7. julij 2014

Yes Love - 463 with Essence - Huntsman

Nanesla sem tri plasti Yes Love - 463 laka, nato pa še dve plasti bleščičastega laka Essence - Huntsman iz SnowWhite kolekcije.

I applied three coats of Yes Love - 463, and then added two layers glittery of Essence - Huntsman nail polish from SnowWhite collection.

4. julij 2014

Jelly Sandwich

Med plasti Essence - SnowWhite laka iz SnowWhite LE sem nanesla dve plasti bleščičastega Bichun laka.

I applied two layers of glittery Bichun nail polish betwen layers of Essence - SnowWhite nail polish from SnowWhite LE.

Kakšen se vam zdi končni rezultat? Meni je zelo všeč.

What do you think of the final result? I really like it.

2. julij 2014

Yes Love - Neon Glitter - G1-1

Yes Love - Neon Glitter - G1-1 je že v osnovi prečudovite barve, neonske bleščice ga pa še dodatno naredijo čisto posebnega.

Yes Love - Neon Glitter - G1-1 has a beautiful base colour and the neon glitter only makes it even more special.

30. junij 2014

Makeup Revolution - Lilac Love

 S spletne strani Ličila.si sem prejela Makeup Revolution - Lilac Love lak. Za popolno prekrivnost je potreboval tri plasti.

 I have received Makeup Revolution - Lilac Love nail polish from a Slovenian online store. It took three coats for full coverage.

Za malo popestritve pa sem dodala še Elf - Chic Confetti, ki mi ga je Kvačka prinesla iz izleta v Združene države Amerike

To spice up the manicure I also added a nail polish that Kvacka brought to me fom the United States of America. Elf - Chic Confetti.

27. junij 2014

Yes Love - Neon Glitter - G11-4

Še eden izmed prečudovitih Yes Love - Neon Glitter lakov :)
Tale je eden izmed najbolj prekrivnih, se mi zdi da bi bila dovolj že ena plast, vendar sem jaz vseeno dala dve.

Another one of my pretty Yes Love - Neon Glitter nail polishes :)
This one is one of them that takes the least amount of coats. I think one would be enough, but I always apply two.

23. junij 2014

Essence- Nude Glam - Iced Latte

Na sliki sta 2 plasti laka Essence- Nude Glam - Iced Latte. To je popoln nude lak in mi je zelo všeč na mojih nohtih.

There are 2 coats of Essence- Nude Glam - Iced Latte nail polish on the photos. It's a perfect nude polish and I really like it.

20. junij 2014

Essence - Oh My Glitter!

Essence - Oh My Glitter! je zelo lep vijoličen lak, popoln za pomlad in poletje. Na sliki so tri plasti, brez nadlaka.

Essence - Oh My Glitter! is a nice purple glass flecked nail polish, perfect for spring and summer. It took three coats for perfect opacity.

18. junij 2014

Essence - Crazy Good Time - Colourbration

Essence - Colourbration sem nanesla preko Catrice - Sold Out Forever, vendar mislila da bi ga lahko imela tudi samega, saj se je izkazalo, da je bolj prekriven kot sem pričakovala.

I have applied Essence - Crazy Good Time - Colourbration over Catrice - Sold Out Forever nail polish, but it turned out I could wear it on it's own, because it is way less sheer than I expected.

fleš / flash 

v senci / shade

16. junij 2014

Essence - Show Your Feet - Purple Party

Essence - Purple Party je eden lepših vijolkotov v moji zbirki. Na nohtih izgleda skoraj kovinsko, presenetljivo pa je tudi prekriven v dveh slojih.

Essence - Purple Party is one of my favourite purple nail polishes. It almost looks like metal on nails and surprisingly it only took two coats to achieve this look.