23. junij 2011

Water Decal Nail Wraps

Danes vam bom pokazala kompletke vodnih nalepk za nohte s spletne trgovine Viva la Nails. Prejela sem enak paketek kot Anček in za preizkus sva si obe čisto slučajno izbrali isti žirafin vzorček. Da pa ne bo vse skupaj preveč dolgočasno, sem naredila še eno manikuro, tokrat z vijoličnimi rožicami na beli podlagi.

Today I will show you water decals nail wraps sets I got from web store Viva la Nails. I recieved the same package as Anček did and we accidentally chose the same giraffe pattern for our first, testing manicure. I didn't wan't this post to be too boring, so I waited a bit until I used another pattern for my manicure, this time I used purple flowers on white base.

Na zgornji fotografiji si lahko preberete navodila za uporabo. Sama sem najprej očistila nohte in nanesla China Glaze Strong adhession base coat podlak, nato pa sem odprla paketek z izbranim vzorčkom in razrezala kartonček z vzorčki na 10 delov, tako da je bil vsak vzorček na svojem koščku. Potem sem položila izbrano nalepko v vodo, in sicer za dlje časa, kot piše v navodilih, vsaj za minuto, ker sem imela občutek, da so se nalepke potem lepše obnašale. :) Ko sem izbrano nalepko vzela iz vode, sem jo položila na noht in jo poskušala čim lepše postaviti in zgladiti. Vse se mi je zdelo enotavno, dokler tega nisem zares poskusila. Treba je biti namreč zelo hiter, da se nalepke ne posušijo, in ker sem očitno precej počasna, sem jih kar precej uničila. Še dobro, da imam tako majhne nohte in sem lahko nekaj preostalih nalepk prerezala na pol in jih uporabila na tistih nohtih, kjer so se mi prve ponesrečile. :) Po mojem mnenju pa ne bi škodila še kakšna dodatna nalepka za dekleta z večjimi nohti, ker si ne smejo privoščiti napak, ne da bi jim zmanjkalo nalepk... Ko sem bila zadovoljna s postavitvijo nalepke, sem malo počakala, da se je posušila, nato pa sem ostanek odstranila s stekleno pilico. Potem sem noht premazala z nadlakom in šele nato sem se lotila naslednje nalepke.

On the photo above you can read instructions for using them. I cleaned up my nails first and then I used one coat of China Glaze Strong adhession base coat. Then I have opened the set with chosen pattern and I have cut the cardboard on ten smaller pieces, so that each water decal was on one of them. I have put one of the decals in the water for a bit longer time as stated in instructions, so that it was more wet and was easier to use. :) Then I picked up the decal and put it on my nail and tried to put it in the perfect spot with rubbing. Everything seemed very simple to me until I first tried this. You have to be very fast and I'm obviously not, so the decals dried out and when I tried to moved them a bit, I ruined many of them. Luckily I have very small nails and I could cut the remaining decals on half and use both sides. But for the girls with bigger or longer nails it could be a problem, that there are only 10 decals in each set, so there is no room for mistakes... When I was satisfied with the position of the decal, I waited a bit for it to dry and then I filed the excess off with my glass file. Then I used a topcoat and then I moved to the next nail.

Tu lahko primerjate, kako majhne nohte imam v primerjavi z velikostjo nalepk, spodaj pa je še fotografija s Konad ploščico, da si boste lažje predstavljale njihovo dejansko velikost.

Here you can see how small my nails are compared to the size of the decal. Those are huge! :) Underneath is a photo with a Konad plate on it too, so you can compare the actual sizes of the water decals.

Tako, dovolj je bilo žirafe, od zdaj naprej pa samo še rožice. :) To manikuro imam od včeraj in zaenkrat se zelo dobro drži. Prvo manikuro sem nosila 3 dni, kar je zame kar precej, sedaj pa upam, da bodo tudi rožice zdržale vsaj toliko.

Ok, enough with the giraffe, onto the flowers now. :) I'm wearing this manicure from yesterday and it still looks flawless. I wore my first manicure for whole 3 days, which is a lot for me, so I hope the flowers will stick at least this long.

Te vodne nalepke so mi zelo več kljub temu, da sem imela na začetku kar nekaj težav z njimi. Vzorčki so čudoviti in preveč komplicirani, da bi jih lahko ustvarila sama, zato je to zame čudovita rešitev. Za prvo manikuro sem porabila kar dve uri, potem pa sem se navadila in sem drugo manikuro končala prej kot v eni uri in brez nadaljnih napak. :)
So nalepke všeč tudi vam? Še enkrat naj omenim, da jih lahko kupite TUKAJ. Zdaj pa mi prosim še zaupajte, kateri vzorčki so vam najbolj všeč. Meni so zelo luštne te vijolične rožice, komaj pa čakam, da preizkusim še rdeče vrtnice, metuljčke na roza podlagi in rožice na zeleni podlagi... :)

I really like those water decals despite the first troubles I had. Patterns are great and too complicated for me to create on my own and this is a great nail art solution. For the first manicure I used two hours, but I got used to it and the second one was done in less than an hour with no mistakes. :)
Do you like them too? If you do, you can buy them HERE. And please, tell me, which is your favourite pattern. I love these purple flowers and I can't wait to try red roses, butterflies and green green based flowers too... :)

9. junij 2011

Few manicures from last month

Danes vam bom pokazala nekaj manikur, ki sem jih nosila pred kratkim.

Today I will show you some manicures I wore recently.

