16. junij 2014

Essence - Show Your Feet - Purple Party

Essence - Purple Party je eden lepših vijolkotov v moji zbirki. Na nohtih izgleda skoraj kovinsko, presenetljivo pa je tudi prekriven v dveh slojih.

Essence - Purple Party is one of my favourite purple nail polishes. It almost looks like metal on nails and surprisingly it only took two coats to achieve this look.

10 komentarjev:

  1. I can see why it's your favourite! It is gorgeous :-)

  2. I'm really disappointed they discontinued the whole Dhow Your Feet line, these polishes are amazing and this one looks gorgeous!

    1. I don't think they were discontinued, I recently saw a whole new Show Your Feet set of colours :)

    2. Glad to read that! Here in Italy, as usual, no news. Just the same old ones popping up during sale periods :(

  3. Res je čudovit! Teh novih pa sicer nisem še nikjer videla ;)
