28. februar 2010

China Glaze - Ruby Pumps

Ruby Pumps je brez dvoma najlepši rdečko v moji zbirki lakov za nohte. Osnovna barva je jelly rdeča v kateri pa je veliko rdečih bleščic. Na slikah sta 2 plasti lakca, preko OPI - Friar, Friar, Pants on Fire! ter nadlak.

Ruby Pumps is without a doubt the prettiest red polish I own. It has red glitter in red jelly base color.
There are two coats of polish over OPI - Friar, Friar, Pants on Fire! and a top coat on the photos.

27. februar 2010

China Glaze - QT

Ja, res obožujem holografske odtenke! :)
Tokrat imam za vas dve fotografiji odtenka QT znamke China Glaze. Gre za zelo opazen roza lakec, mogoče gre celo za barvo fuksije. Mavrica je lepo vidna, vendar v primerjavi z nekaterimi drugimi lakci iz te kolekcije (OMG) ne izstopa tako zelo.
Na nohtih sta 2 sloja laka, fotografiji sta posneti z bliskavico.
Meni je lakec izredno všeč, kako pa se zdi vam?

Yes, I really do love holographic nail polishes! :)
This time I have another wonderful colour for you - it's QT from China Glaze. This is very noticeable pink shade, maybe even fuchsia. The rainbow is pretty, but if I compare it to some other shades from this collection (OMG), it's a little bit more subtle.
There are 2 coats of polish on my nails, photos are taken with flash.
I really like it, it's such a QT! ;) And what do you think?

26. februar 2010

China Glaze - He's Going In Circles + konad

Zopet imam na nohtih holografski lakec. To je China Glaze He's Going In Circles, ki sem ga dobila od prijazne soforumašice honeybear z ARS-a. Hvala! :)
Gre za zelo bledo zelen odtenek z večjimi holografskimi delci. Malo sem se bala, da na meni ne bo izgledal dobro, pa sem se k sreči motila. Zelo mi je všeč!
Na fotografijah so tri plasti, vse so bile posnete z bliskavico zaradi slabega vremena.
Na koncu pa je še ena igračkarija s konadom in Essence All Access lakcem. Taka kombinacija mi je zelo všeč, Essence preko svetlejšega holo zelenkota meni izgleda krasno! :)
Kako pa se zdi vam?

Today I have a holographic nail polish on my nails again. This is China Glaze He's Going In Circles. I got it from a very nice girl honeybear from forum ARS.
This is pale green colour with bigger holographic particles. I was afraid that it wouldn't look good on me, but luckily I was wrong. I really love it!
There are three coats on the photos, they are all taken with flash because of a really bad weather here.
In the end there is a photo of a konad experiment with Essence All Access nail polish. I really love the combination of this Essence over lighter green holo polish.
And what do you think?

25. februar 2010

Essence - Spicy

Spet imam za vas lakec, pri katerem je dovolj že ena sama plast, da izgleda super. To je Essence Spicy, rjav odtenek z bakrenim pridihom. Moj je še iz starejše linije Multi Dimension. V njem se nahaja zlat in rjav šimer, pod močno osvetlitvijo pa je viden celo rdeč in zelen šimer. Nanaša se povsem brez težav in zdi se mi, da lepo pristaja na mojo polt. To je bil moj prvi rjavko, ki me je močno navdušil in še danes mi je všeč. :)
Lep pozdrav do prihodnjič!

I have a perfect one-coater for you again, dear readers! This is Essence Spicy, brown shade with hint of copper. Mine is from older Multi Dimension line, now they sell new one and I don't have it. But they look very similar to me.
Mine has brown and golden shimmer, under strong light I can see even red and green shimmer. It goes on perfectly and I think it looks good on me. This was my first brown nail polish and I love it from the moment I got it. :)
Take care and till next time!

