1. julij 2010

Finger Paints - Blissfully Blue and China Glaze - Matte Magic

Danes imam za vas obljubljene fotografije lakca Finger Paints v odtenku Blissfully Blue. Gre za krem pastelno modro barvo, ki je bila presenetljivo super enostavna za nanašanje! Če bi bila previdna, bi jo lahko odnesla že z eno plastjo, vendar nisem bila, zato sta na fotografijah dve plasti. Steklenička mi je izredno lepe oblike, čopič je ravno prav velik in ni sploščen, lak pa je zelo prekriven. Lakcev te znamke si moram očitno priskrbeti še več! :)

Today I will show you my photos of Finger Paints Blissfully Blue nail polish. This is pastel light blue creme and it was super easy to apply! If I have been more careful, I could get away with just one coat, but I wasn't, so there are two coats on the photos. This polish is super opaque and I love that! The bottle is very pretty to me too and the brush is not flat and it's not too big. I have to get more of these beauties from Finger Paints! :) Jess, thank you so so much, I loved the color in the bottle right away, but on the nails it's even better! :)

Finger Paints - Blissfully Blue, senca. / Finger Paints - Blissfully Blue, shadow.

Finger Paints - Blissfully Blue, sonce. / Finger Paints - Blissfully Blue, sun.

Finger Paints - Blissfully Blue, China Glaze - Matte Magic

13 komentarjev:

  1. čudovito! Še kredasta verzija mi je všeč <3 ;)

  2. this color is gorgeous! i love it!!

  3. Oh I'm in love! ) Mi je pa glossy verzija lepša! :)

  4. wow, it looks like candy with Magic Matte on top!

  5. those look like blue sweet tarts! love it!

  6. Girls, thank you all so much! =)

  7. Leeep! Tudi zmatirana verzija je krasna!

  8. I love the first pic, but the last one kind of scared me. :) I guess you can see I'm not matter finish fan. :)

  9. Maestra in Gejba, hvala tudi vama!
    Meni je zmatirana verzija malo manj všeč, ampak me na srečo vseeno ni prestrašila, hihi! ;)
