Že od dneva ko sem prvič videla Opi - Stay The Night mi je bil zelo všeč, zato sem se odločila da poskusim zmešati nekaj podobnega. Uporabila sem črn in mat prozoren lak ter pink bleščice.
I really liked Opi - Stay The Night when it came out and I tried to create something similar with what I had in my collection. I mixed black and clear matte nail polish with some loose pink glitter.
Dodala sem še dve plasti nadlaka, vendar mi rezultat ni najbolj všeč.
I added two more layers of top coat, but I don't really like the result.
Po kakšnem dnevu nošenja sem se odločila da dodam še gel nadlak, saj je edini ki takšnim mat sand lakcem doda sijaj kot sem ga želela.
After a day or so on my nails I decided to add some gel top coat over it. I fell this is the only way to add souch shine to a sandy matte nail polish.
Ni ravno enak kot Opi, ampak mi je vseeno zelo všeč.
It's not really the same as the Opi, but I like it a lot.