28. april 2014

Yes Love - Concrete - G4-6

Tale lepotec je eden izmed nefotogeničnih vijolkotov, in kolikorkoli se trudim mi ne uspe ujeti realne barve. Realna barva je malo temnejša kot na prvih slikah, vendar vseeno ne tako modra kot na zadnji sliki, ki je slikana s telefonom. 

This beauty is one of those not photogenic purple polishes and I am unable to capture it's true colour. It's a little darker than on the first couple of photos, but not as much blue based than it looks on the last one.

slikano s telefonom / phone camera photo

Ko se lak posuši je površina rahlo hrapava, vendar vseeno ni mat. Na vseh slikah so 3 plasti laka, brez nadlaka. Meni so takšni laki zelo všeč, zato sem si kupila celotno "concrete" kolekcijo. Kakšni se pa vam zdijo takšni laki? Bi radi videli še ostale iz te kolekcije? 

The surface of this polish becomes gritty when it dries but it is still shiny. There are three coats of polish without top coat on all the photos. I really like these kind of polishes, that's why I bought the entire "concrete" collection. And what do you think about this finish? Would you like to see the other "concrete" colours?

26. april 2014

Colorful Leopard

Moj prvi poskus leopard manikure :)
My first attempt at a leopard manicure.

Za podlago sem uporabila Essence - Crystalliced - Frosted Champaign
I used Essence - Crystalliced - Frosted Champaign nail polish as a base

Za pike sem uporabila Kleancolor neonske lake in pa črno akrilno barvo za črtice.
I used Kleancolor Neon nail polishes for the dots and black acrylic color for the outline.

Daleč od popolnosti, ampak meni je bila zelo všeč. Naslednjič se bom pa še bolj potrudila =)
It's far from perfect, but I liked it a lot and I'll try to do better next time :)

24. april 2014

Perfect Nail Polish for Easter

Danes vam bom pokazala 2 prečudovita laka iz kitajske trgovine.
Today I will show you two beautifull nail polishes that I got at a chinese store

Yes Love - Colour Speckled 01

Prvi je svetlo zelen z črnimi, rdečimi, modrimi in vijoličnimi bleščicami
The first one is light green with black, red, blue and purple glitter.

Yes Love - Neon Glitter G11-3

Drugi pa je svetlo moder z raznobarvnimi neonskimi bleščicami.
And the other one is light blue with neon multicolor glitter.

Meni sta oba zelo všeč in sta se mi zdela popolna za veliko nočno manikuro. Kateri je pa vam bolj všeč?
I really like both of them, and they seem perfect for an easter manicure. Which one do you think looks better?