19. november 2013

Bella Oggi - Strass Effect - 03 and 04

Znašla sem se v situaciji, ko sta me zelo pritegnila dva lakca s hrapavim finišem, vendar zanju preprosto nisem želela plačati toliko denarja, kot je bila njuna cena. Prvi od njiju je OPI - Jinx iz Liquid Sand linije, drugi pa IsaDora - Ocean Crush s Sugar Crush kolekcije. Potem pa sem se znašla pred novim stojalom Bella Oggi kozmetike. In glej ga zlomka, na polički so imeli tudi lakce s Strass Effect finišem, med njima pa odtenka 04 in 03, ki ne bi mogla biti bolj podobna prvima dvema lakcema, ki sem ju omenjala. In cena? Za oba skupaj sem plačala približno 6 €. Ko pa sem prišla domov, sem navdušeno ugotovila, da sta kljub občutno nizki ceni tudi zelo kvalitetna! :)

I found myself in a situation where I was very attracted to two nail polishes with a textured finish, but I just didn't want to pay as much money for them as their price was. The first one of these was OPI - Jinx from the Liquid Sand line and the other one was Isadora - Ocean Crush from Sugar Crush collection. Later I spotted a new stand from Bella Oggi cosmetics in my store. And OMG, on the shelf there were also nail polishes with Strass Effect finish. Among them there were two shades, 04 and 03, which couldn't be more similar to the first two polishes I mentioned. What about their price? For both of them together I paid about 6 €. And when I got home, I was also delighted to find out that, despite their significantly lower price, they are also very good quality! :)
Odtenek št. 04 je živo oranžne barve z zlatimi bleščicami. Na fotografiji sta sicer dva sloja, vendar bi bil morda dovolj tudi že en sam. Prekrivnost je odlična, lak se je lepo nanašal in zelo hitro posušil, hrapav efekt pa je zelo očiten.

Color Nr. 04 is bright orange nail polish with golden glitter. There are two coats on the photos, but I might get away with only one too, it's very opaque. The polish was easy to work with, it dried very fast and the textured finish is very noticeable. 

Opis odtenka št. 03 je zelo podoben prvemu, le da gre za drugačno barvo - turkizno ali pa modro zeleno z zlatimi bleščicami.

The shade 03 has the same qualities as the first one, except that it is a different color - turquoise or maybe blue green with golden glitter.

Nad tema dvema lepotcema sem še vedno čisto navdušena! :) Ostalih odtenkov sicer nimam, vendar lahko ta dva vseeno toplo priporočam. Če so OPI in IsaDora laki predragi tudi vam, pa sploh. Stojalo sem videla v prodajalni Nama v Ljubljani. Kako pa vam je sicer všeč ta hrapav finiš?

I am still quite impressed over these two beauties! :) I do not own other shades from this line, but I can still recommend these two very much. If OPI and IsaDora nail polishes are too expensive for you too, then even more. Do you even like polishes with textured finish?

14. november 2013

Barry M - Caramel and Models Own - Grape Juice

Danes vam bom pokazala fotografije dveh lakcev, ki sem jih za preizkus prejela od spletne trgovine ličila.si. Prvi med njima je Barry M lakec Caramel iz Matte kolekcije. Kot pove že samo ime kolekcije, gre za mat lak, njegovo ime pa dobro opiše barvo, gre za svetlo karamelni ali temnejši kožni odtenek. Na fotografijah so trije sloji.

Today I will show you photos of two polishes that I received from slovenian online store ličila.si for swatching. First among them is Barry M Caramel nail polish from Matte collection. As the name of the collection already implies, it is a matte nail polish and its name describes it good as well, it is a light caramel or dark nude color. There are three coats on the photos.

Naslednji pa je Models Own lakec iz Scented kolekcije, ki naj bi bila odišavljena. Grape Juice je pastelno vijoličen odtenek, ki pa na žalost popolnoma nič ne diši. :( Na fotografijah so trije sloji.

Next one is Models Own nail polish from the Scented collection, which should be scented, of course. Grape Juice is a pastel purple shade, but unfortunately there is absolutely no scent about it at all. :( There are three coats on the photos.

