15. september 2013

OPI - San Francisco mini set

Preko spletne trgovine Zapikonai sem prejela OPI San Francisco kompletek mini lakcev za nohte, ki ga sestavljajo štirje lakci za nohte, vsak z vsebino 3,75 ml.

From the Slovenian online store Zapikonai I have recieved OPI San Francisco mini set, consisting of four mini size nail polishes, each containing 3,75 ml of product.

Na žalost je bilo že na prvi pogled očitno, da z rdečim lakcem nekaj ni bilo v redu. Pokrovček ni bil dovolj zatesnjen, zato je skoraj polovica lakca izhlapela, rezultat pa je bil popolnoma nemazljiv lakec. :(

Unfortunately there was something wrong with the red nail polish on the first sight. The cap was not tight enough, so almost half of the nail polish evaporated, and the end result was completely unusable polish. :(

Zato sem kontaktirala gospo Aranko s spletne trgovine Zapikonai. Obe sva se strinjali, da bi bilo lahko napačno razumljeno, če bi objavila le fotografije treh lakcev, zato mi je gospa v sodelovanju z distributerjem poslala še en rdeč mini lakec. Zelo sem zadovoljna z odnosom do strank in tudi v preteklosti sem imela kot kupec v tej spletni trgovini same dobre izkušnje. :)

So I contacted the lady Aranka from the Slovenian online store Zapikonai. We both agreed that it could be misunderstood if I published photos of only three nail polishes. That's why she sent me another mini red nail polish in collaboration with the distributor. I am very pleased with the customer service and in the past as a customer I only had very good experiences shopping in this store too. :)

V kompletku so torej sledeči štirje lakci: / So in the package there are following four nail polishes:

First Date at the Golden Gate - You and me and this shimmery ruby make three.
Muir Muir on the Wall - This trailblazing plum is the fairest of all.
In the Cable Car-Pool Lane - Good golly, Miss Trolley, this rich burgundy takes me away!
Peace & Love & OPI - This holographic sage and eggplant is far out!

OK, a sem samo jaz tako neumna ali pa so te opisi lakcev res tako ZELO zanič? Saj v kompletku sploh ni "bleščičastega rdečkota" in "holografskega lakca"! In samo po branju opisov bi na koncu pomešala še preostala dva, Muir Muir on the Wall and In the Cable Car-Pool Lane. Tega pa res ne razumem.

OK, is it just me or those descriptions are really THAT lame? There's no shimmery ruby and holographic nail polishes in the package! And just by reading the descriptions I would switch up the other two, Muir Muir on the Wall and In the Cable Car-Pool Lane. I don't get that, I really don't.

Zdaj pa k fotografijam lakcev na nohtih, končno. :) Na spodnjih treh fotografijah si lahko lakce ogledate v enakem vrstnem redu, kot so zloženi v škatlici (in temu sem prilagodila tudi zgornje opise).

Now to the photos of polishes on the nails, finally. :) On the following three photos you can see the polishes in the same order as they are stacked in a box (and I also adjusted the above descriptions to this order).

Ena plast. / One coat.

Dve plasti. / Two coats.

Tri plasti. / Three coats.

Lakci so popolnoma različnih konsistenc. Pri prvem, First Date at the Golden Gate, sta zadostovali samo dve plasti. Gre za krem rdeč odtenek, ki potegne na opečnato barvo. Meni je bil zelo všeč.

Polishes have completely different consistency. First one is First Date at the Golden Gate, where only two coats were enough. This is a cream shade of burnt or maybe dusty red color. I really like this one.

Naslednji je Muir Muir on the Wall, temen šimrasto vijoličen lakec. Zanj sem imela največja pričakovanja, vendar me je od vseh štirih lakcev tudi najbolj razočaral. Na fotografijah so štiri plasti. Kljub previdnosti pri nanosu pa bi lahko na prstanec nanesla še peto (!) plast. Vidite še vedno prosojno plast pri vrhu nohta? :( Poskušala sem najti tudi duochrome efekt. A-a.

Next one is Muir Muir's on the Wall, shimmery dark purple nail polish. I had the highest expectations for this one from all four polishes and at the end it disappointed me the most. This are four coats. Despite I was very careful at applying it the ring fingernail would still need another, the fifth (!) layer. Do you see the bald spot on the top of that nail? :( I also tried to find a duochrome effect. Nope.

Tretji po vrsti je In the Cable Car-Pool Lane, vijoličen lakec z jelly finišem, ki mi je presenetljivo zelo všeč. Na fotografijah so trije sloji.

Third in a row is In the Cable Car-Pool Lane, purple jelly nail polish. To my surprise I really loved it's finish. There are three coats on the photos.

Zadnji izmed štirih lakcev pa je na vrsti Peace & Love & OPI. Gre za zeleno vijoličen douchrome šimrast lakec. Pričakovala sem frosty finiš, ampak se proge čopiča skoraj niso poznale, zato sem bila z njim še bolj zadovoljna. :) Na fotografijah so trije sloji.

The last of the four polishes it is Peace & Love & OPI. It is a green douchrome shimmery purple nail polish. I was expecting a frosty finish, but the brushstrokes were almost invisible, so I was very satisfied with this nail polish. :) On the photos there are three coats.

Na splošno sem zelo zadovoljna s tem kompletkom. Odtenke so izbrali čisto po mojem okusu, glede na celotno kolekcijo so mi le-ti namreč najbolj všeč. Mogoče vmes pogrešam samo katerega od Sand Texture lakcev, npr. Alcatraz... Rocks. :) Kakšen pa se ta kompletek zdi vam? Če vam je všeč ali pa bi želele pobrskati med vsemi OPI odtenki, ki jih ponujajo na Zapikonai, kliknite TUKAJ.

Overall I am very pleased with this set of minis. According to the whole collection I really like their selection of shades, I like those the most. Maybe I only miss one of Sand Texture polishes, for example Alcatraz ... Rocks. :) And what do you think about this set? If you like it or if you would like to browse all OPI shades offered by the Zapikonai, click HERE.

12 komentarjev:

  1. I like In the Cable Car-Pool Lane the most :)

    1. Thank you! This one definitely has something special to it, I agree! =))

  2. dobre bojica, mislim da bih se prvo odlučila za poslljednjeg :D

    1. Mislim, da ne bi nič zgrešila s to odločitvijo, zelo je lep. ;) Hvala!

  3. Great colors! Peace & Love & OPI is one of my favorites from the collection... the color shift there in is just so pretty! :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Yes, I agree. At first I thougt the color shift would be more obvious, but I like it this way too! :)

  4. Cable Car-Pool Lane je res krasne, pa tudi rdeč ni slab. :)

    1. Jap, tale vijolko je res nekaj posebnega, nimam nič podobnega. Rdečko je pa seksi, itak. ;))

  5. Meni se najvise dopada Muir Muir's on the Wall, ali mislim da bih odustala, ne bih izdrzala da mazem toliko slojeva da bi tako lepo izgledao :-) Dopada mi se i Cable Car-Pool Lane, neobicno i lepo izgleda :-)

    1. Ja, se strinjam s tabo, jaz sem na koncu tudi odnehala, čeprav bi rabila še en sloj Muir Muir's on the Wall lakca... Škoda. :( Za Cable Car-Pool Lane si pa polpolnoma zadela, res izgleda neobičajno in verjetno je zato tudi meni tako všeč. =))

  6. lepi lakci na popolnih nohtkih ;)
    najbolj všeč sta mi pa oba šimrasta lakca :)
