30. junij 2010

Pretty little box

Danes me je poštar zelo razveselil! Prinesel mi je prekrasen majhen paketek z rožicami iz Amerike. :) Paketek je darilo prijazne blogerke jbrobeck (polish insomniac), ker sem pravilno odgovorila na vprašanje, ki ga je zastavila na svojem blogu.

The mailman made me very happy today! He brought me a beautiful little flowery package from America. :) This is a gift from a very lovely blogger jbrobeck (polish insomniac), because I correctly answered the question she asked on her blog.

Nagrada je Finger Paints lakec, odtenek Blissfully Blue, ki je prvi lakec te znamke v moji zbirki in mi je izredno všeč! V paketku pa me čakalo še presenečenje, in sicer China Glaze Matte Magic nadlak! =))

The prize is my first Finger Paints nail polish in colour Blissfully Blue which I love! And there was a surprise in the package too: China Glaze Matte Magic top coat! =)) Jessika, you're so sweet and I would really like to THANK YOU very, very much! You made my day!

And Rolling Rock ROCKS! =D

29. junij 2010

Colorful manicures

Zadnje čase mi navadne manikure niso ravno najbolj zanimive, zato sem poskusila dve malo bolj nenavadni kombinaciji. Obe sta narejeni s samimi holografskimi zmešančki.
Lately I'm not really too excited about ordinary one color manicures, so I tried two little more unusual combinations. Both of them are made with my holographic frankens.

Zgornja manikura je nastala med ustvarjanjem zmešančkov, vendar mi je bila na koncu tako všeč da je ostala na nohtih kar nekaj časa. Vseeno pa mi je spodnja bolj všeč in mislim da jo bom zelo kmalu poustvarila z drugimi barvami.

First manicure was created while I was swatching my new frankens, but it stayed on my nails for a while as I quite liked it. Anyway, I liked the second one even more and I will recreate it again with diferent colors.

Kaj pa vi mislite o mojih pisanih manikurah?
And what do you think about my colorful manicures?

28. junij 2010

Essence - Zulu, Desert Fox in Honey Bun

Essence lakce iz kolekcije Into The Wild ste videle že najmanj 100-krat, ampak vseeno vam bom pokazala še moje fotografije. Prvi je Zulu, siv lakec s smešnim, "wanna be matte" finišem. Na fotografiji so trije sloji brez nadlaka.

You have probably seen Essence nail polishes from Into The Wild collection at least 100-times, but I will still show you my photos. First one is Zulu, gray polish with funny "wanna be matte" finish. There are three coats on the photo, no top coat.

Desert Fox je rjav / taupe lakec s krem finišem, zadostujeta dve plasti.

Desert Fox is brown / taupe polish with creme finish and it is opaque in two coats.

Sledeča kombinacija pa ni tako pogosta, preko zgornjega lakca sem namreč nanesla še dve plasti lakca iz starejše Essence kolekcije Pure Beauty z imenom Honey Bun. Revčka sem že velikokrat fotografirala, ko je bil nanešen samostojno, vendar je na fotografijah izpadel veliko slabše, kot pa izgleda v resnici. Zdaj mu po mojem mnenju krivica ni storjena in njegov večbarvni šimer je sedaj dosti bolje viden. Sicer je ta lakec samostojno dokaj prosojen, preko prekrivnega lakca pa mi je še dosti bolj všeč.

The next combination is not that common. I have put two coats of Essence Honey Bun nail polish from older collection called Pure Beauty over the previous polish and this is what I got. I have taken lots of pictures of Honey Bun before, but it looks horrible on them and in reallity it is not that bad. On the next two photos you can see the multicolored shimmer which I love in this polish, which is sheer by itself, but looks great layered over opaque polish.

27. junij 2010

Catrice - Clay-ton, My Hero

Clay-ton, My Hero je še eden izmed Catrice lakcev, ki so vsi po vrsti super. Imajo meni osebno skoraj popoln čopič in prav vsi ki jih imam jaz potrebujejo samo dve plasti za popolno prekrivnost. Tale ni nobena izjema, barva je pa tudi, kot lahko vidite po fotografijah čudovita.

