25. februar 2012

Essence Crystalliced

Kupila sem štiri lake Essence zimske omejene kolekcije Crystalliced. Gre za svetle in nežne odtenke, ki ne vzbujajo pozornosti, vendar pa nohti z njimi izgledajo zelo urejeno.

I bought four polishes from Essence winter limited edition called Crystalliced. They are light and delicate and they do not attract too much attention, but wearing them made my nails and hands look really clean.

Essence - Frosted Champaign

Essence - Ice Crystals on My Window

Essence - Iced Age Reloaded

Essence - Ice Eyes Baby

Z zadnjo manikuro sem se še malo poigrala in ji dodala nadlak Golden Rose Paris 70, ki vsebuje majhne opalne bleščice in večje holografske paličice.

I've played a little with the last manicure and I topped it with a Golden Rose Paris 70 top coat, which contains small opal glitter and bigger holographic bar glitter.

Čeprav se zima počasi poslavlja, bodo ti lakci zagotovo kmalu spet prišli na vrsto. Moj najljubši odtenek je Frosted Champaign, kateri pa je najbolj všeč vam?

Although winter is almost gone here where I live, I will definitely be using those polishes again very soon. My favorite shade is Frosted Champaign. And which one do you like the most?

14. februar 2012

Nail polishes from Belgrade

V tej objavi vam bom pokazala nekaj odtenkov lakov iz Beograda. :) Prva dva sem dobila za darilo, zadnje tri pa sem si kupila na zadnjem izletu.

In this post I will show you some nail polishes from Belgrade. :) I recieved first two of them as a gift and other three I bought myself on my last trip.

Golden Rose Paris 218

Golden Rose Paris 128

Golden Rose Paris 128, Golden Rose Graffiti 111

OPI Red My Fortune Cookie, Golden Rose - Graffiti 112

Aura Shiny Dancer

Aura Shiny Dancer

Čez zadnjo manikuro sem nanesla še Constance Carroll Aqua Sparkle modro zelene bleščice. Ta manikura je ravno primerna za trenutne vremenske razmere, pri nas je zapadlo včeraj približno pol metra snega. :) Ali ga imate tudi ve tako zelo rade? :)

I put one coat of Constance Carroll Aqua Sparkle blue and green glitter over my last manicure. It is very appropriate for the weather we are having right now - yesterday we got about a half of meter of new snow. :) Do you like snow as well? :)

12. februar 2012

Guest post at Raggio di Luna Nails

Danes sem gostja na blogu Raggio di Luna nails, kjer si lahko ogledate mojo trenutno manikuro. Raggio, hvala za to čudovito priložnost in zanimivo izkušnjo! =)

Today I'm a guest blogger at Raggio di Luna Nails, where you can see my nails of the day. Raggio, thank you for this wonderful opportunity and a great experience! =)

11. februar 2012

Guest post: Raggio di Luna Nails

Danes nas bo s svojo manikuro razveselila Raggio di Luna z bloga Raggio di Luna Nails. Raggio se ukvarja z okraševanjem nohtov na vse možne načine in ko mislim, da sem videla že vse, me spet preseneti s kakšno popolnoma novo idejo! Pa poglejmo, kaj je pripravila za nas.

Today we will be delighted by manicure from Raggio di Luna from friends Raggio di Luna Nails blog. Raggio is engaged to decorate nails in every possible way, and when I think I've seen all she surprises me again with some brand new idea! Here's what she had prepared for us.

Oggi sono ospite di Kvacka, la mia carissima cugina e amica blogger.
Per lei ho preparato una manicure che ho chiamato “Dot-crossroad”. La particolarità di questa manicure è che l’ho creata utilizzando gli smalti ricevuti nel mio pacchettino sorpresa avuto da Kvacka a gennaio.
Kvacka, grazie sia per il pacchettino con i bellissimi smalti che mi hai mandato, sia per avermi ospitato sul tuo blog. Spero di ripetere questa eccitante esperienza al più presto possibile! :-)

Danas sam gost kod Kvačke, moje drage rođake i prijateljice blogerke.
Za nju sam pripremila jednu manikuru koju sam nazvala „Dot-crossroad“. Zanimljivost ove manikure je da sam je napravila koristeći lakove za nokte iz mog paketića iznenađenja dobijenog od Kvačke u januaru.
Kvačka, hvala i za paketić sa prekrasnim lakovima koje si mi poslala, a i za to što si mi pružila priliku da gostujem na tvom blogu. Nadam se da ćemo uskoro ponoviti ovo uzbudljivo iskustvo! :-)

