Danes vam bom predstavila Tony Moly Galaxy kolekcijo lakov. Gre za pet odtenkov z bleščicami v temnejši bazi, ki so popolnoma prekrivni v samo dveh slojih! Meni so izredno všeč, kljub temu, da tudi po treh plasteh nadlaka nohti še vedno niso popolnoma gladki. Sama sem takoj nanesla dve plasti nadlaka, naslednji dan pa še tretjo. Na mojih nohtih so ti lakci tudi opazno bolj obstojni, zdržali so tri ali štiri dni, preden so se začeli krušiti. Zelo impresivno, saj sem ponavadi zadovoljna že pri dveh dneh! :) Kot podlak sem uporabljala Orly Bonder, kot nadlak pa INM Out The Door.
Today I will show you the Tony Moly Galaxy nail polish collection. In it there are five glittery colors in darker bases and they are completely opaque in just two coats! I love them very much, even considering the fact that my nails were not totally smooth after three coats of top coat. I have put on two coats of top coat right after polishing my nails and the next day I did third coat. These polishes are very long-lasting on my nails - they did not start to chip before three or four days of wear. That's really impressive for me, because I'm happy already if polish stays on my nails for two days! :) I was using Orly Bonder as a base coat and INM Out The Door as a top coat.
Today I will show you the Tony Moly Galaxy nail polish collection. In it there are five glittery colors in darker bases and they are completely opaque in just two coats! I love them very much, even considering the fact that my nails were not totally smooth after three coats of top coat. I have put on two coats of top coat right after polishing my nails and the next day I did third coat. These polishes are very long-lasting on my nails - they did not start to chip before three or four days of wear. That's really impressive for me, because I'm happy already if polish stays on my nails for two days! :) I was using Orly Bonder as a base coat and INM Out The Door as a top coat.
Prvi izmed njih je GT01 oz. Merkur. V temno sivo jelly bazo so vmešane majhne kvadratne srebrne, rdeče in modre bleščice.
First of is GT01 aka Mercury. There is small square glitter in silver, red and blue color mixed in dark gray jelly base.
First of is GT01 aka Mercury. There is small square glitter in silver, red and blue color mixed in dark gray jelly base.
Naslednji je GT02 oz. Zemlja. V temno modri jelly bazi najdemo mini temno modre in srebrne bleščice ter malo večje šestkotne roza bleščice, ki pod različnimi koti spreminjajo barvo.
Next one is GT02 aka Earth. It has very tiny dark blue and silver glitter and a bit larger hexagonal pink glitter that shifts colors. The glitter is mixed in dark blue jelly base.
Next one is GT02 aka Earth. It has very tiny dark blue and silver glitter and a bit larger hexagonal pink glitter that shifts colors. The glitter is mixed in dark blue jelly base.
Naslednji lepotec ima oznako GT03 oz. Mars. Baza je pri tem laku temno rjave barve, vanjo pa so vmešane majhne temno rjave in oranžne ter večje zlate bleščice. Na sončku so opazne tudi mikroskopsko majhne modre bleščice, ki dajo laku še dodatno dimenzijo.
Next beauty is called GT03 aka Mars. This polish has dark brown base with smaller dark brown and orange glitter and bigger hexagonal golden glitter. In the sun I can also se microscopic blue glitter which gives another dimension to the polish.
Next beauty is called GT03 aka Mars. This polish has dark brown base with smaller dark brown and orange glitter and bigger hexagonal golden glitter. In the sun I can also se microscopic blue glitter which gives another dimension to the polish.
Sledi GT04 oz. Neptun, kjer lahko v temno zeleni bazi vidimo majhne zlate, srebrne in zelene ter velike zelene šestkotne bleščice.
Next is GT04 aka Neptune. In dark green base we can see small golden, silver and green glitter and larger hexagonal green glitter.
Next is GT04 aka Neptune. In dark green base we can see small golden, silver and green glitter and larger hexagonal green glitter.
Zadnji v tej kolekciji je GT05 oz. Jupiter. V temno vijolično jelly bazo so vmešane čisto majhne oranžne, malo večje vijolične in velike modrozelene šestkotne bleščice, ki spreminjajo barvo.
Last but not the least is GT05 aka Jupiter. In dark purple jelly base is mixed tiny orange, bigger purple and big hexagonal blue green glitter, which shifts color.
Last but not the least is GT05 aka Jupiter. In dark purple jelly base is mixed tiny orange, bigger purple and big hexagonal blue green glitter, which shifts color.
Ponavadi nikoli ne kupim celotnih kolekcij lakov za nohte, ta pa me je prepričala že dvakrat - najprej pred nakupom, potem pa še na nohtih. Moji najljubši v naključnem vrstnem redu so: Merkur, Zemlja, Mars, Neptun in Jupiter. No, v bistvu kar vsi! ;D Žal mi je samo, v kolekciji ni toliko lakov, kot je planetov, pogrešam še Venero, Saturn in Uran, pri tako čudovitih gliterčkih pa bi bila za planet pripravljena priznati tudi Pluton-a! =)) Zaupajte mi, kateri od njih pa je vaš najljubši?
I usually don't buy whole nail polish collections, but this one convinced me twice already - first before I bought it and second when I put each polish on my nails. My favorites in random order are: Mercury, Earth, Mars, Neptune and Jupiter. Jap, all of them actually! ;D Unfortunately this collection does not consist of so many polishes as there are planets, I miss Venus, Saturn and Uranus. But with such great glitters I would count Pluto as a planet too, daaah! =)) Tell me, what do you think about those polishes and which one is / are your favorite?
I usually don't buy whole nail polish collections, but this one convinced me twice already - first before I bought it and second when I put each polish on my nails. My favorites in random order are: Mercury, Earth, Mars, Neptune and Jupiter. Jap, all of them actually! ;D Unfortunately this collection does not consist of so many polishes as there are planets, I miss Venus, Saturn and Uranus. But with such great glitters I would count Pluto as a planet too, daaah! =)) Tell me, what do you think about those polishes and which one is / are your favorite?
that's an amazing collection! I love the green!
OdgovoriIzbrišiUf, te lake že nekaj časa občudujem po blogih... Krasni so!
OdgovoriIzbrišikrasni su, gdje ih nabaviš :-D
OdgovoriIzbrišiNailderella, thank you! This collection is really cool, yeah! =))
OdgovoriIzbrišiBiba, priporočam! Tudi jaz sem jih najprej občudovala po blogih in rezultat je bil takšen, da se nisem mogla odločiti in mi je Anči naročila kar vse! :)
Nail crazy, zame jih je naročila Anček z ebay-a. Zdi se mi, da je zdaj še večja ponudba, kot je bila prej. :)
Such a beautiful collection. I just might want to get my hands on that!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPam, I agree with you! I just looove those polishes!!! Thank you for commenting! :)