Clay-ton, My Hero is just another Catrice polish. They have almost perfect brush and all of the ones I own only need two coats for perfect opacity. This one is not an exception and the color is wonderful as you can see it on these photos.

26. junij 2010

Essence - The World's Coolest and Pointbreak

Lakce iz Essence Surfer Babe kolekcije sem vam predstavila že tukaj. Hang Loose ste si lahko ogledale kmalu pozneje, sledita pa še fotografiji preostalih dveh lakcev, ki sem ju kupila.

You can see Essence Surfer Babe nail polishes here. Photos of one of the polish called Hang Loose are here, but now I want to show you the rest of the polishes I bought.

Essence - The World's Coolest

Essence - Pointbreak

Essence - Pointbreak, China Glaze OMG, QT

Katera manikura vam je najbolj všeč?

Which of those manicures do you like the most?

25. junij 2010

Franken Birthday Rainbow

Včeraj sem dobila najlepše darilo...
Anček, zlata si, HVALA! =)
(To je pa res pravo Rainbows and Blues darilo, hihihi! :D )

Yesterday I got the most beautiful gift...
Anček, thank you SOOO much! =)
(This is really the Rainbows and Blues present, hihihi! :D )

*Padam v nezavest. Prosim, pokličite 112.* :D
*Now I can faint. Please call 911.* :D

23. junij 2010

Dots 2

Ker mi je bila prva manikura s pikicami tako zelo všeč, sem si tudi preko zmešančka, naredila pikice, za to pa sem uporabila lakec Color Club - Rebel Debutante.

I really liked my first manicure with dots, so I have decided to make some dots over my franky, this time I have used Color Club - Rebel Debutante nail polish for it.

22. junij 2010

Dusty teal creme franky

Tole je še zadnji od zmešančkov, ki sem jih ustvarila v zadnjem obdobju navdiha za mešanje lakcev :). Za spremembo sem naredila čisto krem lakec brez kakršnega koli šimra. Lak je modre do teal barve z pridihom sive, ki se je na sliki ne opazi tako zelo.

This is the last franky from series of them that I made lately. This one is completely creme dusty teal color.

21. junij 2010

Sally Hansen - Green With Envy

Sally Hansen - Green With Envy je resnično strupeno zelen odtenek za katerega si ne bi nikoli mislila da mi bo tako zelo všeč, kot mi je.

Sally Hansen - Green With Envy is Green creme polish that leans to yellow and I would never think that I will like it as much as I do.

20. junij 2010

Catrice - Sold Out Forever

Catrice - Sold Out Forever je svetlo zelen lakec, ki večino časa izgleda krem, vendar v sebi skriva kar nekaj svetlega šimra, ki se prikaže samo na močnem sončku. Na slikah sta 2 plasti.

Catrice - Sold Out Forever is a light green polish that looks creme most of the time, anyway it has some lighter shimmer that shows up nicely in strong sun. I painted two coats of polish for these pictures.

19. junij 2010


Včerajšnji manikuri sem dodala še pikice z lakcem China Glaze - For Audrey. Rezultat mi je zelo všeč, ker je zelo preprosta pa vendar niso čisto navadno nalakirani nohti.

I have added dots with China Glaze - For Audrey. I really like the result because it is simple but still not an ordinary manicure.

18. junij 2010

China Glaze - Secret Peri-wink-le

China Glaze - Secret Peri-wink-le je moder krem lakec, ki ga imam že kar nekaj časa vendar sem ga pred kratkim prvič uporabila. Barva mi je precej bolj všeč kot sem pričakovala, vendar se mi zdi da potrebuje malo popestritve in mislim da ga bom še malo pokonadirala.

China Glaze - Secret Peri-wink-le is a blue creme nail polish that I have owned for a while, but I have used it now for the first time. I like the color more than I have expected but I think I'll add some konad to it to make it more interesting.

