27. november 2010

Barry M - Instant Nail Effects

Barry M - Instant Nail Effects je lak, ki po nanosu razpoka in pokaže plast ki je pod njim. Ker mi je efekt zelo všeč sem ga nanesla preko skoraj vsake manikure zadnje dni.

Barry M - Instant Nail Effects is a polish that crackles when dries and the layer beneath shows up. I really like it a lot, so I applied it over almost all of my manicures lately.

essence - glam girl + top coat

essence - glam girl

green franky + top coat

green franky

kiko 294

Color Club - What a Drag + matte magic

Color Club - What a Drag

če ga slučajno še nimate, pa ga lahko dobite tukaj

15. november 2010

Green =)

Danes imam za vas spet enega zmešančka, ki pa ga je ustvarila Kvacka, tako da bo ona povedala katere lakce je zmešala.

I have another franky for you today. Kvacka made it so she will have to tell us what she mixed in it.

8. november 2010

Another Franky

Tale zmešanček je star že več kot leto, vendar mi ni bil nikoli tako všeč da bi ga pokazala na blogu. Sedaj ga je nekaj časa imela celo Kvačka, vendar tudi nje ni prepričal zato je pristal nazaj pri meni.
Odločila sem se da mu dam še eno priložnost in seveda me je čisto prevzel. Barva se glede na svetlobo spreminja od vijolične na močnem sončku pa do rjave v senčki, v resnici pa je ravno nekje vmes.

I made this franken over a year ago but I did not really like it, so I decided to give it to my holo addict friend Kvacka but it was nothing special to her either so she returned it to me this week. Today I decided to give it another try and I was surprised by how much I like this polish. The color of it, is somewhere between purple and brown and it looks completely different in the sun than in the shade. It actually changes from holo purple to shimmery almost glittery brown.

30. oktober 2010

Halloween Skittles

Ker se nisem mogla odločiti kater oranžni lakec bi izbrala sem se odločila da uporabim kar vse.

I could not decide which orange nail polish to use for this manicure, so I ended up doing skittles with five colors.

Uporabljeni lakci z leve proti desni, na nohtih od mezinca do palca:
Nail polishes I have used, left to right and pinkie to thumb on the nails:

- Essence - Return to Paradise - Fruit Punch
- Essence - Cute as Hell - Bad Girl
- H&M - Neon Orange
- Revlon - Mad About Mango
- S-he - 402

Na koncu pa sem dodala še Barry M - Instant Nail Effects lakec
In the end I also added I coat of Barry M - Instant Nail Effects nail polish.

Manikura mi je zelo všeč, vendar mislim da bi bilo boljše če bi za podlago uporabila samo enega oranžkota.

I really like this manicure, but I wish that I would only use one orange nail polish.

28. oktober 2010

Essence - Metallics

z leve proti desni: / Left to right:
02 Copper Rulez!
01 Iron Godess
04 Nothing Else Metals
03 Steel Me

Lakci so zelo lepi, vendar si vseeno želim da si ne bi bili tako zelo podobni.

I really like all the polishes but I wish they were not that similar.

Essence - Metallics - Nothing Else Metals

Nothing Else Metals je prvi pristal na mojih nohtih od štirih ki sem jih kupila iz Essence kolekcije Metallics. Lakec je magneten in z magnetom ki se ga lahko kupi poleg nastanejo črte na podlagi. Danes mi ni uspelo najboljše in upam da mi bo šlo do naslednjič boljše.

I bought four nail polishes from Essence Metallics collection and Nothing Else Metals is the first one that I polished on my nails. It is magnetic and I created lines on the surface of the nail with a magnet that I bought next to it. I think I need some more practice and I will try to make a nicer pattern with next polish.

20. oktober 2010

Alessandro Go Magic - Blue Chip

Ta magnetni lakec je res zanimiv, v steklenički izgleda skoraj kot duochrome odtenek med modro in vijolično, v njem pa najdem tudi kanček zelene. Na nohtih je vidna pretežno modra barva. Po uporabi magnetka pa se na nohtu pojavijo temnejše modre proge. Meni je to totalno NOOOR lakec! :D
Kako pa je všeč vam?

This magnetic nail polish is really interesting. In the bottle it looks like a duochrome between blue and purple, but you can even see a hint of green in it. But it looks mostly blue on the nails. After using the magnet darker blue diagonal stripes appear. I think this is such a CRAAAZY polish! :D
And what do you think? Do you like it?

19. oktober 2010


Že kar nekaj časa nazaj mi je Tassa poslala tega čudovitega zmešančka, ki pa sem ga nekako pozabila objaviti. Barva je točno takšna kot sem si jo želela, potrebuje pa tri plasti, kar mi je tudi zelo všeč, saj na nohtih ne izgleda kredasto moder.

