Za vas imam fotografije enega od mojih dveh Nubarčkov, in sicer vijolično zelenega duochrome odtenka Purple Beach. Lakec vsebuje veliko vijoličnega in zelenega šimra, na fotografijah so tri plasti, vse pa so nastale na sončku. Žal mi zelene barve ni uspelo najbolje ujeti...
Here are the photos of one of my two Nubar polishes - purple green duochrome colour called Purple Beach. In it there is a lot of purple and green shimmer, there are three coats on the photos and they are all made in the sun. Unfortunately I could not capture the green colour...
Here are the photos of one of my two Nubar polishes - purple green duochrome colour called Purple Beach. In it there is a lot of purple and green shimmer, there are three coats on the photos and they are all made in the sun. Unfortunately I could not capture the green colour...
Ooo, tega imam tudi jaz in se mi zdi, da si ga kar lepo ujela! <3<3<3 Sladke nohtke imaš! ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišilepooo *drool*
OdgovoriIzbrišijaz bi ga tudi imela <3
Nice polish Jabelchen´s Blog
OdgovoriIzbrišiI ordered this one, I hope it arrives soon. It's a very nice purple :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTiana, hvala! Mi je kar malo nerodno. ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnček, hvala, tudi meni je res všeč. Dolgo je bil na WL in je res vreden svojega denarja. Škoda samo, da mi ga ni uspelo bolje fotografirati...
Jabelchen, thank you!
Shiny, I hope it already arrived! ;)