19. julij 2012

Moschino Casino Royal Ring

Pred kratkim sem bila izžrebana v nagradni igri Bambi Eyes z bloga Milano Mode. Za darilo sem po pošti prejela prstan Moschino Casino Royal!!! =))

Recently I won a giveaway from lovely Bambi Eyes from Milano Mode blog. I recieved my gift in the mail and it was a Moschino Casino Royal ring!!! =))

Prstan sestoji iz štirih delov in vsak del posebej je bil zelo dobro zapakiran.

The ring consists of four parts and each part was very well packed.

Seveda sem prstan takoj tudi preskusila! :) Na nohtih sem imela nalakiran Depend Holographic lakec v odtenku Sand Grey.

Of course, I immediately tried the ring on! :) On my nails there was Depend Holographic nail polish in the shade Sand Grey.

Potem sem se odločila, da tale prstan potrebuje tudi primerno manikuro, zato sem na nohte nanesla dva sloja Essence Fame Fatal lakca ter ga poštempljala s črnim Color Club Where's the Soiree lakcem. Uporabila sem Konad šablono m48. Kako vam je všeč končen rezultat? =)

Then I decided that this ring also requires a manicure that would suit it better, so I applied two coats of Essence Fame Fatal nail polish. Then I stamped it with black Color Club nail polish Where's the Soiree, using Konad plate m48. How do you like the final result? =)

Dear Bambi Eyes, thank you for sending me this ring, I love it so much! *hugs* I hope you like it on me too. ;)

17. julij 2012

Pupa Holographic Nail Polishes 034 and 032

Pred kratkim sem nosila čudovit moder Pupa holo lakec. Gre za odtenek z imenom 034 Denim Blue. Na fotografijah sta dva sloja laka.

Recently I wore a beautiful blue holo nail polish from Pupa. It is a shade called 034 Denim Blue. On the photos there are two coats of polish.

Lakec je na mojih nohtih zdržal kar precej dolgo, skoraj tri dni, potem pa se je začel krušiti. Ker pa ga še vedno nisem želela odstraniti, sem na konice z gobico dodala še Pupa lakec 032 Emerald Green. Tako sem dobila lepo prelivanje barv, manikuro pa sem lahko nosila še nekaj dni.

Nail polish lasted quite long on my nails, almost three days, but then it started to chip. I still didn't want to remove it, so I added another Pupa color in my tips, it was 032 Emerald Green. So I got a nice gradient effect and I could wear this manicure for a few more days.

Kako vam je všeč končen rezultat? Ali tudi ve na takšen ali kakšen podoben način poskušate obdržati manikuro, ki vam je všeč, na nohtih čim več časa?

How do you like the final result? Do you use this way too or maybe any other way to keep the manicure you like very much on your nails as long as possible?