Tassa made this beautiful franky for me. It is just the color that I was looking for at the time and it needs three coats for perfect opacity. I like that it does not look like chalk on the nails.

Hvala Tassa!

18. oktober 2010

Bling Bling layering

Ena plast Bichun #617 laka z zlatimi, rdečimi in modrimi bleščicami preko krem sivega lakca Alessandro #265.

One coat of Bichun #617 gold, red and blue glitter in clear base over creme gray Alessandro #265.

Meni je kombinacija zelo všeč, se pa že veselim da sprobam slojenje preko črnega laka.

I really like this combo, and I am looking forward to trying this with a black base color.

12. oktober 2010

S-he 437

Temu lepotcu delam krivico, ker fotografij nisem objavila že prej. Gre za čudovit temno rdeč odtenek z rdeče zlatim malo večjim šimrom, ki ima izjemen lesk. Lakec je tudi zelo prekriven, saj sta na fotografijah samo dve plasti. Vse so bile posnete pod umetno osvetlitvijo.

It is not right that I didn't post photos of this beauty much sooner. This is gorgeous dark red nail polish with larger golden red shimmer. It's very glossy and also very opaque, there are only two coats on the photos. They were all taken under artificial light.

Še bonus fotka (s China Glaze Delight). / And a bonus photo (with China Glaze Delight).

30. september 2010

Claire's Mood - Calm & Wild

Uf, tale lakec mi je pa zelo všeč! :)
Mislim, da je to eden izmed lakcev, ki ga ni potrebno posebej predstavljati. Če mi je dovolj toplo, je lakec roza barve, če pa me zebe v roke, je vijoličen. Pri meni tako kar pogosto menjuje barvo. ;)

Wow, I really like this nail polish! :)
I believe this is one of the nail polishes everyone knows about and needs no introduction. :) If I'm feeling ok it's color is pink, but if my hands are cold, it turns to purple. So in my case it is shifting between the two colors a lot. ;)

Claire's Mood - Calm

Claire's Mood - Wild

28. september 2010

Swap package from Canada

Pred kratkim naju je razveselil ogromen swap paket, ki sva ga dobili iz Kanade! =))
Poslala nama ga je prijazna Skulda, ki piše blog Skulda's Claws. V paketku se je nahajalo ogromno lakcev in tudi sladkarij, vendar te žal niso uspele dočakati objave. *blush* So bile preveč dobre. ;))

A few days ago we were thrilled to see that we recieved a huge swap package from Canada! =))
It was sent to us from a very nice blogger Skulda from Skulda's Claws. Thank you sooo much, dear, for making us so happy! :)) In the package there were a lot of nail polishes and many candies, but unfortunately they didn't make it until this post. *blush* They were just too good! ;))

22. september 2010

Catrice - From Dusk To Dawn

Catrice - From Dusk To Dawn je lepotec, ki potrebuje dve plasti za popolno prekrivnost, z nanosom pa ni prav nobenih težav, saj je lak ravno prav gost.

Catrice - From Dusk To Dawn is a nice polish that only needs two coats to achieve perfect opacity. I also had no problems with the application.

17. september 2010

Viva La Nails and Eko franken :)

Pred časom sem tudi jaz dobila preizkusni paketek s spletne trgovine Viva La Nails, vendar je trajalo kar nekaj časa, preden sem preizkusila prve nalepke. Uporaba je zelo preprosta, končni izgled pa mi je zelo všeč.

A while ago I received a test package from Viva La Nails online store. But I didn't have much time to try it on right away, so I tried the first nail stickers now. They are very simple to use and I really like the final look.

Nalepke sem preizkusila preko tega zelenega holografskega lepotca, ki mi ga je za rojstni dan podarila Anček. Ko sem ga prvič nosila, mi je sodelavec rekel, da sem danes zelo "eko". Od tod zmešančku njegovo ime. :)

I tried the stickers out over the beautiful green holographic nail polish I got from Anček for my birthday. When I wore it for the first time, my co-worker said that I look very "eko" (eco) today. I liked that, so this is how this franky got it's name. :)

16. september 2010

Milani - Hi-Res and comparison with China Glaze - Octa Gone Wild

Hi-Res je eden izmed holografskih lakcev znamke Milani. Gre za nežno vijoličen odtenek, v katerem se nahaja ogromno večjega holografskega šimra. Za prekrivnost potrebuje tri plasti, fotografiji pa sta nastali pod umetno osvetlitvijo in nato še na sončku.

