23. december 2011

My favorite shimmery Christmassy reds

Tu je nekaj swatchev mojih najljubših šimrastih rdečih odtenkov, ki so čudoviti in hkrati primerni za božične manikure. Njihova skupna lastnost je tudi ta, da so zelo prekrivni in bi pri večini skoraj zadostoval že en sam sloj, vendar vedno nanesem vsaj dva.

Here are some swatches of my favorite shimmery red nail polishes which are gorgeous and very suitable for Christmas manicures. The next thing they all have in common is that they are very opaque, so I could almost get away with one coat of each. Still I always use at least two.

Zgoraj in spodaj: Essence Once Upon a Time, dva sloja.
Up and down: Essence Once Upon a Time, two coats.

Zgoraj in spodaj: Feicai - 39, dva sloja.
Up and down: Feicai - 39, two coats.

Zgoraj in spodaj: Kleancolor - Metallic Red, dva sloja.
Up and down: Kleancolor - Metallic Red, two coats.

Spodaj: Essence - Hypnotic Poison, dva sloja.
Down: Essence - Hypnotic Poison, two coats.

Zgoraj in spodaj: Nicole by OPI - OMB!, dva sloja.
Up and down: Nicole by OPI - OMB!, two coats.

Zgoraj in spodaj: Carrefour - 072, dva sloja.
Moj najljubši, dobila sem ga namreč za darilo iz Pariza.

Up and down: Carrefour - 072, two coats.
This one is my favorite one, I got it as a present from Paris.

Nisem se še čisto odločila, katerega izmed njih bi nosila za božič. Imate kakšen predlog? :)

I haven't decided which one to wear for Christmas yet. Which one do you suggest? :)

11. december 2011

Absolutely Alice effect

Ko sem nanesla dve plasti modrega bleščičastega laka Milani Blue Flash, sem dobila idejo. Odtenek bleščic se mi namreč zdi zelo podoben modrim bleščicam v zelo iskanemu OPI-jevemu Absolutely Alice laku, vendar manjkajo zlate bleščice. Zato sem malo pobrskala po svoji zbirki in na plan je pokukal lakec FCC št. 72, ki v prozorni bazi vsebuje manjše zlate in modre bleščice, nanesla pa sem ga 2 plasti. Ravno prav za efekt, ki sem ga želela doseči! :)

When I did 2 coats of Milani Blue Flash nail polish, which is opaque blue glitter, I got an idea. In my oppinion the colour of the glitter seems very similar to the blue glitter in the very hard to find OPI Absolutely Alice nail polish. But there is no golden glitter, so I checked my nail polish collection and I picked up FCC nail polish in number 72. It contains smaller golden and blue glitter in clear base. I did two coats - that was just right for the effect I wanted to achieve! :)

Končnega rezultata na žalost ne morem primerjati z Absolutely Alice lakom, ker ga nimam v svoji zbirki. Ne vem, kako blizu sem prišla originalu (verjetno ne prav zelo), vendar mi je modro zlat efekt vseeno zelo všeč. Kakšen pa se zdi vam?

Unfortunately I can't compare the final result with Absolutely Alice nail polish, because I don't own it. So I don't know how close to the original I got (probably not very close), but I still love the blue golden effect. And how do you feel about it?

9. december 2011

Layering Combo

Nekaj časa nazaj sem na enem nohtu preizkusila Color Club lakec Total Mystery, vendar je bil za moj okus veliko preveč prosojen, da bi z njim poskušala doseči popolno prekrivnost. Zato sem ga slojila čez prekrivni moder krem lak Essence Chuck. Rezultat - šimrasto modri nohti z vijoličnim pridihom.

A while ago I tried Color Club Total Mystery nail polish on one of my nails, but in my oppinion it was too sheer, so I didn't even bother to reach full opacity only with it. So I layered it over opaque blue nail polish Essence Chuck with creme finish. Result - shimmery blue nails with purple sheen.

Čez nekaj časa me je manikura pričela dolgočasiti, zato sem dodala še bleščičast lak Essence Troy, ki vsebuje modre, vijolične in srebrne bleščice v prosojni osnovi.

After a while this manicure became boring to me, so I added glittery nail polish over it. This was Essence Troy, it contains blue, purple and silver glitter in a clear base.