Oba lakca sem fotografirala brez nadlaka, da bo res vidno, kakšen finiš imata. Prvi od njiju je popolnoma mat, drugi pa zelo sijoč, kar mi je bilo zelo všeč. Imate tudi ve kakšnega od lakcev iz teh dveh kolekcij? Če imate kakšnega is Scented kolekcije, a diši?

Both of these polishes here are photographed without a top coat so you can really see what finish do they have. The first of these is completely matte, but the other is very shiny, which I liked very much. Do you also have some of the polishes from these two collections? If you have any from Scented collection, does it have a scent?

12. november 2013

Opi - Can't Let Go

Tega lepotca sem dobila za darilo od fanta, zato mi je še posebaj pri srcu. Najprej sem ga nosila 2 dni samega, nato pa sem si zaželela malo spremembe in dodala še eno plast nadlaka. 

I received this polish as a gift from my boyfriend so I like it even more because of this. I wore it two days on it's own and then I decided to change it up a little so I added top coat. 

2 plasti, brez nadlaka, pod umetno svetlobo / two coats, no top coat, artificial light

brez nadlaka, slikano z bliskavico / no top coat, flash

nadlak na vsakem drugem nohtu, slikano z bliskavico / top coat on alternating nails, flash

nadlak, bliskavica / top coat, flash

Meni je prečudovit v obeh verzijah. Kako je pa vam bolj všeč?
I love it both ways. What do you think?

10. november 2013


Na nohte sem nanesla 2 plasti laka Catrice - Drama Queen
I applied 2 layers of Catrice - Drama Queen nail polish

Preden se je lak popolnoma posušil sem nanesla Essence raznobarvne bleščice v prahu in nato še nadlak. Meni je končni izgleda zelo všeč.
Before nail polish dried completely I applied some multicoloured Essence loose glitter and a top coat. I really like the finished look.

7. november 2013


Kvačka mi je posodila te tri lake, sedaj pa so vsi trije na moji listi želja, saj so čisto preveč popolni :) Vse nadaljnje besede so odveč, tako da najboljše da pokažem slike.

I borrowed these three nail polishes from Kvacka. They are all perfect and on my wishlist now :) i can't even describe how beautiful they are, so I'll show you the pictures.

Layla - Ocean Rush

Layla - Flash Black

Layla - Metal Chrome

5. november 2013

Summer colors

Ker že kar malo pogrešam morje in poletje, sem se odločila da vam pokažem par lakov ki sem jih nosila poleti.

I miss the sea and summer, so I decided to show you a couple of bright summery colors.

Ruby Kisses HD - Hot Pink Obsession

Essecnce Sun Club BBC - Orange Sunset

Kleancolor - Neon Amethyst

4. november 2013

Models Own

Pred nekaj časa sem dobila za stestirat te Models Own lakce iz slovenske spletne trgovine click2chic.si

A while ago I received a couple of Models Own nail polishes from a Slovenian online store www.click2chic.si

vsi trije prejeti laki / all three received polishes

Artstix Duo Blibble

Pink krem lakec je eden izmed majlepših rozekov v moji zbirki, bleščice bom pa raje uporabljala preko kake druge baze, saj mi preko tega niso najbolj všeč.

Creme pink nail polish is one of my favourite pink nail polishes. The glitter is great too, but I will use it over another base next time.

Artstix - Hedonist je popolna mešanica rdeče in oranžne barve, tako da bo tudi še dostikrat na mojih nohtih

Artstix - Hedonist is a perfect mixture of red and orange so I will happily wear it many more times.

z nadlakom / with top coat

Dancing Queen, so bleščice različnih barv in oblik v prozorni osnovi. Malo težje ga je nanesti, vendar je vredno, saj je rezultat čudovit.

Dancing Queen has multicoloured and multishaped glitter in clear base. It is harder to apply but it is worth it because of amazing result.

Preko črnega laka / Over black nail polish

2. november 2013

Recent manicures

Manikure prejšnjega meseca:
Previous month manicures:

Kleancolor - Neon Purple

Kleancolor - Neon Purple & Essence - Circus Confetti

Kleancolor - Neon Purple & Kleancolor - Chunky Holo Purple

Catrice - Rouge, Bien Sür

Catrice - Quel Bleu Turquoise

 Tony Moly - GT01

Meni so vse zelo všeč in upam da mi bo v novembru uspelo večkrat nalakirati in poslikati nohte.

I really like all these colors and I really hope I will manage to polish my nails more frequently in november.