Hi-Res je eden izmed holografskih lakcev znamke Milani. Gre za nežno vijoličen odtenek, v katerem se nahaja ogromno večjega holografskega šimra. Za prekrivnost potrebuje tri plasti, fotografiji pa sta nastali pod umetno osvetlitvijo in nato še na sončku.
Hi-Res is one of the Milani holographic nail polishes. This is light purple nail polish with lots of larger holographic shimmer in it. It needs three coats for full opacity. First photo was taken under artificial light and the next one in the sun.
Hi-Res is one of the Milani holographic nail polishes. This is light purple nail polish with lots of larger holographic shimmer in it. It needs three coats for full opacity. First photo was taken under artificial light and the next one in the sun.
Hi-Res me je tako zelo spominjal na odtenek China Glaze - Octa Gone Wild iz Kaleidoscope kolekcije, da sem ju enostavno morala primerjati med sabo. Vendar fotografja žal ne prikaže čisto realnega stanja, saj Octa Gone Wild ni temnejši niti bolj prekriven. Morda pa je v njem zaznati malenkost več holografskega šimra, sicer pa sta si laka izredno podobna. Če ste torej zamudile kaleidoskopčka, je Hi-Res odličen približek. :)
Hi-Res reminded me of China Glaze - Octa Gone Wild from Kaleidoscope collection so much, that I just had to do the comparison between them. But unfortunately the photo is not truly realistic, because in reality Octa Gone Wild is not darker nor more opaque than Hi-Res. But there is a bit more of shimmer in the Octa Gone Wild, but other than that they are very similar. So if you missed the Kaleidoskope one out, then Hi-Res is a really good replacement. :)
Hi-Res reminded me of China Glaze - Octa Gone Wild from Kaleidoscope collection so much, that I just had to do the comparison between them. But unfortunately the photo is not truly realistic, because in reality Octa Gone Wild is not darker nor more opaque than Hi-Res. But there is a bit more of shimmer in the Octa Gone Wild, but other than that they are very similar. So if you missed the Kaleidoskope one out, then Hi-Res is a really good replacement. :)
Perfect!, because I missed the CG, but I have he Milani!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for posting this :)
Jackie, I think I don't need both either. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThey're just too similar.
Thank you for commenting! *hug*
super ti pašeta tale lepotca <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnček, hvala! *flower*
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh.... Vseeno bi oba <3 imam še upanje da nekje dobim CG ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLyra, eden je že, eden pa še bo! Držim pesti! ;)