Kakšen se vam zdi končni rezultat? Meni je bil zelo všeč! :)

How do you like the final result? I liked it a lot! :)

3. december 2011

Raggio di Luna Nails

Imate rade umetnine na nohtih? Jaz jih obožujem, vendar ponavadi ne najdem dovolj časa ali volje, da bi se lotila ustvarjati na lastnih nohtih. No ja, nalakiram jih že, to pa je večinoma kar to... Moja dobra prijateljica in sestrična pa ima tudi tisto umetniško žilico, ki meni manjka. Že nekaj časa ustvarja in riše po svojih nohtkih, sedaj pa je pričela pisati tudi svoj blog, ki ga z veseljem prebiram in si sprostim oči. Saj veste, kako to gre. =)

Do you like nail art? I love it, but I usually don't find enough of time or I just don't feel like doing it on my own nails. I paint them with a pretty nail polish and mostly that's just it... But my very good friend and cousin has that great talent that I lack. She creats perfect nail art manicures and she just started her own blog. I really like to read it and I rest my eyes on her photos. You know, how that goes, right? =)

Tu je nekaj njenih fotografij. / Here are some of her photos.

Če so vam njene fotografije všeč, vam priporočam obisk njenega bloga, Raggio di Luna Nails. Raggio di Luna, tebi pa želim še veliko veselja pri ustvarjanju (na nohtkih in blogu, hihi)!* =))

If you like her photos, I suggest you to visit her blog Raggio di Luna Nails. Raggio di Luna, I hope you will have much joy with nail art and blogging in the future too!* =))

6. november 2011

Essence Feels So Good top coat

Prepričana sem, da že poznate ta lakec iz Essence Remix Your Style omejene kolekcije. Gre za odtenek oziroma nadlak Feels So Good. Vsebuje pretežno roza šimer, ki pa se pod različnimi koti spremeni v zeleno barvo. Za podlago sem uporabila lak Almost Black znamke Catrice, ki je bil del starejše linije, ko stekleničke še niso bile zaobljene.

I'm sure that you have already heard about this nail polish from Essence Remix Your Style limited collection. This is Feels So Good color, well, it's actually a top coat. It has pretty pink shimmer, which flashes to green under right angle. For base color I used Almost Black nail polish from Catrice. This is one of their old nail polishes and it's not even in the rounded newer bottle.

To je edini lakec, ki sem ga kupila iz te kolekcije. Kateri pa so navdušili vas? Ste jih ali pa jih še boste kupile?

This is the only nail polish I bought from this collection. And which ones do you like? Did you buy them or are you going to?

5. november 2011

Ozotic Pro - 505

Pri tem lakcu ne bom izgubljala preveč besed – Ozotic Pro 505 sem slojila čez črn Color Club Where's The Soiree in dobila sem pretežno temno zeleno, modro in vijolično kombinacijo, ki se preliva do roza, oranžne, rumene in celo svetlo zelene... <3 To je brez dvoma moj najljubši "multichrome" lak, zaenkrat je v moji zbirki brez konkurence! Sedaj pa naj svoje povedo še fotografije. :)

I will not loose too many words about this nail polish – I painted one coat of Ozotic Pro 505 over black Color Club Where's The Soiree and I got mainly dark green, blue and purple combination, but it goes on to pink, orange, yellow and even light green... <3 This is my favorite multichrome nail polish by far, it has no competition in my collection! And now prepare yourself for photo spam. :)

Je ta lakec tudi vam všeč tako, kot je meni? Ga imate v svoji zbirki ali pa vas je podobno navdušil kateri drug odtenek?

Do you like this polish as much as I do? And do you own it too or did any other similar polish make you very excited?

3. november 2011

Mixed Glass Stones and Kleancolor Metallic Red

S spletne trgovine Viva la Nails sem prejela 9 majhnih paketkov okrasnih kamenčkov za nohte v večih barvah. V vsakem izmed paketkov so štiri velikosti kamenčkov enake barve in poslali so mi 9 različnih barv.

I have received 9 little sample packages of mixed glass stones for nail art from Viva la Nails in many colours. Each of the packages contains four sizes of stones in the same color and they sent me 9 different colors.

Za primerjavo velikosti sem zgoraj zraven paketkov fotografirala še svojo roko (na nohtih imam Kleancolor Metallic Red lakec), spodaj pa vidite primerjavo velikosti paketka in evrskega kovanca.

For the size comparison I have photographed my hand next to the packages on the upper photo (I'm wearing Kleancolor Metallic Red nail polish on my nails) and on the lower photo you can see the package compared with the 1 Euro coin.

