S spletne trgovine Viva la Nails sem pred kratkim prejela nov paketek. Zelo prijazna Samantha mi je poslala tri različne kompletke vodnih nalepk za nohte, kompletek majhnih vodnih nalepk in še kompletek navadnih nalepk.
I have recently recieved a package from Viva la Nails store. Very friendly and nice Samantha sent me three different nail wrap water decal packs, small water decals and stickers.
I have recently recieved a package from Viva la Nails store. Very friendly and nice Samantha sent me three different nail wrap water decal packs, small water decals and stickers.
Najprej sem na nohte nanesla Water Decal Nail Wraps št. 38 v vzorčku žirafe. :)
First I wore Water Decal Nail Wraps št. 38, the giraffe pattern.
First I wore Water Decal Nail Wraps št. 38, the giraffe pattern.
Nalepke so bile res žive barve, zato sem si za naslednjo manikuro zaželela nekaj malo bolj umirjenega, ampak še vedno zanimivega. Izbrala sem lakec MAC v odtenku Formidable!, preko pa sem nanesla še vodne nalepke št. BW08, luštne bele rožice.
Those nail wraps were really colorful and bright, so after that I wanted to wear something a bit more toned down, but still interesting. I chose MAC nail polish in the shade Formidable! and over it I have put on white flower water decals - Nr. BW08.
Those nail wraps were really colorful and bright, so after that I wanted to wear something a bit more toned down, but still interesting. I chose MAC nail polish in the shade Formidable! and over it I have put on white flower water decals - Nr. BW08.
Nanos vodnih nalepk je zelo enostaven, večje sem potopila v vodo za kakšno minuto in jih nato nanesla na nohte in zgladila robove, potem pa premazala še z nadlakom. Manjše nalepke pa sem kar izrezala, položila na noht in navlažila z gobico. Po nekaj sekundah se je vzorček zelo lepo prenesel. K sreči pa sem nohte fotografirala pred nanosom nadlaka. Na žalost je ta nalepke malenkost poškodoval in razmazal, vendar na svoj "dosežek" nisem bila preveč ponosna, zato vam končne manikure ne pokažem. ;P
Application of water decals is very simple, I put the bigger ones in the water for about a minute. I then applied them to my nails and rubbed the edges. After that I topped it off with a top coat. But smaller decals were even easier, I have just cut them out, put them on the right spot on the nail and moistened them with a sponge. After a few seconds flowers transferred very nice. But thankfully I took photos of my nails before applying the top coat. Unfortunately, the decals were slightly damaged and smudged, so I am not very proud of how it looked and I will not show you my final manicure. ;P
Application of water decals is very simple, I put the bigger ones in the water for about a minute. I then applied them to my nails and rubbed the edges. After that I topped it off with a top coat. But smaller decals were even easier, I have just cut them out, put them on the right spot on the nail and moistened them with a sponge. After a few seconds flowers transferred very nice. But thankfully I took photos of my nails before applying the top coat. Unfortunately, the decals were slightly damaged and smudged, so I am not very proud of how it looked and I will not show you my final manicure. ;P
Za konec pa še nekaj fotografij laka samega po sebi. Za popolno prekrivnost sem nanesla tri sloje. V resnici se barve prelivajo še veliko lepše, kot mi je to uspelo ujeti.
And finally, a few photos of the nail polish itself. For complete coverage I needed to apply three layers. In fact, the color shift is much nicer than I was able to catch it.
And finally, a few photos of the nail polish itself. For complete coverage I needed to apply three layers. In fact, the color shift is much nicer than I was able to catch it.
Poznate vodne nalepke oz. ste jih že kdaj uporabile same? Kako ste bile zadovoljne z njimi?
Did you already use water decals nail wraps too? If you did, did you like them?
Did you already use water decals nail wraps too? If you did, did you like them?
odlično! divne boje i manikura
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti! :)
IzbrišiHej, mala, vracas se na "stare" lakove ili je to samo malo promene do sledeceg Gellac laka? :-) Water decal nail wraps su napravljeni za neke bas dugacke nokte, vidim da ces ove zirafice moci da iseces i iskoristis 2 puta, hihihi... :-) Ruzice su bas fino ispale, a i sve ostalo izgleda vrlo zanimljivo! :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMeni water decals pravi Claudio, samo treba da izaberem dezen koji mi se dopada, pa on to meni sve fino odstampa na decal papiru... Sve to besplatno, hihihi... :-)
E, pa gellack imam samo eno barvo! Ne morem je potem nositi čisto ves čas! ;) Hihi, sprememba vseeno paše. ;)
IzbrišiWater Decals bi pa res lahko imela za 2x, ja, ko pa imam tako kratke nohtke. :) Je pa tvoj možek res zlat, hihihi! Ko bi le tudi moj to znal! ;P =)) =)) =))
Those giraffe nail decals are so cute!! And I love the white flower decals too... they stand out so well against the dark base. :)
OdgovoriIzbriši~ Yun
Thank you, Yun, I agree. :))