20. julij 2013

Layla - Flash Black and Ocean Rush

Poletje, sonce in holografski lakci za nohte. Kaj lepšega si lahko želimo? =)) 

Summer, sun and holographic nail polishes. What more do we want? =))

 Layla - Flash Black

 Layla - Flash Black

 Layla - Ocean Rush

 Layla - Ocean Rush

Moji najlubši lakci za poletje so holografski. Kateri pa so vaši, morda imate poleti raje neončke?

My favorite nail polishes for summer are holographic. What about you, do you love them too or you maybe prefer neon polishes?

8. julij 2013

Nail mail from Italy

Točno na moj rojstni dan me je presenetil paketek. Že po lepi pisavi vem, kdo je kriv za to, ne, Tanja? =))

Right on my birthday I was surprised with a package. Only after seeing the handwriting I knew who was to blame for it, right, Tanja? =))

Vsebina je bila zavita v ljubka majhna darilca...
The content was wrapped into lovely small gifts...

... Notri pa so se skrivali čudoviti Golden Rose lakci! :)
... And inside there were beautiful Golden Rose nail polishes! :)

L - D: / L - R: Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 109, Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 114, Golden Rose Matte Velvet 102, Golden Rose Rich Color 15, Golden Rose Rich Color 42.

Zraven pa je Tanja dodala še presenečenje - njene ročno narejene nalepke za nohte! :))
Tanja also added a big surprise - her own hand made nail art decals! :))

Do zdaj sem nosila že vse lakce, vendar zaradi pomanjkanja časa nimam dovolj lepih fotografij, ki bi jih pokazale v njihovi najlepši luči. Da jim ne bom delala krivice, vam za zdaj pokažem le lakec Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 109.

Until now I wore all nail polishes I recieved, but because of lack of time I couldn't take photos of them that would justify their beauty. I don't wan't to do them injustice, so I will only show you Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 109 nail polish for now.

Tanja, HVALA! =))

1. julij 2013

Very special manicure

Po dolgem času sem NAZAJ! =)) Brez skrbi, drage bralke in prijateljice, moja ljubezen do lepih nohtkov ni izginila, le časa je bilo premalo. In kaj sem počela? Mislim, da moja "posebna manikura" pove vse. ;))

After a long time I'm BACK! =)) Don't worry, my readers and friends, my love to beautiful nails didn't go away, but for some time life got in a way. What was I doing? I think that my "very special manicure" says it all. :))

Punce, pogrešala sem vas! Upam, da bom imela zdaj več časa za blog in za to, da z vami delim, kateri lakci krasijo moje nohtke. ;))

Girls, I've missed you all so much! I hope that I will have more time for blogging and for sharing some more beautiful polishes with you all! ;))