30. maj 2014
28. maj 2014
Yes Love - Concrete
Še zadnji trije Yes Love - Concrete lakci v moji zbirki.
The last three Yes Love - Concrete polishes in my collection.
23. maj 2014
21. maj 2014
19. maj 2014
Laquee Rette #17
Dve plasti gel laka laquee Rette #17 sem nanesla med Depend Gellack podlak in nadlak.
I have applied two layers of laquee Rette #17 between layers of Depend Gellack base and top coat.
zunaj v senci / outside in the shade
na soncu / in the sun
notri s flešem / inside with flash
Na mojih nohtih je zdržal brez krušenja 6 dni, nato pa sem se ga naveličala in odstranila.
It lasted 6 days without chipping, but then i decided to change the color and I removed it :)
Depend Gellack,
gel polish,
Laquee Rette,
16. maj 2014
12. maj 2014
Laquee Rette #28
Tri plasti Laquee Rette #28 gel laka z Ms. Keiko pod in nadlakom z Ebaya. Vse skupaj je na mojih nohtih zdržalo samo tri dni, nato pa se odlupilo.
Three coats of Laquee Rette #28 gel polish with Ms. Keiko base and top coat from Ebay. It only lasted about three days on my nails and then it peeled off.
9. maj 2014
Perfect Matte Green Glitter Nail Polish
V mat nadlak sem vmešala zelene holografske bleščice različnih velikosti ter šimrast zelen lak. Tole pa je rezultat mojega eksperimenta:
I mixed some multisized loose holographic green glitter with matte top coat and green shimmery nail polish. And this is the result:
od blizu / close-up
Tole manikuro sem nosila že kar nekaj časa nazaj. Ampak danes ko sem na računalniku najdla te slike, sem si zaželela nekaj podobnega na nohtih in mislim da bo tale lak spet kmalu prišel na vrsto.
I wore this manicure quite a long time ago. But I found it on my computer today and I like it so much that I think it will be on my nails again soon.
7. maj 2014
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