Kamenčki so različnih velikosti. Manjši se mi zdijo zelo luštni in uporabni, največjih pa si sploh ne predstavljam na svojih nohtih, saj so za moj okus odločno preveliki.

There are various sizes of the stones. I find the smaller ones very cute and useful, but I cannot see myself wearing the biggest of them, they are way too big in my opinion.

Zelo sem se veselila, da kamenčke preizkusim, zato nisem mogla čakati in sem na trenutno manikuro takoj dodala zlate rožice z Essence štampiljko in China Glaze 2030, nato pa sem v sredine cvetov dodala manjše modre kamenčke.

I was very excited to try out the stones and I couldn't wait to change my manicure, so I stamped golden flowers on top with Essence stamp and China Glaze 2030. Then I added small blue stones in the middle od the blossoms.

Vam je ta manikura všeč ali sem morda pretiravala s preveč barvami? Takšnih manikur namreč nisem vajena in naslednjič bom verjetno ustvarila kakšno bolj umirjeno...

Do you like this manicure od did I exaggerate with too many colors? I'm really not used to manicures like this and next time I will probably create something more delicate...

31. oktober 2011

Double crack :)

Danes imam za vas fotografije dveh Depend lakcev. Prvi od njiju je nežno lila barve s srebrnim šimrom, drugi pa je svetlo moder crackle lakec, ki ravno tako vsebuje srebrn šimer. Na žalost lakca nimata prijetnih imen, ampak samo številke: 222 in 5067. Po vrhu je hec tudi v tem, da so številke izredno slabo vidne, zato je možno, da sem katero od njiju prepisala narobe. Če katera to opazi, naj me prosim opozori in bom popravila. :)

Today I would like to show you photos of two Depend nail polishes. First one is delicate lilac colour with silver shimmer and second one is light blue crackle polish, which also contains silver shimmer. Unfortunately they do not have such pretty names, but only numbers: 222 and 5067. And to make it even more sad is the fact that numbers are almost invisible, so I might have read them wrong. If anyone notices I made a mistake, please tell me and I will correct it. :)

Preden pa sem manikuro odstranila, sem se odločila še za kratek test, ki sem ga poimenovala kar "Double crack". ;) Po vrhu sem namreč slojila še eno plast Essence Crack Me! Black laka in efekt mi je bil zelo všeč. Kako pa se zdi vam?

Before I removed this manicure I decided to do a little test and I called it "Double crack". ;) Over the nails I painted one coat of Essence Crack Me! Black crackle nail polish and I really loved the effect. Do you find this combination as mission acomplished? :)

18. oktober 2011

Pics heavy - random manicures, part 3

Imam kar precej fotografij manikur, ki jih še nisem uspela objaviti. Odločila sem se, da jih bom objavila v nekaj sklopih, prvi in drugi sklop pa lahko najdete TUKAJ in TUKAJ. Če vas kakšen izmed lakec posebej zanima, me povprašajte in vam bom v komentarjih rade volje odgovorila. :)

I have tons of photographs of manicures that I haven't published yet and I wore them in the past. I have decided I will publish them in few parts, you can find first part HERE and second part HERE. If you need more information about particular polish, please ask and I will gladly answer on all your questions in the comments. :)

China Glaze - BFF, IDK, 2NITE, L8R G8R

China Glaze - BFF, IDK, 2NITE, L8R G8R

China Glaze - BFF, IDK, 2NITE, L8R G8R

China Glaze - BFF, IDK, 2NITE, L8R G8R

China Glaze - BFF, IDK, 2NITE, L8R G8R

China Glaze - TTYL

China Glaze - TTYL

China Glaze - TTYL, Color Club - Where's the Soiree

Color Club - Wild At Heart, China Glaze - Millennium

China Glaze - For Audrey

China Glaze - For Audrey

China Glaze - For Audrey, Jessica Hologram Top Coat, Wet'n'Wild Rock Solid

China Glaze - For Audrey, Jessica Hologram Top Coat, Wet'n'Wild Rock Solid

Sally Hansen - Golden Tourmaline

Sally Hansen - Golden Tourmaline

Color Club - Gossip Column

China Glaze - Millennium

China Glaze - Millennium

China Glaze - Millennium

Color Club - Fashion Addict

Zoya - Yasmeen

Zoya - Yasmeen

Zoya - Yasmeen, Nfu-Oh 51

Zoya - Yasmeen, Nfu-Oh 51