Z nanosom nisem imela nobenih težav, saj je bila skoraj dovolj že ena plast.
OPI - Suzi Says Feng Shui is a wonderful blue polish from Hong Kong collection and it became one of my favourites as soon as I put it on my nails. I've had no problems with the application of it, actually one coat was almost enough.
OPI - Suzi Says Feng Shui is a wonderful blue polish from Hong Kong collection and it became one of my favourites as soon as I put it on my nails. I've had no problems with the application of it, actually one coat was almost enough.
21. marec 2010
Catrice - Almost Black
Skoraj črn, s tem imenom so pri Catrice zelo dobro zadeli.
Pri nakupu tega zelo temno vijoličnega lakca me je premamil izreden svetlo vijoličen in moder šimer, ki je kar žarel iz stekleničke. Na žalost je viden samo tam, na nohtih pa res skoraj nikoli.
Ali ne bi bilo veliko boljše, če bi bilo ravno obratno? :)
Almost black by Catrice - they really got this name right.
I was tempted to buy this dark purple polish because of it's gorgeous light violet and blue shimmer, which was literally glowing from the bottle. Unfortunately I almost can't see it on my nails...
Wouldn't it be much better, if it was right the opposite? :)
Pri nakupu tega zelo temno vijoličnega lakca me je premamil izreden svetlo vijoličen in moder šimer, ki je kar žarel iz stekleničke. Na žalost je viden samo tam, na nohtih pa res skoraj nikoli.
Ali ne bi bilo veliko boljše, če bi bilo ravno obratno? :)
Almost black by Catrice - they really got this name right.
I was tempted to buy this dark purple polish because of it's gorgeous light violet and blue shimmer, which was literally glowing from the bottle. Unfortunately I almost can't see it on my nails...
Wouldn't it be much better, if it was right the opposite? :)
Manicure upgrade
Ker je bil OPI - Yoga-ta Get This Blue po enem dnevu še kar popoln, sem ga nadgradila s NfuOh#39, ki je prozoren lak s krpicami prosojno rumeno zelene barve, ki preko modrega lakca postanejo čudovite zelene barve.
OPI - Yoga-ta Get This Blue was still looking perfect after a day of wear, so I decided to upgrade it with a layer of NfuOh#39. This is clear polish with sheer opalescent flakies that look wonderfully green over dark blue polish.
Ker z rezultatom nisem bila popolnoma zadovoljna, sem kasneje dodala še plast China Glaze - Matte Magic nadlaka, ki je krpice v laku še bolj poudaril.
I was not completely satisfied with the result, so I decided to add a layer of China Glaze - Matte Magic top coat, that made the flakies stand out even more.
Vam je všeč končni rezultat?
How do you like the end result?
OPI - Yoga-ta Get This Blue was still looking perfect after a day of wear, so I decided to upgrade it with a layer of NfuOh#39. This is clear polish with sheer opalescent flakies that look wonderfully green over dark blue polish.
Ker z rezultatom nisem bila popolnoma zadovoljna, sem kasneje dodala še plast China Glaze - Matte Magic nadlaka, ki je krpice v laku še bolj poudaril.
I was not completely satisfied with the result, so I decided to add a layer of China Glaze - Matte Magic top coat, that made the flakies stand out even more.
Vam je všeč končni rezultat?
How do you like the end result?
20. marec 2010
OPI - Yoga-ta Get This Blue
OPI - Yoga-ta Get This Blue je temno moder lak z zelo zanimivim svetlejše modrim, skoraj turkiznim šimrom. Nanašal se je zelo lepo in je bila skoraj dovolj že samo ena plast, vendar sem zaradi boljšega občutka vseeno nanesla dve.
OPI - Yoga-ta Get This Blue is a dark blue polish with very interesting lighter blue almost turquoise shimmer that makes it really unique. It applied great and was almost opaque in one coat, I aded second one for more depht in color.
Spomniti pa vas moram še na super giveaway, ki ga organizira Lyra, časa pa imate samo še danes, da se prijavite in sodelujete. Klik za več informacij!
I also have to remind you that Lyra is organising a great giveaway, and today is the last day to participate. Click for more info.
OPI - Yoga-ta Get This Blue is a dark blue polish with very interesting lighter blue almost turquoise shimmer that makes it really unique. It applied great and was almost opaque in one coat, I aded second one for more depht in color.
Spomniti pa vas moram še na super giveaway, ki ga organizira Lyra, časa pa imate samo še danes, da se prijavite in sodelujete. Klik za več informacij!
I also have to remind you that Lyra is organising a great giveaway, and today is the last day to participate. Click for more info.
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