Danes vam bom pokazala fotografije dveh lakcev, ki sem jih za preizkus prejela od spletne trgovine ličila.si. Prvi med njima je Barry M lakec Caramel iz Matte kolekcije. Kot pove že samo ime kolekcije, gre za mat lak, njegovo ime pa dobro opiše barvo, gre za svetlo karamelni ali temnejši kožni odtenek. Na fotografijah so trije sloji.
Today I will show you photos of two polishes that I received from slovenian online store ličila.si for swatching. First among them is Barry M Caramel nail polish from Matte collection. As the name of the collection already implies, it is a matte nail polish and its name describes it good as well, it is a light caramel or dark nude color. There are three coats on the photos.
Today I will show you photos of two polishes that I received from slovenian online store ličila.si for swatching. First among them is Barry M Caramel nail polish from Matte collection. As the name of the collection already implies, it is a matte nail polish and its name describes it good as well, it is a light caramel or dark nude color. There are three coats on the photos.
Naslednji pa je Models Own lakec iz Scented kolekcije, ki naj bi bila odišavljena. Grape Juice je pastelno vijoličen odtenek, ki pa na žalost popolnoma nič ne diši. :( Na fotografijah so trije sloji.
Next one is Models Own nail polish from the Scented collection, which should be scented, of course. Grape Juice is a pastel purple shade, but unfortunately there is absolutely no scent about it at all. :( There are three coats on the photos.
Next one is Models Own nail polish from the Scented collection, which should be scented, of course. Grape Juice is a pastel purple shade, but unfortunately there is absolutely no scent about it at all. :( There are three coats on the photos.
Oba lakca sem fotografirala brez nadlaka, da bo res vidno, kakšen finiš imata. Prvi od njiju je popolnoma mat, drugi pa zelo sijoč, kar mi je bilo zelo všeč. Imate tudi ve kakšnega od lakcev iz teh dveh kolekcij? Če imate kakšnega is Scented kolekcije, a diši?
Both of these polishes here are photographed without a top coat so you can really see what finish do they have. The first of these is completely matte, but the other is very shiny, which I liked very much. Do you also have some of the polishes from these two collections? If you have any from Scented collection, does it have a scent?
Both of these polishes here are photographed without a top coat so you can really see what finish do they have. The first of these is completely matte, but the other is very shiny, which I liked very much. Do you also have some of the polishes from these two collections? If you have any from Scented collection, does it have a scent?
caramel mi baš i nije nešto,ali grape juice je prekrasan, miris mu je samo plus :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiE, enako sem najprej pomislila jaz, ampak potem sem pa pogruntala, da je Caramel vseeno ok podlaga za kakšen ne čisto prekriven bleščičast lak. ;)
IzbrišiMe sploh ne moti pomanjkanje vonja, je prelepa barva :) So ti vonji ponavadi tako umetni, da raje vidim da ga ni =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo imaš pa čisto prav, hihi! :)
IzbrišiAja, karamelko je pa itak popoln <3 :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, ga dobiš. ;)
IzbrišiLakec Caramel je super lep. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti! :)
IzbrišiBarry M Caramel mi se bas dopada, i boja i mat efekat :-) Models Own Grape Juice je klasicno lepa boja, a meni ne bi smetalo to sto ne mirise :-) A gde je nail art? :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHehehe, veš, glede nail arta je pa tako, da imam sestrično, ki ga NORO obvlada in potem tudi jaz nisem zadovoljna z manj. Ker pa mi tako kot njej nikoli ne uspe, nema nail art-a. ;))
IzbrišiHihi, hvala ti, Tacko! =))
To znaci da hitno moram da ti posaljem malo nail art-a na tvoju adresu, pa da ga ti nalepis na baznu boju! :-)
IzbrišiHihihi, ni treba, imam še rožice, pa mi jih je škoda porabiti samo za "swatche", raje jih šparam za celo manikuro. ;))
IzbrišiModels Own mi je zelo lep. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, Taya! :)