Tale lepotec je eden izmed nefotogeničnih vijolkotov, in kolikorkoli se trudim mi ne uspe ujeti realne barve. Realna barva je malo temnejša kot na prvih slikah, vendar vseeno ne tako modra kot na zadnji sliki, ki je slikana s telefonom.
This beauty is one of those not photogenic purple polishes and I am unable to capture it's true colour. It's a little darker than on the first couple of photos, but not as much blue based than it looks on the last one.
slikano s telefonom / phone camera photo
Ko se lak posuši je površina rahlo hrapava, vendar vseeno ni mat. Na vseh slikah so 3 plasti laka, brez nadlaka. Meni so takšni laki zelo všeč, zato sem si kupila celotno "concrete" kolekcijo. Kakšni se pa vam zdijo takšni laki? Bi radi videli še ostale iz te kolekcije?
The surface of this polish becomes gritty when it dries but it is still shiny. There are three coats of polish without top coat on all the photos. I really like these kind of polishes, that's why I bought the entire "concrete" collection. And what do you think about this finish? Would you like to see the other "concrete" colours?