Pripravila sem primerjavo med lakoma za nohte: Jessica Iridescent Eye in Catrice Genius In The Bottle. Čeprav na prvi pogled in tudi v stekleničkah izgledata precej podobno, sta na nohtih popolnoma različna. Jessice vsebuje več zlate, medtem ko pri Catrice prevladuje bakreni odtenek. Oba laka se prelivata v zeleno in celo v modro barvo.
I prepared a comparison between two nail polishes: Jessica Iridescent Eye and Catrice Genius In The Bottle. Even though on the first sight and in the bottles they look very similar, they are completely different on the nails. Jessica is more golden and Catrice is more coppery shade. They both shift colors to green and even to blue.
I prepared a comparison between two nail polishes: Jessica Iridescent Eye and Catrice Genius In The Bottle. Even though on the first sight and in the bottles they look very similar, they are completely different on the nails. Jessica is more golden and Catrice is more coppery shade. They both shift colors to green and even to blue.
Catrice - kazalec in prstanec, Jessica - sredinec in mezinec.
Catrice - index and ring, Jessica - middle and pinkie.
Catrice - index and ring, Jessica - middle and pinkie.
Kateri od njih vam je bolj pri srcu? Jessica mi je bila takoj všeč in sem jo nosila že dvakrat, nad Catrice pa sedaj nisem več pretirano navdušena... Moram ji dati priložnost, da se izkaže, kajne?
Which of them do you prefer? I loved Jessica since I got it and I already wore it twice, but Catrice... I don't know, I'm not too excited anymore. But I should give it a chance and wear it, right?
Which of them do you prefer? I loved Jessica since I got it and I already wore it twice, but Catrice... I don't know, I'm not too excited anymore. But I should give it a chance and wear it, right?
Sedaj pa samo še novička za bralke iz Slovenije, če ga slučajno katera išče - danes sem v Maximarketu v Ljubljani videla še nekaj Jessica Iridescent Eye lakcev. Catrice pa naj bi bil tako ali tako v redni prodaji. ;)
mislim da mi se jessica sviđa više, iako su oba prekrasna... zašto ja ovaj catrice već nemam :-(
OdgovoriIzbrišiNail crazy, hitro v nabavo, preden jih zmanjka, hihi! =))
IzbrišiI like them both :)
OdgovoriIzbrišizebra-nails, thank you! =)
IzbrišiMislim, da mi je od Jessice bolj všeč. Ampak jaz sem že našla svojega duokromčka ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaaa, tudi tvoj je lep! <3 ;) Zanimivo bi bilo videti, kateremu je bolj podoben, Jessici ali Catrice. Ali pa mogoče Peridotu. ;)
IzbrišiOba su lepa, ali meni se više sviđa Catrice, sviđa mi se bakarni odsjaj :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiP.S. nisam znala da se mali prst zove mezinec! :-)
Hihi, Catrice sem ravnokar namazala na nohte in mi je dosti bolj simpatičen, kot prej. Ta bakreni sijaj sploh ni tako slab. ;)
IzbrišiNo, vidiš, na tujih blogih se marsikaj naučiš, zdaj poznaš še mezinčke. ;D Jaz pravim, da je branje in pisanje blogov uporabno tudi na drugih področjih, sedaj veliko lažje kaj napišem ali pa povem v angleščini, prej pa sem imela težave z besediščem. ;)
Interesting comparison! I prefer Jessica, too: Catrice seems really so copper-y! I wonder how different they are from other Peridot-dupes as Sephora 68 and Deborah (can't remember the exact number, maybe 72)...
OdgovoriIzbrišiI wonder about other dupes too, but I don't own any... Deborah seems to have a great new collection, not just Peridot-dupe, but many duochromes! I hope it comes here soon! =))
IzbrišiKvacka, thank you very much for your nice words at Fashion Polish :) Sona
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou don't need to thank me for that, I just really like your blog! =)
IzbrišiThe duochrome in both are gorgeous! Lovely pictures! :D
OdgovoriIzbriši~ Yun
Thank you! =)
IzbrišiThese are both so gorgeous! Duochromy goodness! Great comparison!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you, arfblat! I like duochrome finish too! =)