17. junij 2010

Glitter accent finger manicure

Lakci uporabljeni za ti dve manikuri:
modra: Color Club - Chelsea Girl, na prstancu pa Color Club - Sexy Siren
zelena: Opi - Jade is the New Black, na prstancu pa Color Club - Object of Envy.

Nail polishes used in these two manicures:
blue:Color Club - Chelsea Girl with Color Club - Sexy Siren on ring finger
green: Opi - Jade is the New Black with Color Club - Object of Envy on ring finger

16. junij 2010

OPI - Shrek Forever After - Shrek-tacular minis

Z Anček sva od spletne trgovine Za piko na i dobili Shrek minije! =)) Sledijo opis in fotografije izdelkov. Na začetku je fotografija luštkane škatlice s štirimi mini lakci.

With Anček we recieved a package from the web shop called Za piko na i. In it there were Shrek minis! =)) Description and photos are following. First is the photo of a cute box with four mini nail polishes.

Od leve proti desni, opise odtenkov sem prepisala s škatlice (kar v angleščini, ker nekaterih stvari res ni mogoče prevesti:) :
From left to right, this are the description of colours on the box:

What's with the Cattitude? - A moody light blue that's really a pussycat.
Fiercely Fiona - Don't mess with this empowered light green.
Rumple's Wiggin - And this lavender is "hair" to stay!
Who the Shrek Are You? - A brilliant green that stands up for itself.

Na naslednjih dveh fotografijah je ena plast vsakega lakca, vrstni red je enak, kot zgoraj.

On the next two photos there is one coat of each polish in the same order as above.

Sledijo lakci v enakem vrstnem redu z dvema plastema.

Here they are in the same order, two coats each.

Čeprav sta bili dve plasti po mojem mnenju že dovolj prekrivni, sem vseeno dodala še tretjo za primerjavo.

Although I think two coats were enough opaque, I added one more just for comparison.

Laki so dobro prekrivni, z nanosom nisem imela nobenih težav. Kljub zelo majhnim stekleničkam je čopič dovolj velik, da se da z njim popolnoma normalno lakirati. Finiš je pri vseh lakcih krem, barve pa so zalo živahne in zato primerne za prihajajoče poletje. Meni so všeč, kakšne pa se zdijo vam?

Polishes are opaque in two coats as I said before and I had no application problems. Despite of very tiny bottles the brush is big enough to manoeuvre as I am used to. All nail polishes have creme finish and the colours are very vibrant and bright, just for the upcoming summer. I like them a lot. And what do you think about them?

Hvala vsem bralkam in bralcem ter vsem, ki komentirate najin blog, velika zahvala pa gre tudi spletni trgovini
Za piko na i, ki je omogočila ta prispevek! :)

Thank you, our dear readers and thanks to everyone, who comment on our posts, and of course big thanks goes to web shop Za piko na i, which enabled this post! :)

Barry M - Red Black

To je še zadnji predstavnik te znamke v moji zbirki, ki pa je precej drugačen od prej predstavljenih odtenkov, saj ne gre za svetlo in živo barvo, temveč vampy temno rdeč odtenek z jelly finišem. Lak je malo manj prekriven od ostalih, saj sem morala nanesti tri sloje.

This is the last of the Barry M's from my collection and it's quite different from the others I own, which are bright and vibrant. Red Black is vampy dark red nail polish with jelly finish and it needed three coats for full opacity.

Bliskavica. / Flash.

Senca. / Shadow.

Sonce. / Sun.

15. junij 2010

Shimmery blue franky

Tale zmešanček bi bil brez dvoma eden izmed mojih najljubših, če bi bil malo bolj prekriven. Na sliki so 4 plasti, kar je zame malo preveč, zato dvomim da bo lakec kmalu zopet prišel na vrsto.

This franky would be one of my favourites if it would be more opaque. There are four coats on the photos and that is too much for me so I don't think it will be on my nails again soon.