7. julij 2014

Yes Love - 463 with Essence - Huntsman

Nanesla sem tri plasti Yes Love - 463 laka, nato pa še dve plasti bleščičastega laka Essence - Huntsman iz SnowWhite kolekcije.

I applied three coats of Yes Love - 463, and then added two layers glittery of Essence - Huntsman nail polish from SnowWhite collection.

4. julij 2014

Jelly Sandwich

Med plasti Essence - SnowWhite laka iz SnowWhite LE sem nanesla dve plasti bleščičastega Bichun laka.

I applied two layers of glittery Bichun nail polish betwen layers of Essence - SnowWhite nail polish from SnowWhite LE.

Kakšen se vam zdi končni rezultat? Meni je zelo všeč.

What do you think of the final result? I really like it.

2. julij 2014

Yes Love - Neon Glitter - G1-1

Yes Love - Neon Glitter - G1-1 je že v osnovi prečudovite barve, neonske bleščice ga pa še dodatno naredijo čisto posebnega.

Yes Love - Neon Glitter - G1-1 has a beautiful base colour and the neon glitter only makes it even more special.

30. junij 2014

Makeup Revolution - Lilac Love

 S spletne strani Ličila.si sem prejela Makeup Revolution - Lilac Love lak. Za popolno prekrivnost je potreboval tri plasti.

 I have received Makeup Revolution - Lilac Love nail polish from a Slovenian online store. It took three coats for full coverage.

Za malo popestritve pa sem dodala še Elf - Chic Confetti, ki mi ga je Kvačka prinesla iz izleta v Združene države Amerike

To spice up the manicure I also added a nail polish that Kvacka brought to me fom the United States of America. Elf - Chic Confetti.

27. junij 2014

Yes Love - Neon Glitter - G11-4

Še eden izmed prečudovitih Yes Love - Neon Glitter lakov :)
Tale je eden izmed najbolj prekrivnih, se mi zdi da bi bila dovolj že ena plast, vendar sem jaz vseeno dala dve.

Another one of my pretty Yes Love - Neon Glitter nail polishes :)
This one is one of them that takes the least amount of coats. I think one would be enough, but I always apply two.

23. junij 2014

Essence- Nude Glam - Iced Latte

Na sliki sta 2 plasti laka Essence- Nude Glam - Iced Latte. To je popoln nude lak in mi je zelo všeč na mojih nohtih.

There are 2 coats of Essence- Nude Glam - Iced Latte nail polish on the photos. It's a perfect nude polish and I really like it.

20. junij 2014

Essence - Oh My Glitter!

Essence - Oh My Glitter! je zelo lep vijoličen lak, popoln za pomlad in poletje. Na sliki so tri plasti, brez nadlaka.

Essence - Oh My Glitter! is a nice purple glass flecked nail polish, perfect for spring and summer. It took three coats for perfect opacity.

18. junij 2014

Essence - Crazy Good Time - Colourbration

Essence - Colourbration sem nanesla preko Catrice - Sold Out Forever, vendar mislila da bi ga lahko imela tudi samega, saj se je izkazalo, da je bolj prekriven kot sem pričakovala.

I have applied Essence - Crazy Good Time - Colourbration over Catrice - Sold Out Forever nail polish, but it turned out I could wear it on it's own, because it is way less sheer than I expected.

fleš / flash 

v senci / shade

16. junij 2014

Essence - Show Your Feet - Purple Party

Essence - Purple Party je eden lepših vijolkotov v moji zbirki. Na nohtih izgleda skoraj kovinsko, presenetljivo pa je tudi prekriven v dveh slojih.

Essence - Purple Party is one of my favourite purple nail polishes. It almost looks like metal on nails and surprisingly it only took two coats to achieve this look.

13. junij 2014

Holographic beauty

Danes je na vrsti spet eden izmed mojih "zmešančkov". Tokrat sem v prozoren lak vmešala moder in čisto malo rozastega Essence pigmenta, ter srebrne holografske bleščice.

I have another on of my "franken" polishes to show to you today. This time I mixed blue and just a little bit of pink Essence pigment, with larger silver holographic gliter and clear nail polish.

Isto sem naredila še s samim rozastim pigmentom, vendar mi je prvi dosti bolj všeč.

I also did the same with only Pink pigment, but I prefer the first colour.

9. junij 2014

trying to recreate Opi - Stay The Night

Že od dneva ko sem prvič videla Opi - Stay The Night mi je bil zelo všeč, zato sem se odločila da poskusim zmešati nekaj podobnega. Uporabila sem črn in mat prozoren lak ter pink bleščice.

I really liked Opi - Stay The Night  when it came out and I tried to create something similar with what I had in my collection. I mixed black and clear matte nail polish with some loose pink glitter.

Dodala sem še dve plasti nadlaka, vendar mi rezultat ni najbolj všeč.

I added two more layers of top coat, but I don't really like the result. 

Po kakšnem dnevu nošenja sem se odločila da dodam še gel nadlak, saj je edini ki takšnim mat sand lakcem doda sijaj kot sem ga želela.

After a day or so on my nails I decided to add some gel top coat over it. I fell this is the only way to add souch shine to a sandy matte nail polish.

Ni ravno enak kot Opi, ampak mi je vseeno zelo všeč.

It's not really the same as the Opi, but I like it a lot.