Today I am the guest of Kvacka, my dear cousin and blogger friend.
For her I created a manicure called “Dot-crossroad”. It is particular because I created it using nail polishes from the surprise package which I got from Kvacka in January.
Kvacka, thank you for the surprise package with all the beautiful nail polishes that you sent me, and thank you also for giving me the opportunity to be a guest on your blog. I hope to repeat this exciting experience as soon as possible! :-)

S-he 426 rosa glitter olografico
Joy 353 viola scuro
Franken di Kvacka viola con glitter olografico
NYC n° 134 Pinstripe bianco
Bottega Verde gocce asciugasmalto istantaneo

S-he 426 roza sa holografskim sjajem
Joy 353 tamno ljubičasta
Kvackin franken ljubičasta sa holografskim sjajnim česticama
NYC N° 134 bela
Bottega Verde kapljice za brzo sušenje laka

Nail polishes:
S-he 426 rosa with holographic shine
Joy 353 dark purple
Kvacka’s franken purple with holographic glitter
NYC n° 134 Pinstripe white
Bottega Verde nail polish dryer

Uau, super manikura in izvirna kot vedno! Raggio, holografski laki na tvojih nohtih izgledajo odlično! In vesela sem, da so ti všeč lakci, ki sem ti jih poslala. ;) Še enkrat hvala za gostovanje, tole je super zabavno! =))

Wow, I love this manicure, it's unique as always! Raggio, holographic nail polishes look great on you! And I'm glad you liked the polishes I've sent you. ;) Thank you again for guest posting, this is so much fun! =))

Pupa 606 and Deborah Shine Tech 56

Pupa 606 je lakec, ki v steklenički izgleda noro čudovito. Gre za temno rdeče-vijoličen odtenek z večjim šimrom, ki spreminja barvo glede na osvetlitev. Na prvi pogled je roza, preliva pa se v zlato, zeleno, modro in vijolično barvo. Na žalost ta efekt na nohtih ni opazen, vendar me je lakec vseeno navdušil. Prekrivnost je odlična, zadoščal bi že en sloj, vendar sem iz navade nanesla dva.

Pupa 606 is a nail polish which in the bottle looks insanely beautiful. It is a dark red-purple color with glass flecked shimmer that changes color depending on the lighting. At first glance it looks pink, but it shifts to gold, green, blue and purple color. Unfortunately, this effect is not noticeable on the nails, but I was still very impressed with this polish. Coverage was excellent, it was opaque in one coat, but I added two just out of habit.

Deborah Shine Tech odtenek številka 56 pa je turkizen odtenek z večjim zlatim, rumenim in zelenim šimrom. Čeprav imam v zbirki nekaj podobnih odtenkov, sem že nekajkrat posegla prav po tem laku, na nohtih namreč s tremi sloji izgleda veliko bolj živahen od ostalih. Svetlika se v vseh svetlobnih pogojih, tako na soncu, kot tudi v temnejših prostorih in velikokrat sem se zalotila, kako opazujem svoje nohte in jih obračam, da bi se bleščal še bolj. :)

Deborah Shine Tech nail polish number 56 is turquoise with golden, yellow and green glass flecked shimmer. Even though I have some similar nail polishes in my collection, I have worn this particular polish for several times, because with three coats it looks much more vibrant on the nails than others. It is sparkling in all lighting conditions, so in the sun, as well as in dark rooms, and often I caught myself staring at my nails and flipping them to see even more sparkles. :)

In kaj imata ta dva lakca skupnega? S potovanja mi ju je prinesel moj ati. Še vedno težko verjamem! =) Hihihi, glede na njegovo izbiro odtenkov sem vedno bolj prepričana, da na skrivaj bere moj blog! ;)

And what do these two nail polishes have in common? Both of them were a gift from my dad from his trip. It's still hard to believe! =) Hihihi, according to his choice of the shades I'm becoming increasingly convinced that he secretly reads my blog! ;)