Hi-Res is one of the Milani holographic nail polishes. This is light purple nail polish with lots of larger holographic shimmer in it. It needs three coats for full opacity. First photo was taken under artificial light and the next one in the sun.

Hi-Res me je tako zelo spominjal na odtenek China Glaze - Octa Gone Wild iz Kaleidoscope kolekcije, da sem ju enostavno morala primerjati med sabo. Vendar fotografja žal ne prikaže čisto realnega stanja, saj Octa Gone Wild ni temnejši niti bolj prekriven. Morda pa je v njem zaznati malenkost več holografskega šimra, sicer pa sta si laka izredno podobna. Če ste torej zamudile kaleidoskopčka, je Hi-Res odličen približek. :)

Hi-Res reminded me of China Glaze - Octa Gone Wild from Kaleidoscope collection so much, that I just had to do the comparison between them. But unfortunately the photo is not truly realistic, because in reality Octa Gone Wild is not darker nor more opaque than Hi-Res. But there is a bit more of shimmer in the Octa Gone Wild, but other than that they are very similar. So if you missed the Kaleidoskope one out, then Hi-Res is a really good replacement. :)

Hi-Res, Octa Gone Wild, Hi-Res, Octa Gone Wild.

15. september 2010

Starry Starry Night franky

Essie - Starry Starry Night je eden izmed lakcev, ki mislim da ne bodo nikoli v moji zbirki, vendar glede na to da je moder in bleščičast sem ga seveda morala poskusiti poustvariti. Kako mi je uspelo pa presodite sami.

Starry Starry Night by Essie is one of those polishes that are just too hard to get. Anyway it is blue and glittery so I just had to try to franken it. What do you think about it, is it close enough?

13. september 2010

Blue franky

Prijazna uporabnica foruma ARS Mojcaaa mi je par dni nazaj namešala prečudovitega zmešančka, za katerem pa žal ne vem sestavin, saj so tudi zame skrivnost.
Lakec potrebuje 2 plasti, vendar sem dodala tretjo, s katero izgleda še lepše.

A very nice user of ARS forum Mojcaaa made this gorgeous franken for me. It is shimmery blue with some silver glitter. I do not know which polishes she mixed together so the ingredients are a secret to me too. There are three coats of nail polish on the photos that are all taken in the sun.

11. september 2010

Holo comparisons: GR8, L8R G8R and Hi-Tech

Danes imam za vas dve primerjavi.
Najprej sledita fotografiji dveh odtenkov znamke China Glaze iz OMG kolekcije - GR8 in L8R G8R. GR8 je zlate barve in je veliko bolj prekriven, na fotografijah sta dve plasti. Zanimivo je, da je to edini lakec iz te kolekcije, ki poleg holografskega šimra vsebuje tudi zlate bleščice, ki na nohtih sicer niso opazne, so pa zato pri odstranjevanju toliko bolj... L8R G8R pa je svetlo zelen in potrebuje vsaj tri plasti.
Meni sta oba odtenka presenetljivo veliko bolj všeč, kot pa sem pričakovala. :)

Today I have two comparisons for you.
First are the photos of two China Glaze nail polishes from the OMG collection - GR8 and L8R G8R. GR8 is gold and is a lot more opaque, there are only two coats on the photos. It is very interesting to me, that this is the only polish from this collection, which does not only have holographic shimmer in it, but also golden glitter. It is not noticeable on the nails, but the polish is as hard to remove as the other glitter polishes... L8R G8R is the pale green and needs at least three coats to be opaque.
I surprisingly like both of them a lot more than I have expected to. :)

V naslednji primerjavi pa sta se znašla lakca China Glaze L8R G8R in Milani Hi-Tech. V osnovni barvi sta si zelo podobna, velika razlika med njima pa je v holografskih delcih. Hi-Tech me spominja na kaleidoskočke iz China Glaze kolekcije zaradi močno razpršenega šimra. Nalakirala sem ga na kazalec in prstanec, na ostalih dveh prstih pa se nahaja L8R G8R.

My next comparison is between China Glaze L8R G8R and Milani Hi-Tech nail polishes. The base colour is pretty close on these two, but the holographic particles are very different. Hi-Tech reminds me on kaleidoscopes from China Glaze because of a lot more scattered shimmer. I have painted it on my index and ring finger and on the other two fingers there is L8R G8R.

Kateri vam je najbolj všeč? Če ste prave ljubiteljice holografskih odtenkov, tako kot jaz, potem pa nujno potrebujete vse tri. ;)

Which one do you like the best? But if you are true holographic freak as I am, you will need all three of them for sure. ;)