24. februar 2010

Orly - Country Club Khaki

Orly - Country Club Khaki je kremen rjavo siv odtenek, ki sem ga naročila ker sem si želela en skoraj nude, polnoprekriven lak. Moram priznati da me je pozitivno presenetil, ker čepraj je malo temnejši od moje polti, se mi zdi, da mi super paše. Poslikala sem ga na soncu, na slikah pa je samo ena plast brez nadlaka.

Orly - Country Club Khaki is a light brown gray creme polish that I have ordered because I have wanted an almost nude shade. It surprised me in a positive way because it is very pigmented so I only needed one coat and I really like it on me. All the pictures are taken without top coat, outside in the sun.

23. februar 2010

OPI DS - Reflection

Danes vam bom predstavila lakec, ki je popolnoma prekriven že v enem samem sloju.
Gre za OPI-ja, enega izmed Designer Series lakov. Na mojo žalost tudi enega izmed manj holografskih. Sprva mi je bila všeč ideja rdečega holo lakca, na koncu pa se je izkazalo, da ni niti eno niti drugo. Odtenek je dosti bolj svetel in koralen, kot sem si predstavljala in ne pristaja na mojo polt. Tudi čopič je v mojem laku občutno preširok in zato sem imela težave pri nanašanju. Že tako imam na splošno probleme z OPI-jevimi ploščatimi čopiči, ampak tale je še širši od ostalih, česar resnično ne maram! To, da je prekriven z eno plastjo, zame žal ni dovolj, da bi bila navdušena nad njim. :(
Kakšne pa so vaše izkušnje s tem lakcem?

Today I will show you a perfect one-coater. Unfortunately this is the only good thing I can say about this nail polish.
It is one of the Designer Series OPI's and it's practically not holographic at all. At first I loved the idea of a red holo nail polish, but in the end this one was neither of that. It's much lighter and coral than I have imagined and it doesn't look good on me. I usually have problems with flat brushes from OPI, because they are too big for me. But this one is even bigger then the rest of them and I hate it. One coat is enough to be opaque, but this is not enough for me to like it at all. :(
And what are your experiences with this polish?

Name my Franky

Po vseh kvackinih zmešančkih, moram še jaz objaviti enega svojega. Pravzaprav je bil ustvarjen samo zato da vidim kako se bleščice iz art trgovine obnašajo v laku ampak mi je postal presenetljivo všeč, bleščice se pa zaenkrat tudi super držijo.
Ker pa nimam pojma kako bi ga poimenovala vas prosim za kakšen zanimiv predlog.

After all the beautiful franken's that kvacka has shown you, I have decided to show you mine today. It was created only to see how art store glitter will react in polish but I like it a lot and the glitter seems great for frankening.
I have no idea how to name it, so I would like you to give me some suggestions for the name.

22. februar 2010


Danes imam za vas mojega najnovejšega zmešančka. Ja, seveda je holo. :)
Poimenovala sem ga Night Sky.
Uporabila sem temno moder in temno vijolični lakec ter mešanici dodala še holografski gliter. Presenetilo me je, da je lakec popolnoma prekriven z enim samim slojem, kar lahko vidite na fotografijah. Po vrhu sta potem nanešeni še dve plasti nadlaka.

Today I will show you my new franken. Yes, it's holo! :)
I named it Night Sky.
I used dark blue and dark purple nail polishes and a lot of holographic glitter. I was really pleasantly surprised, because it is opaque in just one coat, as you can see on the photos. I also used two coats of top coat.

V senci. / In shadow.

Na sončku. / In the sun.

Na umetni svetlobi s flash-em. / Artificial light with flash.

Na umetni svetlobi s flash-em. / Artificial light with flash.

OPI - Friar, Friar, Pants on Fire!

Danes imam za vas prečudovit odtenek OPI - Friar, Friar, Pants on Fire!. Lak je živo rdeče barve z majhnim zlatim šimrom, ki se ga opazi samo na močnem soncu, vendar naredi barvo toplo in zelo nosljivo. Za popolno prekrivnost bi bil dovolj že en natančen nanos, vendar sem jaz vseeno dala dve plasti. Vse slikice so posnete na naravni svetlobi, moč sončka pa upada po slikicah navzdol.

