Ko sem nanesla dve plasti modrega bleščičastega laka Milani Blue Flash, sem dobila idejo. Odtenek bleščic se mi namreč zdi zelo podoben modrim bleščicam v zelo iskanemu OPI-jevemu Absolutely Alice laku, vendar manjkajo zlate bleščice. Zato sem malo pobrskala po svoji zbirki in na plan je pokukal lakec FCC št. 72, ki v prozorni bazi vsebuje manjše zlate in modre bleščice, nanesla pa sem ga 2 plasti. Ravno prav za efekt, ki sem ga želela doseči! :)
When I did 2 coats of Milani Blue Flash nail polish, which is opaque blue glitter, I got an idea. In my oppinion the colour of the glitter seems very similar to the blue glitter in the very hard to find OPI Absolutely Alice nail polish. But there is no golden glitter, so I checked my nail polish collection and I picked up FCC nail polish in number 72. It contains smaller golden and blue glitter in clear base. I did two coats - that was just right for the effect I wanted to achieve! :)
When I did 2 coats of Milani Blue Flash nail polish, which is opaque blue glitter, I got an idea. In my oppinion the colour of the glitter seems very similar to the blue glitter in the very hard to find OPI Absolutely Alice nail polish. But there is no golden glitter, so I checked my nail polish collection and I picked up FCC nail polish in number 72. It contains smaller golden and blue glitter in clear base. I did two coats - that was just right for the effect I wanted to achieve! :)
Končnega rezultata na žalost ne morem primerjati z Absolutely Alice lakom, ker ga nimam v svoji zbirki. Ne vem, kako blizu sem prišla originalu (verjetno ne prav zelo), vendar mi je modro zlat efekt vseeno zelo všeč. Kakšen pa se zdi vam?
Unfortunately I can't compare the final result with Absolutely Alice nail polish, because I don't own it. So I don't know how close to the original I got (probably not very close), but I still love the blue golden effect. And how do you feel about it?
Unfortunately I can't compare the final result with Absolutely Alice nail polish, because I don't own it. So I don't know how close to the original I got (probably not very close), but I still love the blue golden effect. And how do you feel about it?
Super izgleda. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTaya, hvala! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišisuper je bio i sam, a s dodatnim zlatnim glitterićima učinila si ga i boljim ;-D
OdgovoriIzbrišinail crazy, se strinjam, že samo Blue Flash je čudovit. :) Hvala za pohvalo. ;)
OdgovoriIzbriši<3 Pretty!
OdgovoriIzbrišiEmm, thank you! =)