Ker mi bel Essence crackle lak ni bil preko skoraj ničesar preveč všeč, sem se odločila da ustvarim sivega =) Belemu sem dodala malo črnega, na naslednjih slikah pa lahko vidite rezultat preko različnih lakov.
I tried Essence white crackle over few color but was never satisfied with the result, so I decided to add some black crackle polish to it, and make a grey one. On these pictures you can see the result over five different base colors.
over light blue franky
over Essence - Kings of Mints
over Essence - Wear Your Little Tutu
over Catrice - Sold Out Forever
over Essence - My Yellow Fellow
Meni je končni rezultat dosti bolj všeč od začetnega Edigs belega crackle laka in kar pogosto posežem po njem.
I really like the end result of this frankening more than the completely white crackle polish and now I use the gray one quite often.