Za prvo izmed njih sem uporabila OPI DS Extravagance lakec. Najprej sem ga nosila dva dni, ampak je bil preveč lep, da bi ga odstranila zaradi nekaj okruškov. Zato sem z gobico na konice dodala lakec China Glaze Tickle My Triangle, nato pa prehode še potiskala s konad rožicami in China Glaze Millenium lakcem.

For the first one I used OPI DS Extravagance nail polish. I wore it for itself for two days and it chipped a bit, but it was too beautiful to remove so soon. That's why I added China Glaze Tickle My Triangle with sponge on my tips and then I stamped it with konad flowers and China Glaze Millenium nail polish.

Za naslednjo sem uporabila OPI Red My Fortune Cookie, ampak v bistvu nisem pretirano navdušena nad krem finiši lakcev. Nekaj se pa mora svetiti. :) Zato sem na palce in prstance dodala majhne nalepke in vse skupaj premazala z Gosh Rainbow lakcem. Ampak kaj, ko se krpice niso hotele fotografirati... :(

For the next one I used OPI Red My Fortune Cookie, but I don't really like simple cream finishes of nail polishes, because I need some sparkle. :) So I added little stickers on my thumbs and ring fingers and then I painted over one coat of Gosh Rainbow. But the flakies didn't want to photograph... :(

Pri zadnji izmed manikur, ki vam jo bom pokazala, sem za bazo uporabila Color Club Gossip Column lakec. Dodala sem še nalepke na prstanca, nato pa vse skupaj premazala z lakcem Bichun 648, ki vsebuje manjše in večje opalne bleščice. Ker to še vedno ni bilo TO, sem stvar še bolj zakomplicirala in dodala še plast OPI Last Friday Night. Potem pa sem bila končno zadovoljna. Je bil že čas, kajne? ;)

For the last manicure that I'm going to show you today I used Color Club Gossip Column nail polish. I added some stickers on my ring fingers anf then I topped it with one coat of Bichun 648 nail polish. This one has gorgeous larger and smaller opalescent glitter in it! But that still wasn't IT, so I complicated it even more and added one coat of OPI Last Friday Night on top. Then I was pleased. Finally, it was about time, right? ;)

In tu je še bonus fotka, macro posnetek zgornje manikure.

And here is a bonus photo, macro shot from previous manicure.

Katera vam je najbolj všeč? Bi si želele videti še več takšnih manikur ali so vam bolj všeč samo swatchi lakcev?

Which one do you like the most? Would you like to see more photos like this or do you prefer swatches of polishes?

7. junij 2011

Franken Bluebell

To je še eden izmed zmešančkov, ki ga je Anček naredila zame. :) Takšna kombinacija mi je najbolj všeč - izpod Ančkinih rok na moje nohte, hihi! ;D
Na prvi fotografiji je lakec pod umetno osvetlitvijo, na ostalih dveh pa sije sonček, ki prikaže holografski šimer. Na fotografiji sta dva sloja, na koncu pa sem dodala še vzorček s China Glaze Millennium lakcem.

Vam je tale zmešanček všeč?

This is one more franky that Anček made for me. :) I love this combination - from under Anček's arms on my nails, those are the best polishes, hihi! ;D
On the first photo you can see the polish under artificial light, but the next two photos are taken in the sun, so the holographic shimmer is even more visible. I added two coats and then I put on a flower with China Glaze Millennium polish.

Do you like this franky?

5. junij 2011

OPI Silver Shatter over Catrice Almost Black

Če povem po pravici, me crackle manija ni pretirano zagrabila. Efekt je sicer v redu, vendar zanj ne bi porabila veliko denarja. Vse dokler nisem zagledala tega lepotca!... OPI Silver Shatter se mi zdi popoln, sploh preko temnejše podlage, za kar sem uporabila Catrice Almost Black lakec iz njihove starejše linije, ko stekleničke še niso bile okrogle.
Ta kombinacija mi je noro všeč, kako pa je všeč vam? :)

If I tell you the truth, crackle mania never got me that hard. Effect is nice and ok, but I would not spend much money on it. That was until I saw this beauty!... I think OPI Silver Shatter is just perfect for me and I like it the most over darker base. Here I used Catrice Almost Black nail polish from their old line, when bottles were not round yet.
I love this combination! And what do you think about it, do you like it? :)

2. junij 2011

Joy 353

Uf, za ta lakec nisem imela nobenih posebnih pričakovanj, ampak me je takoj popolnoma navdušil! Gre za čudovit temno vijoličen odtenek, ki je že skoraj črn, vsebuje pa srebrn, vijoličen in celo moder večji šimer. Ker je tudi cena nadvse prijetna, ga toplo priporočam, če ga kje zagledate. Zdaj pa k fotkam! :)

Wow, I didn't have big expectations about this polish, but it really blew my mind away! This is very gorgeous dark purple, almost black colour and there is a lot of bigger shimmer in silver, purple and even blue colour. It is very affordable too, so you really can't miss with buying this little gem, if you see it anywhere. And now let's go to the photos! :)

Zdelo se mi je, da bi lak zaradi velikega šimra, ki že skoraj meji na bleščice, dobro izgledal tudi zmatiran. Uporabila sem China Glaze Matte Magic in mislim, da se nisem zmotila, všeč sta mi obe verziji! Katera pa je bolj všeč vam?

Because of the huge shimmer that almost looks like glitter I thought this polish would look good mattified. I used China Glaze Matte Magic and I think I wasn't wrong. I really love both versions very much! And what do you think, which one looks better?