4. julij 2010

Color Club - Worth the Risque + comparison

Pred kakšnim tednom dni sem imela na nohtih Worth the Risque, srebrn holografski odtenek znamke Color Club. Ko sem ga nanesla na nohte pod umetno osvetlitvijo, se mi je holo učinek zdel zelo šibak in komaj sem čakala na naslednji dan, da ga vidim na sončku. Žal me je lakec tudi takrat kar malce razočaral, saj je mavrica zelo slabo vidna... :( Lakec je sicer še vedno lep, ampak po fotografijah z ostalih blogov nisem pričakovala samo lepega lakca, temveč norega! :S

About a week ago I was wearing Color Club Worth the Risque, silver holographic nail polish on my nails. The holo effect was not very visible under artificial light when I put it on, so I was really excited to see it in the sun the next day. Unfortunately I was even more dissapointed, because the rainbow was really very very subtle... :( This is still a nice polish, but because of seeing it on other blogs I wasn't expecting just nice one, but crazy one! :S

Umetna osvetlitev. / Artificial light.

Sonce. / Sun.

Kmalu nato sem se odločila, da naredim primerjavo med tem lakcem in nekaterimi ostalimi holografskimi srebrnimi sivkoti. Ostale mavrice so se mi namreč zdele veliko bolj pisane in imela sem prav. Vsi lakci so nanešeni v treh slojih. Ali lahko uganete, kateri so sodelovali v primerjavi poleg Worth the Risque? Za pomoč je steklenička enega izmed njih na spodnji fotografiji. :)

Just a little while later I decided to do a comparison with the Color Club and other silvery/grey holographic nail polishes I own. I thought that the other raibows would be much more visible and I was right. I did three coat of each nail polish. Can you guess, which polishes I was comparing? For a little help - one of them is Worth the Risque and there is a bottle of another one in my hand on the photo below. :)

6 komentarjev:

  1. this makes me sad. =(

    I also bought worth the risque because it looked so pretty from all the swatches online. maybe I will layer it with ds shimmer.

    if ind color club holos are....lacking a bit.

  2. I totally agree with you! Color Club holos aren't as holo as the others. But they are more opaque than most others and I still like them because of that. But on the other way, I bought all of mine firstly because they should be holo, I can find regular opaque polishes anywhere and then layer them with a stronger holo... :S

  3. Shame that they're not as holo, but it's stil a pretty nice polish :)

  4. Love the colors. Very pretty xx

  5. meni je pa všeč da je malo manj holografski ;)
    edini srebrni holo ki ga imam je sexagon, pa mislim da je samo enkrat prišel na vrsto :$

  6. Ah, I will wear it again, that's for sure. The color is still lovely. :)
    Thanks, girls! :)