Today I have a wonderful nail polish to show you. It's called OPI - Friar, Friar, Pants on Fire! and it red with very small gold shimmer that only shows up in the bottle and on very strong sun, but it makes the color warmer and more wearable. It only needs one coat for perfect opacity but I did two for the photos that are all taken in the sun.

21. februar 2010

China Glaze - TTYL

Tudi jaz imam danes za vas holografski lakec, in sicer China Glaze TTYL iz kolekcije OMG.
Gre za nežen koralno mareličen odtenek, ki se zelo lepo zlije z mojo poltjo in na trenutke se sploh ne vidi, da imam nalakirane nohte. Ampak na sončku se mavrice enostavno ne da spregledati. :)

Na fotografijah so 3 plasti laka, ker je rahlo voden, posnete pa so s flash-em.

Today I have a holographic nail polish for you too, it's China Glaze TTYL from OMG collection.
This is very delicate, almost nude nail polish, maybe light coral or peach colour. It works really well with my skin tone and sometimes you can't even see that I'm wearing nail polish, because it looks so nude on me. But on the sun the rainbow is very visible and stunning. :)
There are 3 coats of polish on the photos, because it is a bit watery. They are taken with flash.

China Glaze - 2nite

China Glaze - 2nite je čudovit moder holo lak, ki resnično zaživi na sončku, zato sem ga seveda pozabila poslikati v senčki, da bi vam pokazala kakšna je njegova osnovna barva.
Obe sliki sta posneti s flashem, na nohtih pa sta dve plasti laka.

China Glaze - 2nite is a wonderful blue holo polish that really shines in the sun so I forgot to take a picture of it in the shade so I could show you its color color in low light.
Both pictures are taken with flash and there are two coats of polish on the nails.

20. februar 2010

Essie - Mint Candy Apple

Essie - Mint Candy Apple je pastelno modro zelen pomladni lak, ki mi je čedalje bolj všeč. Ko je izšla Essie kolekcija Sweet Time of The Year se mi sploh ni zdel nič posebnega, endar pa je moje navdušenje nad njim začelo rasti, ko sem videla vedno več slikic na katerih mi je bil bolj ali manj všeč in sem se seveda odločila da se moram prepričati če je vreden navdušenja, ki so ga nekateri kazali nad njim. Moram priznati da me je prepričal in bo spomladi najverjetneje dostikrat na mojih nohtih.

Essie - Mint Candy Apple is a wonderful light green shade with a hint of blue. When Essie collection Sweet Time of The Year first appeared in stores I did not like this polish at all, but as the time moved on and pictures of it started showing up everywhere I decided to give it a try and I'm really happy that I did. It is a perfect color for the spring and I think it will be on my nails frequently.

v senčki / in shade:

šibko sonce: / weak sun:

močno sonce: / strong sun:

19. februar 2010

Zoya - Yasmeen

Zoya - Yasmeen je prečudovit vijoličen lakec z raznobarvnim šimrom, ki mu da neverjetno globino in resnično izgleda prečudovit v vseh svetlobnih pogojih, kljub temu pa ga je izredno težko poslikati, saj je v resnici dosti lepši kot na katerikoli sliki.
Na slikah sta 2 plasti laka, ki se nanaša brez vsakega problema a sta 2 plasti vseeno obvezni. Prvi 2 sliki sta posneti na naravni svetlobi, zadnja pa na močnem sončku.

Zoya - Yasmeen is a beautiful purple nail polish with different colors of shimmer that gives depth to the color and it makes it look grat in all lights. Anyway it is very dificult to photograph because it does not look as pretty on the pictures as it does in real life. It applies wonderfully in two coats. First two pictures were taken in natural light and the last one on very strong direct sun.