8. februar 2012

Kiko 232 in 304

Danes vam bom pokazala še preostala Kiko lakca iz paketka presenečenja, ki sem ga prejela v začetku leta. Prvi od njiju je Kiko 232 oziroma Sparkle T. Biege Glitter, kot je navedeno na Kiko spletni strani. Gre za prosojen odtenek, ki je poln bleščic oziroma majhih krpic v kožni in roza barvi. Roza bleščice je bilo precej težko fotografirati, zato je druga slika zamegljena, ker so tako bolj opazne. Odtenek sem na fotografijah slojila čez krem Manhattan lak 95E kožne barve, vendar sem ga nosila tudi že samega. Polne prekrivnosti tako ni mogoče doseči, vendar je bil lakec vseeno zelo primeren, saj se mi je takrat precej mudilo, nohte pa sem imela vseeno nalakirane. ;)

Today I will show you the last two Kiko nail polishes from my surprise package, which I recieved in the begining of the year. The first of these is Kiko 232 or Sparkle T. Biege Glitter, as indicated on the Kiko website. It is a translucent shade full of biege and pink glitter or smaller flakies. Pink glitter was quite difficult to photograph, so the second picture is blurred because the glitter is way more noticeable. On the photos I layered this shade over Manhattan 95E creme nude nail polish, but I already wore it by itself as well. It is not fully opaque, but the polish was still very appropriate, because I was quite in a hurry, but my nails were still painted. ;)

Naslednji je Kiko 304 oziroma Silver Chrome, ki je svetlo srebrne barve s foil finišem. Nanesti je bilo potrebno kar 4 sloje, ker ni tako prekriven, kot so običajno podobni laki. Vseeno mi je bil končni rezultat zelo všeč.

The following is Kiko 304 or Silver Chrome, which is bright silver nail polish with foil finish. It was necessary to apply as much as 4 coats, because it is not as opaque as foil finish nail polishes usually are. However I still liked the final result.

Naj vam še enkrat omenim, da mi je lake iz Italije poslala prijateljica in sorodnica Raggio di Luna, ki se je tudi sama opredelila kot "zasvojenko z laki za nohte". =) Na njenem blogu Raggio di Luna Nails pa ne boste našle le lakov, ampak predvsem prekrasne umetnije, ki jih z njimi ustvarja na svojih nohtih. Je tudi vam njen blog všeč tako, kot je meni? :)

Let me mention again that I recieved these nail polishes from Italy from my dear friend and cousin Raggio di Luna, who is "Official Polish Addict" as well. =) But on her blog Raggio di Luna Nails you will not only find nail polishes, but especially beautiful pieces of art that she created with them on her nails. Do you like her blog as much as I do? :)

7. februar 2012

I won Essence Vampire's Love giveaway!

Uau, imam super novico - Aly z bloga Mai senza smalto! me je izžrebala v svoji nagradni igri in pred kratkim je po pošti prispela moja nagrada. Dobila sem vse lakce iz Essence omejene kolekcije Vampire's Love! =)) Aly, hvala! =))

Uau, I have some great news - I won a giveaway from Aly from Mai senza smalto! blog and my postman recently brought me my prize. I recieved all nail polishes from Essence Vampire's Love limited edition! =)) Aly, thank you so much! =))

Essence Gold Old Buffy, Into the Dark, True Love, The Dawn is Broken, Hunt Me If You Can.

Aly je super punca in paketku je priložila še eno njami italijansko čokolado. Khmmm, bila je odlična in še dobro, da mi jo je uspelo še pravočasno fotografirati! ;)

Aly is great girl and in the package she also included a surprise - very tasty italian chocolate. Khmmm, it was very good, luckily I took a photo of it just in time before it was... Gone! ;)

Na nohte sem najprej nanesla lakec, ki mi je od vseh petih najbolj zanimiv. To je temno rjav odtenek Gold Old Buffy z večjim zlatim in bronastim šimrom, v svoji zbirki še namreč nisem imela nobenega podobnega lakca!

Firstly I painted on my nails the most interesting polish out of the bunch. For me this was dark brown Gold Old Buffy nail polish with golden and bronze glass flecked shimmer. I have nothing similar to it in my collection!

Kako vam je všeč ta omejena kolekcija? Ste si kupile kakšen lakec? Kateri pa je vaš najljubši?

Do you like this limited edition? Did you buy any nail polish from it? And which color is your favorite?