10. junij 2010

Essence - sun club - delicious nail polish

Sun club - delicious nail polish je najnovejša omejena izdaja Essence lakcev. Danes sem na srečo v Müllerju naletela na čisto polno stojalo zato imam za vas slikice vseh petih lakcev sprobanih vsakega na enem nohtu.

Sun club - delicious nail polish is the newest limited edition of polishes by Essence. Luckily I ran into a full display of them so I have some quick swatches for you today.

Lakci po vrsti: / Left to right:
*01 sunny side up,
*03 meet me at the club,
*05 on holiday,
*02 raspberry sorbet,
*04 chocolicious.

enak vrstni red kot zgoraj, ena plast
same order as above, one coat

dve plasti / two coats

Meni so vsi lakci zelo všeč, saj so zelo prekrivni. Vijoličen in zlato - bakren sta v živo še dosti lepša, ampak ju je grozno težko poslikati, se bom potrudila in ju naknadno poslikala kot celotni manikuri, saj bakren v živo sploh ni tako zlat, niti proge se ne poznajo tako zelo.

I really like the entire collection and I will try to photograph the purple and the coppery nail polish as a complete manicure, because they are more beautiful and less frosty in real life and I think it will be easier to capture that, if I take pictures of entire manicure made with one polish .

9 komentarjev:

  1. Bleh. Ta kolekcija mi pa sploh ni toliko všeč. :/ Po moje bom vzela zamo bakrenega pa vijoličnega. Mogoče še rdečega. Super swatchi, da rečem še nekaj pozitivnega. :)

  2. do you know what they smell like? I just bought them too and didn't have the time to make quick paper swatches to sniff them

  3. Pippa, očitno ti ni tako grozna kolekcija, če boš tri kupila ;)

    amusedPolish they smell sweet, but I think they all have similar or even the same scent. I can't really tell what it is.

  4. Love the colors ! They are beautiful :)

  5. Mi niso tako všeč vsi odtenki. Rjav in rdeč lak sta mi všeč!

  6. Super swatchi, Anček! =)

    Čeprav lakci se mi pa sploh ne zdijo podobni, če ne bi vedela, ne bi nikoli rekla, da so vsi iz iste kolekcije. :)

  7. Ana, meni sta tudi ta dva najlepša <3

    Ne kvacka, cisto nič podobni niso...sploh rumen ne paše poleg, pa edini je poletni :)

    Ayuu thanx :)

  8. I like he red and the brown!
    What happened to the blue-holo franken post? I wanted to see. :)

  9. Thanx Skulda :)
    that post is coming right up ;)