18. februar 2010

Franken and comparison - China Glaze Wireless and Fairy Dust

Za vas imam danes malo več fotografij, drage bralke. Najprej bi vam rada pokazala enega od zmešančkov, ki mi ga je podarila Anček skupaj še s šestimi drugimi zmešančki. Glavna sestavina vseh je holografski S-he 427, ostale sestavine pa so skrivnost tudi zame. :) Da jih bom lažje ločila med sabo, sem jih razvrstila od najsvetlejšega proti najtemnejšemu in jih oštevilčila. Spodnji je zmešanček št. 3.

Today I've got more photos for you, dear readers. Anček once gave me seven frankens and their main ingredient was holographic nail polish S-he 427. Others ingredients are secret for me too. :) I gave them numbers from one to seven. First I would like to show you one of them, franken number 3.

Zmešanček št. 3. / Franken No. 3.

Potem sem ga na levi roki premazala s China Glaze Wireless top coat (ki vsebuje zelo droben holografski šimer), na desni pa s China Glaze Fairy Dust (ki vsebuje holografske bleščice). Wireless ni pretirano opazen, saj je zmešanček holografski že sam po sebi, zato pa se bleščice s Fairy Dust-a še dodatno svetijo z nohta.

Then I topped it with China Glaze Wireless top coat (with very small holographic shimmer) on the left hand and with China Glaze Fairy Dust (with holographic glitter) on the right hand. Wireless is not very noticeable, because franken is already holographic by itself, but glitter from Fairy Dust gets really shiny and it is very noticable on nails.

Zmešanček in China Glaze Wireless top coat. / Franken and China Glaze Wireless top coat.

Zmešanček in China Glaze Fairy Dust. / Franken and China Glaze Fairy Dust.

Zamegljena slika prejšnje manikure. / Blurred photo of previous manicure.

Meni sta bili sicer všeč obe manikuri, vendar se mi je zdelo, da mogoče delam krivico Wireless-u. Zato sem ju primerjala še preko črnega krem laka (NYX Black). Na kazalcu in prstancu je Fairy Dust, na sredincu in mezicu pa Wireless. Kateri vam je bolj všeč?

I liked both manicures, but it seemed to me, that we can't see Wireless properly on top of another holographic polish. So I made another comparison over black creme (NYX Black). On my index and ring finger there is Fairy Dust and on my middle finger and pinkie there is Wireless. Which one do you prefer?

17. februar 2010

China Glaze - Stroll

Pravkar ugotavljam, da sva z Anček pokazali že kar nekaj najinih China Glaze lakcev. Ampak kljub temu si ne morem pomagati, tu je še en lepotec, ki sliši na ime Stroll.
Gre za temno rdeč jelly odtenek, ki vsebuje čudovite drobne krpice zlate barve. Ljubezen na prvi pogled! :)
Obe fotografiji sta posneti na sončku, na nohtih imam 3 plasti laka.
Lep pozdrav do prihodnjič!

I just figured out that we have shown you a lot of our China Glaze nail polishes already. But I just can't help myself, here is another beauty, called Stroll.
This is dark red jelly nail polish with wonderful gold flakies. Love at first sight! :)
Both photos were taken in the sun, there are 3 coats of polish on my nails.
Thanks for looking and take care!

China Glaze - Let's do it in 3-D

Danes vam bom na hitro predstavila holografski lakec z imenom China Glaze - Let's do it in 3-D, ki je del Kaleidoscope kolekcije.
Odtenek je sive barve z malo večjim in zelo močnim holo šimrom, ki pa se na srečo odstranjuje brez težav. Za prekrivnost so bili potrebni trije nanosi.

Today I have China Glaze - Let's do it in 3-D holographic polsh to show you. It is a part of Kaleidoscope collection and it is grey with bigger holographic shimmer that is very easy to remove. It took three coats for perfect coverage.